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Chaos Picks: Week 4


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(The camera opens on Chaos. He walks through the lobby of the Hard Rock, and stares at his watch. It's near 3 AM and the place is just starting to pick up)

Chaos: Well here we are it's week 4 and there's a few disturbing trends. It's just seems that no matter how impressive a team looks from week to week they just can't seem to stay consistant. This has nothing to do with injury and just not bringing the same effort week to week. So I'll keep that in mind as I look at the early games. Let's face it, there's some piss poor match-ups this week, The early highlight being that Brett Favre...the man is back and he has a team with him

Green Bay vs. Minn: The Pack

Houston vs. Atlanta: Texans

Jets vs. Bills: Jets

Chaos: They both suck, but the Jets sucks just a bit less

Oakland vs. Miami: Raiders

Rams vs. Cowboys: Cowboys

Chicago vs. Detroit: Detroit

Chaos: Now the late games aren't much better. But the Steelers and Colts are really playing well

Seahawks vs. 49ers: 49ers

Tampa Bay vs. Carolina: Panthers

Denver vs. Indy: Colts

Steelers vs. Cardinals: Steelers

K.C. vs. S.D.: Chargers


N.E. vs. Bengals: Pats

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