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Curtis Penn Match Writing Aid

Jonathan Todd

New member
Apr 15, 2012
Curtis’ believes that he is truly the greatest wrestler in the world; the problem is that the world just has not up to him yet. This is why Curtis cannot make friends, has no allies, and always believes that he can do it better alone than with a supporting cast. There is no match that he will back down from, he will take on all comers.

He feels weighed down if he is in a tag match and that if he loses it is due to someone’s incompetence and not the fact that it was his fault he lost. {quick count, sweat in his eye, or some other dramatic excuse that he lost}

As of lately he has adopted that he will win by any means necessary {pre-match attacks, cheating to win, other heel tactics}. This means, for him, he has to win… period. And if he doesn't get the win in the books, by golly he is going to get the win morally.{Attacks after the match , not letting go of a submission, etc. }

Wrestling Style:
Formidable mat wrestler.
Avid Striker.
Submission expert.
Cheat to win.
I like for him to have the mentality of a Randy Orton/Ric Flair <as an opportunist heel that will cheat to create an opening.>

Usual Match Tactics:
Curtis is looking only for the finish and in doing so he is going to work any part of the body that he can latch onto and submit an opponent. He is going to have the upper hand in the match and if he does not he will create it with a poke in the eye or a retreat outside of the ring. Curtis will brawl with an opponent who he thinks is beneath his skill level and try and out smart guys who might have an upper hand in a fight. Sometimes Curtis doesn't have to resort to any trickery or foul play to win, but as of late he finds it a bit easier than actually going all out in the ring.

Usual Spots / Gimmicks:
Curtis will use the ref as a shield in the corner of the ring for a breather. He’ll reach over the ref and poke the opponent in the eye, after the ref admonishes him and checks on the opponent Penn will chop block the knees of his opponent and knee the guy in the head.

Most of Curtis’ attention will be to the neck and shoulder area of an opponent so he can set up his Curtis Clutch <Dragon Clutch>

Curtis LOVES to use his knees and elbow, FAVORITE all time moves is to mount the opponent’s back while he is on the mat and throw nasty forearm smashes to the bridge of the guy’s nose <Think Taz ECW>

What Angus thinks:
Angus cannot stand Curtis Penn, would rather gouge out his eyes than watch Curtis wrestle.

Jonathan Todd

New member
Apr 15, 2012
DDK: See's Penn as a heel, but a gifted wrestler. Will not mark for him and call him on his tactics.

Angus: Hates him with the passion of a thousand hells. Will agree with DDK and do weird odd shit like call a match. Will call him out on his tactics even if he's favorite guys pull the same stunts.

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