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Center Stage 5 Predictions


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
As the deadline draws near, and the fallout of Zero Hour is nearly upon us. In an attempt to make certain that the MCW side of the FWC boards remains active while Josh and company produces the upcoming Center Stage 5 card. I'd thought I take some time to see if we can predict who we think will win their respective matches. This is also a fun way to tell each other how we did during this time, but at the same time see how we might better ourselves.

Here is the card below...


Pulsar vs. Reno Kidd

Rob Franklin vs. Joseph Justice vs. Nakita Dahaka in a one fall Triple Threat match

Pietske/Insurgent vs. Dakota Smith/Blade in tag team action

Sanket Desai vs. Justin Sane

MAIN EVENT: John Doe vs. Bryan Storms (c) in a NON TITLE match


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Pulsar vs. Reno Kidd

So far, nobody has yet to rp. I hope they do soon. I hate for this match to get thrown out or worse...be thrown to the mercy of Josh and the rest of the MCW creative team.
Can you say both men violated by a 3 foot midget with a 10 foot penis? Yes that would be bad.

Rob Franklin vs. Joseph Justice vs. Nakita Dahaka in a one fall Triple Threat match

No comment on what I think the outcome of this match will be simply because I am in it.

However, I do want to extend a special shout out to the handlers of Rob Franklin and Joesph Justice. You guys did awesome. I know that Justice was a little late getting in the game, but when he got started he was off like a fire cracker. It is rp sessions like that this that keep me coming back to this game again and again. I haven't had this much fun in a long time man. Regardless of who win, you both should know that you have my esteemed respect and anytime you both wanna throw down with Nakita or whatever. I say bring it on man because this was so much fun. I hope to do it again. Franklin, you started out a little rough, but I truely believe that you are getting a firm grip onto your character and knowing what he can do man. You played off of me beautifully and really stretched me into new dimentions. Keep up the awesome work man.

Pietske/Insurgent vs. Dakota Smith/Blade in tag team action

Well this was even, two people rped and two people didn't. But the thing was that it was one from each team so all things considering it all works out in the end.

I am picking Dakata/Blade on this one with Smith getting in a quick win. However, I think that with the addition of Pieske, he will make this match into the funniest match of the night and steal the spotlight in his own way.

Sanket Desai vs. Justin Sane

These two are do neck and neck dead even it is not even funny. And I thought I was a long winded rper/writer. True Life, you are almost as long as I am....I said almost....hehehehe. I am calling this to be my pick for "SHOW STEALER SHOW OF THE NIGHT. Regardless of who wins these two need to have a special encore like PPV encore after their done.

For now, I am flipping a coin on this one and saying Justin Sane for the cheap win.

MAIN EVENT: John Doe vs. Bryan Storms (c) in a NON TITLE match

EDITED: I guess Storm for the win by default, as he tries to show that he is not one of those "paper champions" and can carry the MCW into the next era.

I hope that Doe comes back because this could be the start of a potential world title fued down the ling.

I am still thinking that UCW gets involved in some form or another, but we'll just have to wait and see I guess.
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