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Cruise into a Crossover



Nathan Cross is sitting in a coffee shop. His youthful smile is there, because just like everyone else on the roster, it looks like they get to work again. He takes a sip of coffee, swallows it hard, realizing that it's too hot, and then looks back up at the camera.

NC: So anyway, here I was, planning to hand Lance Liezure his butt when... out of nowhere, he joins some group that used to be cool and stuff. There they were, all doing that ...

(Nathan does the now famous - at least among his Crossovers - Vanquish hand jive motion.)

NC: ... whatever you call it, (rolls his eyes) when the CSWA suits come in and let me know that they won't need my services for awhile. Now, being the CSWA mark for awhile, I know how this works. You build some heat, the crowd goes wild, the CSWA shuts down, you wait, it re-opens, you come back with more heat than before because frankly... people miss most normal CSWA superstars, but MY Crossovers... they've all had to go to Betty Ford's bedroom to survive.

(Nathan makes a nasty face)

NC: Can we edit that Ford line out in post production? That mental picture is REALLY sick. Cool? Alright...

(Nathan smiles again)

NC: My Crossovers have been in serious withdrawl, and now that they're all glued to the television tighter than Fearless Jones is to Chad Merritts bootstraps begging to come back. NOW, they'll get what they want. Nathan Cross in the ring with Cameron Cruise.

(Nathan Cross takes a sip)

NC: Now speaking of Cam, I got nothing but respect for you. Sure, you trip up every time someone gives you even the slightest of push. But *I* respect you. At least you have one person in the back who thinks you could be a star if given the right opportunity. And, at MY show - On Time - you have the PERFECT opportunity - a match with Nathan Cross. And for this opportunity, here's what I'm going to ask. Don't choke when you get to the big dance. Don't be left at the altar with some crude foulmouthed jerk instead of the blushing bride. In essence, give MY Crossovers a show. Everyone there KNOWS what I'll be bringing - my famous right hands and killer schoolboy-, but will Cam show up to compete or to sleep. If you're feeling a bit drowsy, I got a schoolboy waiting on you in the shortest match in ON TIME history.

(Nathan looks down from the camera and takes another sip.)

NC: How'd I do?

CAMERA: Sucked.

NC: (snort) Like Cameron can do any better.



I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
(fadein to a local park, in Jacksonville, NC. Kids are seen jumping rope, sliding slides, and swinging on swings. Cruise is seen, with his black Anarchy shades on, sitting on a bench talking with a couple kids.)

BILLY: Hey Cameron, you t'ink you could mebbe push us on da swings an' on da slides?

CC: Sure, Billy.
The kids run to go over to the swings, and play.

CC: Ya gotta love the innocence in those kids. Vibrant and energetic, like they don't have a care in the world, but to just be pushed on those slides.

Much like this person I heard of....you may know him, you might not.

Nathan Cross.

Says he's my biggest fan, but yet has the audacity to challenge me when everyone's back's turned.

Much like that slide over there (signaling). Up one minute, down the next. Not really biased, about it either....although it might have a secondary opinion about the heavier kids....but that's something else.

You see Nathan, I don't know who or what the hell you think you are, but this is CSWA, the place where real wrestler's make it. You don't just think that after a match or two, that you *OWN* it, no, no, no---NO. You get exactly what you say you get, when you climb in that ring.

An opportunity. One shot, to prove to yourself, and the whole world, what you've got, and turn it into something *REAL*.

Now, obviously, last time I got in the ring, I came up short against Rob Samson. This time, I get to play with you.

I said it before with Nate Logan, and I'll say it again with you.

Don't try to come to our playground and try to be the BULLY, because if you *DO*.....
Cruise walks over to a couple kids hangin' out by the Monkey Bars, and the Merry-Go-Round, and whispers something to them, inaudible. The kids turn towards the camera.....
KIDS: You'll just get knocked the HELL OUT!!!
The kids laugh as Cameron Cruise turns back towards the camera and smiles, his palm up towards the kids.



I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
CROSS this!

