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Dealing (with boring RPs)


Hex Angel

Friday, April 4, 2003
Greensboro, NC
4:55 PM

"Sounds good, Eli," replied CSWA Commissioner Merritt, as he shook the King of Extreme's hand, "So we'll see you at Primetime."

"Most definitely," replied Eli, "Ivy and Trip'll be back this weekend in plenty'a time, she'll buzz ya when they land."

The meeting lasted all of twenty minutes. Merritt was convinced Eli would keep it brief in the ring as he spoke about the Aho match, and came to an agreement on the match stipulations.

That was pretty much it.

"Mr. Merritt," said Angel suddenly, as she stepped forward past Eli, who was in the process of opening the door, "I need to talk to you."

"Oh?" asked Merritt.

Angel sat down at Merritt's desk before he could invite her - but before she looked into his face Eli caught the amused expression the Godfather wore.

"It's about this performance you think my band is giving at Battle of the Belts."

"Performance... I think you're giving?"

"Angel," said Eli, "Don't--"

"No, let her say her piece," interrupted Merritt.

"I don't know who you talked to--"

"Ivy. And someone named Travis."

"--but they didn't--" Angel cut herself off. "You talked to TJ, too?"

"Smart kid. Realizes when to stand his ground and when to shut up and just say thank you."

Angel shook her head. "I do appreciate the magnitude of my situation. But this is my band and my decision... I refuse to allow the integrity of my art to be compromised like this."


"No, Eli... I need to say it," countered Angel, returning her attention to Merritt, "Mr. Merritt, this band means more to me than anything in the world, save our daughter. And if this is either a simple or elaborate plot to turn it into a wrestling sideshow akin to the LOVE sisters... I'd sooner bury every single piece of music I've ever written than not be taken seriously as an artist and creator."

Eli looked at his wife, shaking his head. Merritt caught the look, and he knew exactly what Eli was thinking.

Who the hell was this little girl who seemed afraid of the sun to talk to the Godfather of Professional Wrestling like this? He's given her a shot in the spotlight and she throws it back in his face like this? The last time someone did that was eight years ago, and he's been wrestling in bingo halls for chump change ever since.

But something about this little girl... she's got guts and conviction of belief. And he admires her moxie.

"You finished?" asked Merritt.

Certainly not the reaction Angel had expected. Nor Eli.

"Yeah... guess so," she replied.

"Good," said Merritt, "Because I'm not a philanthropist, and I don't believe in charity. I trust Ivy's judgment, and I was impressed by the demo she played for me over the phone - that's why you're getting this shot."

He paused, letting his words sink in.

"But don't think you're anything special...all you've got is an opportunity. And you'll either make the most of it in front of thirty thousand live fans and God only knows how many via live Pay Per View feed... or you'll go home. Simple as that."

She looked him over - their eyes locked.

Neither flinched, but Angel nodded.

"Terms accepted."

As Angel got to her feet and headed for the door, Merritt's look of amusement remained. "Oh, Mrs. Flair?"

"Angel, please."

"Angel. One thing to warn you of... no profanity."


"No profanity. The CSWA is family entertainment and I don't really
think the fact that a good chunk of my live gate will consist of families... most of your material in its unedited form isn't exactly family oriented."


Angel shook his hand and left the office. Eli remained for just a moment, laughing, leaned up against the wall.

"That one's a handful, Flair," said Merritt.

"You're tellin' me."

"With convictions like that," continued Merritt, "she'd better be better than Ivy hyped."

"Don't worry, Merritt," replied Eli, shaking his hand, "she'll deliver. She works harder on the mic than I do in the ring."

Merritt laughed. "You're both insane. I'll see you in Richmond."


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