"Turn the clock to zero...."
Fade into the inside of an airport terminal. In a corner of the main seating area, several rows of seats are roped off and Dan Ryan is in the far corner seat...back against the window, dark sunglasses over his eyes....black leather jacket covering a blue t-shirt underneath....blue jeans on with a pair of hiking boots resting on the floor. Noticing the camera light on, he smirks....
Ryan: "I think it's safe to say there were a hell of a lot of surprised old timers in the CSWA the other night...."
"It's funny, 'cuz all I heard on the way to Battle of the Belts was that I talked a good game but that I hadn't done a damn thing to back it up. Almost like clockwork, the roaches crawled out from under the corners of this company and ran their smack about my....lack of an impressive showing thus far."
"I told every last one of you what I wanted.....what I planned to do....and I went out and did it. Bottom line, that's all that matters."
"For a long time, after I signed on the dotted line to work here I was weighted down fighting for....or seemingly fighting for....a cause I didn't give two goddamns about. I said loud and clear from day one what I was here to do. But I was pigeonholed as just another GXW 'invader'....talentless....running my mouth."
"I allowed myself to be made weak for a long time, but no longer. There are no more games...no secrets. I've made it perfectly clear what I'm here to do. I have no more time to waste on the nonsense of pointless crusades and half-hearted invasions."
"Mike....that's just the way things are. Let me lay things out for you. I made a deal with you to help you out. You had a problem with the fans around here....hey, no problem. But just so you know.....my goals come first.....they always will. If your goals don't line up with mine...you've got to go."
"The other thing you need to realize is that I actually do happen to have a few friends in this business outside of the ring. One of those friends happens to be Sean Stevens."
"It's a strange dynamic, I know. Sean was one of the first people Merritt threw in front of me when I first appeared. He hated me...for what he thought was good reason...."
"But it's funny how time changes matters."
"The booking around here slowed down for a long time late last year. And during that time I spent quite a bit of time wrestling for the now-defunct Superior Championship Wrestling. Another man keeping busy over there was.....Sean Stevens...."
"Circumstances brought us together....and the rest is history. I can't say Ivy was too receptive to the idea at first...."
small chuckle...
"To make a long story short, my goals and my friends come before you...."
"I guess your invasion force is down to just you..."
"Now then, I heard a nasty little rumor after the show. I heard that Craig Miles went on a bit of a rampage in his dressing room."
"So Craig....you've taken to beating up lockers and setting dressing rooms on fire."
"Interesting strategy, saving the anger and violence for after the match. Lucky the lockers don't fight back, eh? They might throw a mean punch back atcha. I know how well you deal with 'em."
"So we have our little match at Primetime. That's gotta be a hell of a bitch for you, hmm? You had just about as poor of a pay-per-view showing as a man can have, and now you have to step in the ring with me....a man you attempted to talk down to....a man who you tried, in all of your unoriginal glory....to dismiss as a big talker with nothing to show for it....a man who came out of the night as the hottest up and comer in the company."
"I know, I know. All of the little Intruders goals were met. GUNS made sure we all knew that little tidbit. But those weren't your goals, were they? They were his. And all that you and the rest of the world see is your partner wearing two big ol' gold straps...and the stars swimming around in your head after Shane Southern put your lights out."
"Life sucks when you lose out on your big shot at glory...........and it sucks even more when you get exposed as the weak link in the chain."
"Don't worry, man. There are still people out there....somewhere...who still place value in the tag belts. There are still people out there who DON'T see you as just another tag wrestler....tagging along behind the stars of this industry like the little dog on the Kibbles 'N Bits commercial....jumping up and down yapping 'What are we gonna do today? Huh? Huh? What are we gonna do today? Huh? Huh, GUNS? Huh?' But I guess they've gotta let you out of the doghouse and off the leash for one more show....just to make sure I have somethin' to do."
"I don't know, Milesfield. It seems to me like you're gettin' the short ass end of the stick. While Eddie MayCraig goes on to bigger and better things in singles competition....you get....me."
"Now, I may not dangle a cigarette from my mouth in an attempt to seem cool. I may not light my dressing rooms on fire in an attempt to seem dangerous and out of control. But what I DO happen to do....is go into that ring and put people out of commission."
"So yeah...sucks for you, man. You're the scourge of lockers everywhere. Unfortunately....I'm not a locker."
