Survive and Advance
The scene opens in the living room of Troy Douglas' Greensboro, NC home. It's only a way station on his way to Pittsburgh, but nonetheless, it's home. It's nothing overly lavish for a guy eith quite a bit of money, but he's lived there most of his life. The camera pulls into the living room, which is clear has not be cleaned in some time. Troy sits on his favorite easy chair in the middle of the living room. Currently, he's scribbling in a small book with a black leather cover, the journal he's kept for lo these past 15 years. A suitcase sits on the floor at his side. It's clear he's a man on the move. He smiles his classic 'aw shucks' grin when he's sees the camera, and motions the cameraman in.
"Empire Pro. Good to see y'all for the first time. I've been around this industry for the greater part of my life, and I can say with no qualms, we got something good for y'all right here. But enough with the bubbly, complimentary, goody-goody crap.
"Let's get down to business.
"Beast, you said you know absolutely nothing about me. That's fine by me. Hell, I don't know you from Adam either. I've heard the standard industry buzz, but nothing else. All I can say is, come Aggression in Steeltown, your gonna get to know me a whole lot better. But, I'll get back to you. I want to talk to 'The Diamond Boy' first."
Troy sits up in his chair and stairs intently at the camera.
"Mike Diamond, don't take this as any offense, but I haven't even met you and already, I can't stand you. You'll talk and talk about how you're the greatest, how no one in this business can measure up to you. But then, how can you constantly go out there and not deliver? Hey, I heard about your injury. Your hurt, that's fine. I know about injury. I just lost 4 and a half months of the life I'd made for myself because of physical and psychological trauma. But, I worked every damn day to prove to myself, my opponents, and my fans that I can still do this, that I still have what it takes to be the best in the world. I won't claim to be it, but I'll go for it anyway. You, Mikey? You talk, but then you don't back it up where it matters. You wanna call yourself one of the best in the world? Here's what you do. You come into that ring in Pittsburgh and you prove me wrong.
"That's all I got for you Diamond, I'll let you go till you get out of your hidey-hole and talk."
Troy rises from the armchair, now only leaning on the right arm rest.
"Beast, when you last hit television to talk about this three way dance, you called me a roadblock, a rung on the ladder of your success. You said I'd be, how did you put it? Oh yeah. 'Stepped over.'
"Here's a message, Beast. Nobody, not Dan Ryan, not Rob Sampson, not anyone in all of Empire Pro Wrestling, is going to step over, around, or through me anymore. I worked too damn long and too damn hard to go back to the beginning now. This is my fresh start, the opportunity that I do not intend to let idly pass me by. This is my shot at one of the most coveted titles in the business, that of 'World Champion'. I don't want to be anybody's doormat anymore. It's my turn at the bat now, and I'm gonna give everything it takes, and maybe a little more, to end up at the top of this heap when the day is done.
"Right now, it's survive and advance. I have every intention of surviving as long as I possibly can. No f*cking stupid cheap sh*t guarantees from me, that's never been my style. I won't say that I'm going to win this tournament. I'll do what I've done for the 27 years of my life. I'll go out and I'll show the world exactly who Troy Douglas is, and what he means to do. This ain't it yet. Oh no, this is just the beginning of the road. But hey, everybody's gotta start somewhere. Beast, Mike, I guess I'll start with you two. I'll see y'all again soon."
He grins at the camera.
"Take your best shot, I ain't goin' nowhere for a while. That's it for me right now, I'll see you in Pittsburgh."