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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
This was one of the best Brawls ever, which is fitting since it's 50.

Easter Dinner w/the Carltons might be the funniest segment I've ever read. Calvin's mom referring to it as "your little wrestling men contracts", swooning over Blaine, and Calvin saying "she manages a man named after the police code for murder!" had me dying. Calvin and Shaniqua as their momma's children, and Momma Carlton being a soul-food loving, deep-voiced, old school black Southern royalty is genius. I can't mark out for this segment enough, so i'm just going to stop now.

I wrote parts of the Dane segment ("My Name is Benjamin"), but I didn't write Dane's intro or dialogue. Justin did a great job with this, and I feel like Dane was at his absolute best. Kinda made me fearful for my belt. :) Also, if any of you are wondering who the hell Benjamin Hernandez is, check out the NFW Yahoo Groups page and do a search for him. You'll find a lot of comedy material (like this one) I wrote with him back in the day when I was 19 and crazy.

The post Dane-Ryan segment from JJ: WOW. I feel like this is the moment where Kurt Angle leaves his seat and tells Paul E. he wants no part of an organization that does crucifixion angles, and that he's going to sue if they show him on this telecast. Let's just say Kurt won't be renewing his season tickets to NFW any time soon. I'll wait to see Brunk's reaction to this angle lol.

Tag scramble was probably the most (or one of the most) entertaining Brawl main events I've read. All kinds of action, and it really sent a message that the NFW tag division is BACK. Or, uh, close to being back.



Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
JJ's storyline - as disgusting as it was to read, it was a perfect moment for JJ (though I would've expected him to wait until Dan left to avoid Ryan breaking him in half). This was probably the best heel moment of the night, something JJ has perfected.

Tag Scramble - I was confused when reading it. Part of it was the juxtaposition between announcers and action snippets (cut to). I won't say it was bad, but given my limited knowledge of the tag teams, I was frequently lost. This is something I hope to fix, as my lack of knowldge is my fault. But it would have a similar response from new readers. As for th ending, it was surprising because I fully expected Harmen/Nova to go over, if for no other reason than to build up the division w/ something new. Curiosity being involved was odd, but then again.... it's CURIOSITY!

Dane's segment - I thought it was one of the classic wrestling segments - akin to an "It's your life" w/o the tag line or obvious humor. Dane went off pretty well, but honestly, his shining moment happened in the 5 minute draw. THAT was brilliant! The execution had some lacking parts - the headlock spot where Dane wants Dan (shew!) questioned about submitting could've been funny, except I would've imagined the match going with Dane just staying away from Ryan, getting a move but it quickly being turned into a counter, Dane rolls out of the ring to delay, etc. But that's just me.

I might've liked the Carlton piece, but I didn't think it worked as well with the dialogue style. Something like this, I'd almost prefer being written as prose. Again, that's not our way and so I'm probably just tossing out an opinion that won't matter, but it's mine so...

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm at work so there ya are!


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