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Corvo Alpha


Jan 1, 2000
upstate NY
This is a character who, like Joe with the brilliant Reform, I'd like to use generally just on UNCUTs for the foreseeable. Working w/ BRAZEN roster, for ex. Would he move up to "main roster" and DEFtv eventually? Ideally, yes. Roster space is at a premium and I'm not looking to muddy the waters. Just involve myself a little more in the mix and get some more creative juices going. You like juice, don't you?

Handler Information
Name: Paul Brisbin
Email Address: defradio1@gmail.com
Best Way to Contact You: discord / email
eWrestling Experience: HEW, SCW, CSWA, CWL, DEF
How did you find DEFIANCE? Call it fate… call it luck… call it karma…
Are you willing to write matches? Oh, Yes.

Writing Sample

DIGITS, BABY. DIGITS. <— Masked Violators from DEF

http://fwrestling.com/fwc/index.php?threads/formal-notice.4508/ <— more serious effort from back in the day

Also; see DEF Radio

Wrestler(s) Information
Ring Name: Corvo Alpha
Height: 5’7
Weight: 268
Hailing From: PARTS UNTOLD

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: A snarling, squat, foaming beast. You likely won’t hear him speak. Not because he can’t but because he doesn’t have to. A fighter who would be well served by a mouthpiece, his value is entirely in his aggression and conditioning.

Wrestling Style: Is there an easy way to hurt a man? Then, in the moment, Corvo Alpha has found it. There is no finesse, no catch-as-catch-can. He is primal and instinctive in his attack. Any formal training he has received has been modified into something more dangerous and more painful for his opponent. Any courtesy he once knew has been sharpened and hardened into a razor edge.

Three Weaknesses:
a weapon to be directed, when aimless he can be exploited
2.) he lacks any and all basic social skills
3.) prone to lose control

Three Strengths:
1.) he is fury given form
2.) his basic needs are simple, all he needs is an outlet for his rage
3.) pure conditioning.

Ten regular moveset moves:
1) headbutt
2) eye claw
3) piledriver
4) dropkick variants
5) DDT
6) suplex variations
7) clothesline/lariat
8) thumb-to-eye
9) running dive
10) power bomb

2-5 trademark moves:
1) spinning forearm shot
2) bearhug
3) sleeper hold

1 Finishing/MDK Move:
Crossface Chickenwing


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
I vote yes. This will be a good addition to the flock of DEFIANCE.


League Member
Jul 12, 2020
Hey! Dis is Donnie. I go to UMass. I just want to say DEFIANCE fuckin' rules, and this app fuckin' rules. And fuckin' yes.


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
This is a character who, like Joe with the brilliant Reform, I'd like to use generally just on UNCUTs for the foreseeable. Working w/ BRAZEN roster, for ex. Would he move up to "main roster" and DEFtv eventually? Ideally, yes. Roster space is at a premium and I'm not looking to muddy the waters. Just involve myself a little more in the mix and get some more creative juices going. You like juice, don't you?

Handler Information
Name: Paul Brisbin
Email Address: defradio1@gmail.com
Best Way to Contact You: discord / email
eWrestling Experience: HEW, SCW, CSWA, CWL, DEF
How did you find DEFIANCE? Call it fate… call it luck… call it karma…
Are you willing to write matches? Oh, Yes.

Writing Sample

DIGITS, BABY. DIGITS. <— Masked Violators from DEF

http://fwrestling.com/fwc/index.php?threads/formal-notice.4508/ <— more serious effort from back in the day

Also; see DEF Radio

Wrestler(s) Information
Ring Name: Corvo Alpha
Height: 5’7
Weight: 268
Hailing From: PARTS UNTOLD

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: A snarling, squat, foaming beast. You likely won’t hear him speak. Not because he can’t but because he doesn’t have to. A fighter who would be well served by a mouthpiece, his value is entirely in his aggression and conditioning.

Wrestling Style: Is there an easy way to hurt a man? Then, in the moment, Corvo Alpha has found it. There is no finesse, no catch-as-catch-can. He is primal and instinctive in his attack. Any formal training he has received has been modified into something more dangerous and more painful for his opponent. Any courtesy he once knew has been sharpened and hardened into a razor edge.

Three Weaknesses:
a weapon to be directed, when aimless he can be exploited
2.) he lacks any and all basic social skills
3.) prone to lose control

Three Strengths:
1.) he is fury given form
2.) his basic needs are simple, all he needs is an outlet for his rage
3.) pure conditioning.

Ten regular moveset moves:
1) headbutt
2) eye claw
3) piledriver
4) dropkick variants
5) DDT
6) suplex variations
7) clothesline/lariat
8) thumb-to-eye
9) running dive
10) power bomb

2-5 trademark moves:
1) spinning forearm shot
2) bearhug
3) sleeper hold

1 Finishing/MDK Move:
Crossface Chickenwing

I'll say yes, as long as you promise to not join the Better Future Talent agency.

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