"Back to the doghouse, fido."
Fade into the inside of an airport terminal. In a corner of the main seating area, several rows of seats are roped off and Dan Ryan is in the far corner seat...back against the window, dark sunglasses over his eyes....black leather jacket covering a blue t-shirt underneath....blue jeans on with a pair of hiking boots resting on the floor. Noticing the camera light on, he smirks....
Ryan: "I think it's safe to say there were a hell of a lot of surprised old timers in the CSWA the other night...."
"It's funny, 'cuz all I heard on the way to Battle of the Belts was that I talked a good game but that I hadn't done a damn thing to back it up. Almost like clockwork, the roaches crawled out from under the corners of this company and ran their smack about my....lack of an impressive showing thus far."
"I told every last one of you what I wanted.....what I planned to do....and I went out and did it. Bottom line, that's all that matters."
"For a long time, after I signed on the dotted line to work here I was weighted down fighting for....or seemingly fighting for....a cause I didn't give two goddamns about. I said loud and clear from day one what I was here to do. But I was pigeonholed as just another GXW 'invader'....talentless....running my mouth."
"I allowed myself to be made weak for a long time, but no longer. There are no more games...no secrets. I've made it perfectly clear what I'm here to do. I have no more time to waste on the nonsense of pointless crusades and half-hearted invasions."
"Mike....that's just the way things are. Let me lay things out for you. I made a deal with you to help you out. You had a problem with the fans around here....hey, no problem. But just so you know.....my goals come first.....they always will. If your goals don't line up with mine...you've got to go."
"The other thing you need to realize is that I actually do happen to have a few friends in this business outside of the ring. One of those friends happens to be Sean Stevens."
"It's a strange dynamic, I know. Sean was one of the first people Merritt threw in front of me when I first appeared. He hated me...for what he thought was good reason...."
"But it's funny how time changes matters."
"The booking around here slowed down for a long time late last year. And during that time I spent quite a bit of time wrestling for the now-defunct Superior Championship Wrestling. Another man keeping busy over there was.....Sean Stevens...."
"Circumstances brought us together....and the rest is history. I can't say Ivy was too receptive to the idea at first...."
small chuckle...
"To make a long story short, my goals and my friends come before you...."
"I guess your invasion force is down to just you..."
"Now then, I heard a nasty little rumor after the show. I heard that Craig Miles went on a bit of a rampage in his dressing room."
"So Craig....you've taken to beating up lockers and setting dressing rooms on fire."
"Interesting strategy, saving the anger and violence for after the match. Lucky the lockers don't fight back, eh? They might throw a mean punch back atcha. I know how well you deal with 'em."
"So we have our little match at Primetime. That's gotta be a hell of a bitch for you, hmm? You had just about as poor of a pay-per-view showing as a man can have, and now you have to step in the ring with me....a man you attempted to talk down to....a man who you tried, in all of your unoriginal glory....to dismiss as a big talker with nothing to show for it....a man who came out of the night as the hottest up and comer in the company."
"I know, I know. All of the little Intruders goals were met. GUNS made sure we all knew that little tidbit. But those weren't your goals, were they? They were his. And all that you and the rest of the world see is your partner wearing two big ol' gold straps...and the stars swimming around in your head after Shane Southern put your lights out."
"Life sucks when you lose out on your big shot at glory...........and it sucks even more when you get exposed as the weak link in the chain."
"Don't worry, man. There are still people out there....somewhere...who still place value in the tag belts. There are still people out there who DON'T see you as just another tag wrestler....tagging along behind the stars of this industry like the little dog on the Kibbles 'N Bits commercial....jumping up and down yapping 'What are we gonna do today? Huh? Huh? What are we gonna do today? Huh? Huh, GUNS? Huh?' But I guess they've gotta let you out of the doghouse and off the leash for one more show....just to make sure I have somethin' to do."
"I don't know, Milesfield. It seems to me like you're gettin' the short ass end of the stick. While Eddie MayCraig goes on to bigger and better things in singles competition....you get....me."
"Now, I may not dangle a cigarette from my mouth in an attempt to seem cool. I may not light my dressing rooms on fire in an attempt to seem dangerous and out of control. But what I DO happen to do....is go into that ring and put people out of commission."
"So yeah...sucks for you, man. You're the scourge of lockers everywhere. Unfortunately....I'm not a locker."
"Back to the doghouse, fido."