Playing some beef catch up.
How Did This Happen
Quick opener. Stevens is taking his beef to the office. Kelly as usual isn't having it.
Quick rundown. I didn't have to write it so no complaints here.
The Bruv Show IV: A New Host
I wrote a little bit of this. Ford handled the bulk.
Kerry v. Kruger
Same as above.
The Bruv Show Beatdown
And again. Beef is so easy.
Masters of Disguise
Sharp and Keelings logic is pretty entertaining. Nice misdirect and Elise has her title back. Solid segment. I like that the "Lady Janitor" is more worried about racial stearotypes then being called a man poorly posing as a women. lol Good set up for the match an getting heat on the PPV match.
Oh How the Turntables?
I know Mikey is a face now but ... "“What’s Happening!?” To all my fans here tonight in Leezy-Anna!" I hate him so much lol. But leveraging the #1C to get the rematch he wanted is good stuff. Stevens appears and agrees but doesn't add much more. Looks like we got a series.
Stevens Fam v. Bulldogs
Stevens go over and the Bulldogs look solid. Bigger story here is Harmen out for the save, felt like that could have had more to it, possibly even been a seperate segment so that it could be fleshed out more, but for where this is leading I suppose that does the job. Match was good though Angus felt a bit repetitive at times.
Follow up. Still would have liked the fall out to be more before the commercial break but this little backstage tag makes up for it some what. Nice touch.
Cortez v. Klein
Nice match with two big men. Angus is approriatley riled up during this one. I expected more fuckery but in the end looks like the Family Keeling gets to make the stip for the PPV match. Bad news for Elise.
Open for Biz II
Quick announcement Batts v. Burns for the belt. Love Angus' reaction.
You Can't Go Home Again
The return! Wrote this with Roland.
WrestleDork v. WrestleDork
Good match here. Student v Teacher, Face v Face. Well put togather. We get Elise at the end coming for retribution and andy ends up with the title again. Great ending to the show, alot going on, lot of excitement.
Solid show. a little more even then the week following as far as matches/seg balance.
Cold Open.
Wrote it with Roland.
Probably wrote it.
The Next Champ Is/Are Here
Keelings are super solid heels. I hate them early and often, the long entrance alone. I don't think I'm familar with Championship Scramble, feels like a real "Rules On Screen" situation ( The Keeling Famolam has some plans apparently. "DEFIANCE’s Favorite/Only Kiwi." Some good good guy talk and I dug the set up to the suprise. I however didn't like the net, too cartoony for me. But I did like the follow-up Lake Placid joke. Can't please everyone. Good segment.
Nothing But Net
Ok, solid pun. I agree with Andy Sharp in this one, I'm going full heel. I liked the pre-recorded/during the commercial gimmick. Quick little segment but it further fleshes out and already well ... fleshed(?) segment.
Wrote it
The hardest working man in DEF: Lance. Quick segment, empty arena match coming up.
Mikey v. Stevens (1 of 3)
"Hailing this week" good stuff, Stevens is always from Texas ... how boring. Good start to the match, Stevens is heelin' it up, Mikey is getting some pops but still can't wreslte. Being a best of three I really didn't expect this one to go to a DQ so quickly but "He's got a equalizer!!" popped me hard! ( The Derp Dynostee strikes again and the Unlikely face suffers the injury. Quimbey's mindless dedication to his job was a nice tough as well.
NPR Presents: a Heritage Hiest
I quite reading early on, not sure what this POD-cast buisness is about. What is a podcast? I'm familar with Dropcasts ... never heard of a podcast.
I liked this segment but saw the reverse jack move coming. This is a little Scoobey Dooish.. Solid segment though and quite a bit of coverage across the show which I like to see a story line not living in a bubble.
Whats the Differnce
Wrote this with Roland
Cortez v. Mace
Oscar on commentary. I like it, we don't do it too often here. Solid match, really sells Cortez as a beast or "NEW HOSS Overlord of DEF." This is just good monster building to give Burns a ppv opponent.
Decent card, alot of story telling, which I like, but it's very match light. Moving forward we are going to have to work on keeping these cards a little more even I think.