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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
I have permission for Dave Brunk and the GXW to make this advertisment on the boards.

I am writing to inform you all that you are all invited to come and check out my fed, and you are encouraged to fill out an application to join.

The fed is called LAW (League Of American Wrestling) It actually has been about for almost over two years, but due to personal problems and issues from the owner, we were forced to close LAW down at the end of 2002 and remained closed up until around September of 2003. The thing is that LAW closed while it was in it's highest, and we are trying to bring it back to what it once was before the closing.

We have a great start so far, and things are looking very positive, but still things can be better. I think very highly of all of you and I encourage all of you to head on over to the website and take a look and see if LAW is right for you.

We have a dedicated crew and will do our best to make sure that all of your time that you put in will not be in vain, you will get out what you came in.

I am not trying to steal people away from the GXW nor would I try HOWEVER, if you have the time and are looking for another fed to help you evolve as an efedder or try out a brand new character concept and take them up the ranks from the bottom to the top, I think that LAW will be for you.

Again, no pressure, but I encourage you all to try out LAW and see if it is for you, and even if you (yourselves) can not join, maybe you know somebody else who might be looking for a new fed that might want to join LAW.

I believe that LAW will be a great, rewarding experience for everybody if you give it a try.

Here is the webaddress:


If you have any more questions or comments please feel free to contact me via email at


and I will be sure to clarify anything on your minds.

Again thank you GXW for letting me post on the boards and everybody please head on over to LAW-wrestling.com and see if LAW is right for you.

I gotta go but I hope to hear and see you all soon.

God bless,
Patrick M. Shutt

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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