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B1TCHIN' 00: Card Status!


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Keep Checking for Updates!

B1TCHIN' 00!

INTRO: In progress.
CARMICHAEL / MARX: Nearing completion.
BLUE / HAWKE: Nearing completion.
DAYMON / HART: Nearing completion.
FOXX / STARR: Not started.

As of: WEDNESDAY, January 10th @ 2:20am PST..

-- Now that my vision has semi-stabilized and I'm able to read my computer screen for longer than 15 minutes, I've finally gotten around to finishing the match parts of the shortforming. Basically all the action is done.. what needs to be added is the commentary, the introductions and whatnot. I'm wicked tired, so I'll get around to doing that tomorrow. I haven't started the main event, and will do so once everything else is completed. I would give a deadline of when to expect the results to be posted, but I wouldn't want to let anyone down should I not be able to meet it. :)
Last edited:


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA

Here's the deal. I lost all my Outlook contacts when I upgraded to Vista.

I still have to write the main event. After 2+ months of advertising, and after having 2 characters drop out (this was in January) .. and not hearing from 3 others .. this will be VENUS' only show.

It will also be the conclusion of NEW's (VENUS') women's division. Not to fret, however. There are roster spots open in NEW as we're going to integrate the roster to be inclusive of both genders.

The characters that will be offered a spot on NEW's roster will be sent a PM. Basically I'm not fretting since most of you all have a successful male character in the league anyway so its not like you're leaving the family at all.

But yea. Things just got hectic .. and with the lack of interest it really is making it difficult for me to sit down and write the last match. But I will .. soon.

Just wanted to let you all know what was going on .. and I would've done it through e-mail, but I just am too lazy to go through all my profiles and add the emails in. :)

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