(fadein to Cameron Cruise and Mercedes Devon step out of their Lockerroom as they walk down the hallway out of the building. Cruise in jeans, sneakers and a Metallica T-shirt and shades, Mercedes the same as well, with her hair pulled back doing so, pass by a press conference room. Stopping to look inside, Cruise sees Bill Buckley and Rudy Seitzer onstage and stays a minute. Catching a glimpse of Cruise and Devon, Seitzer signals to Cruise to wait a second. Seitzer apologizes quickly and then returns with Cruise and Devon, in tow.)

BB: Well, well, well, Ladies and Gentleman, a certainly welcome surprise, soon-to-be-married Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and Mercedes Cruise!

(Cruise and Devon smile as they come forward. Reporters then come forward with questions as cameras flash.)

R#1: Well, Mister Cruise, the obvious question is what are you doing here and more importantly, how are you feeling?

CC: (Smiles and then chuckles) Come on man, I have a match here in a day or so, just like everyone else in the organization. Why else would I be here? I can guarantee you from my standpoint (looking over at Mercedes, it's not the women (The press reporters begin to laugh). But on a serious note, I'm feeling pretty good at the moment and looking forward to training for my match later on.

(Cruise signals to another reporter holding his hand up)

R#2: About that, what do you think about your opponent that night, Nathan Cross? He had some choice comments made toward you the other day, isn't he also one of your partners in a four-man-elimination match at the PPV?

(Cruise looks to answer but is cut off by Mercedes leaning forward to comment....)

MD: Nathan Cross has gotten himself into a hole in which we're aren't sure he may get out of. The fact that he has to tag with Cameron at the BATTLE OF THE BELTS 17 Pay-Per-View right now is irrelevant. We will deal with that when the time comes. Right now all we're worried about at the moment is taking care of Nathan Cross and other business we have that night.

R#1: Other Business? What kind of business would that be?

(Cruise and Mercedes look at each other and smile, in doing so look back at the press.)

CC: We'll let you know.

(Bill Buckley then politely cuts in and says that thats all the time they have, resulting in the end of the conference. Light bulbs and cameras again resume flashing as Cruise and Mercedes walk out arm in arm, out of the room and out of the building.



I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
CROSS this!

(fadein to Cameron Cruise and Mercedes Devon step out of their Lockerroom as they walk down the hallway out of the building. Cruise in jeans, sneakers and a Metallica T-shirt and shades, Mercedes the same as well, with her hair pulled back doing so, pass by a press conference room. Stopping to look inside, Cruise sees Bill Buckley and Rudy Seitzer onstage and stays a minute. Catching a glimpse of Cruise and Devon, Seitzer signals to Cruise to wait a second. Seitzer apologizes quickly and then returns with Cruise and Devon, in tow.)

BB: Well, well, well, Ladies and Gentleman, a certainly welcome surprise, soon-to-be-married Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and Mercedes Cruise!

(Cruise and Devon smile as they come forward. Reporters then come forward with questions as cameras flash.)

R#1: Well, Mister Cruise, the obvious question is what are you doing here and more importantly, how are you feeling?

CC: (Smiles and then chuckles) Come on man, I have a match here in a day or so, just like everyone else in the organization. Why else would I be here? I can guarantee you from my standpoint (looking over at Mercedes, it's not the women (The press reporters begin to laugh). But on a serious note, I'm feeling pretty good at the moment and looking forward to training for my match later on.

(Cruise signals to another reporter holding his hand up)

R#2: About that, what do you think about your opponent that night, Nathan Cross? He had some choice comments made toward you the other day, isn't he also one of your partners in a four-man-elimination match at the PPV?

(Cruise looks to answer but is cut off by Mercedes leaning forward to comment....)

MD: Nathan Cross has gotten himself into a hole in which we're aren't sure he may get out of. The fact that he has to tag with Cameron at the BATTLE OF THE BELTS 17 Pay-Per-View right now is irrelevant. We will deal with that when the time comes. Right now all we're worried about at the moment is taking care of Nathan Cross and other business we have that night.

R#1: Other Business? What kind of business would that be?

(Cruise and Mercedes look at each other and smile, in doing so look back at the press.)

CC: We'll let you know.

(Bill Buckley then politely cuts in and says that thats all the time they have, resulting in the end of the conference. Light bulbs and cameras again resume flashing as Cruise and Mercedes walk out arm in arm, out of the room and out of the building.


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