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DDS & XXX vs Moundfields

Damian D Stone

League Member
Sep 5, 2004
Little Something

[[EUWC banner. We see Damian Stone and XXX standing next to one another. Damian begins to speak]]

D: You know something, it's time. Time for someone else to step to the plate this time. Moundfields, we've seen you already try time and time again to win the titles, but we both know that you really don't have what's needed for you to win this thing.

X: Moundfields, as we all know, we've been through Hell. But here we are, standing here ready to go toe-to-toe with you. We've been in the thick of things apart...so I guess Matt decided that we should be in the thick of things once again, this time together.

[[Damian looks down, then back at the camera]]

D: Look at me, boys, and understand something. My face, though bloodied and bruised from one time or another, was never really damaged. It was the most reconizable thing that I still had. At least...you still have something to hold on to.

X: Dude...let's not show everyone just yet that face of yours.

D: [[sigh]] Look, I have something that I must do...and I will do it whether it is through you two or not. You two punks are about to get the biggest rude-awakening that I have ever given anyone.

X: Moundfields, I hope you are ready to take some of this right on the chin...cause that is where this is going. I promise that it won't be pretty, it won't be nice. It's going to be bloody, brutual, and down right destrucitve. And when this is all over, I hope you understand that it really wasn't personal.

D: I agree. But I hope you understand this too. You're still going to be judged. I'll just try to be nice about it...


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