(As the camera fades in Yours Truly is sitting on the set of a talk show. Adam is seen sitting at the interview table reading over some notes as the cameras begins filming him)
Benjamin: Hello folks and welcome to the very first ever Benjamin’s Corner, a very fresh and new talk show that Yours Truly will time in and time out bring to you live. Unlike the common talk shows I am not going to talk about boring everyday stuff. No I am going to talk about the simple things as well as hype up my matches in EPW.
(Fake crowd applause)
Benjamin: Ah special effects got to love them. Well lets see this week I am involved in a very important IC title tournament match. At this stage of the week I am feeling good about my chances. I have been training very hard and am anxious to get in the ring and get it on. Ok lets get down to the show shall we today my guests are none other than my very opponents this week, ladies and gentleman at this time I would like the welcome Tommy mayhem and Mike Diamond!!!!!! But first a word from our sponsors....
Comercials: ladies have femal problems? Runny wet days? Well look no further than MARXIE pads to save the day. Unlike the normal maxie pads MARXIE pads holds two times the amount of presure. And unlike the rumors MARXIE Pads will not leave you after a few tough matches with you monthly opponent. Get them now in stores!!!
(Back to Adam sitting smiling)
Benjamin: Mike Diamond and Tommy mayhem!!!
(Cue up DANCING QUEEN!!!!!)
(Adam is seen bobbing his head to the song with a grin on his face)
Benjamin: Ladies and Gents once again Mike Diamond and Tommy Mayhem!!!!!
(Camera slows moves to the left of Adam, were a couch is seen. One it are two Card board life size cut outs of Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. Janet is seen wearing the questionable super bowl outfit. Justin is wearing his normal gear. The twin cut outs are reenacting the removal of the boob protector as Justin’s hand has the piece of the out fit, and one of Janet’s boobs is showing. As the camera soon closes in the faces of the cut outs are of Tommy Mayhem and Mike Diamond instead of Janet and Justin. Mike Diamond is Janet and Tommy Mayhem is Justin. Camera slowly moves back to Benjamin who is simply laughing…)
Benjamin: Ok let get right into the Q and A’s shall we. First question have either of you thought about your matches last week and what went wrong?
(Camera slowly moves and shows the two card board cut out, with no response of course, then slowly goes back to Benjamin who again is smiling)
Benjamin: Ok next question how do either of you feel about this week and your chances against Yours Truly?
(Camera again slowly moves and shows the two card board cut out, with no response of course, then slowly goes back to Benjamin who again is smiling)
Benjamin: Ok if either of you were stuck on an island what would you rather have a cell phone or an autographed picture of me?
(Camera again slowly moves and shows the two card board cut out, with no response of course, then slowly goes back to Benjamin who again is smiling)
Benjamin: How do you plain of countering Adam Benjamin’s skills in the ring?
(Camera again slowly moves and shows the two card board cut out, with no response of course, then slowly goes back to Benjamin who again is smiling)
Benjamin: Tommy how does it feel to be grabbing Mikes man boobs, of in this case plastic boobs….
(boos from the crowd, or should I say sound system)
Benjamin: What its Janet Jackson for crying out loud, between her and her kid touching brother your not telling me they don’t have stock in plastic surgery!
(Fake crowd laughter)
Benjamin: Ok Tommy how do you feel about a second chance at Adam Benjamin, and at the same time Mike how do you feel about facing Adam for the first time?
(Camera again slowly moves and shows the two card board cut out, with no response of course, then slowly goes back to Benjamin who again is smiling)
Benjamin: I see two very good points; ok Tommy it says here you were involved sort of with to mob, that’s cool. You are a tough looking guy, I mean look at how you ripped poor Mikes top off, my god you are batman, by god you are…. Anything either of you would like to add before I let you guys go about our match this week, anything at all?
(Camera again slowly moves and shows the two card board cut out, with no response of course, then slowly goes back to Benjamin who again is smiling)
Benjamin: Today I did a little comedic attack towards my opponents, but in all seriousness this match is not a joke at all. You see what is at stakes is a very grand title one of which unlike my silent opponents Yours Truly desires very much. Today I might have let my usual serious character down a little but come bell time the only joke will be both of you being help to the back by the officials. Gentleman you are looking at the new age technician and come the PPV the very first IC champion! Have a nice day mates!
(Fade to black)