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DEFcast Thread: Season 2


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland

It's easy for things to get lost in the shuffle in our Skype chat, so here's your comprehensive public info-dump for all things DEFcast-related.

After several months of inactivity, we're rebooting this thing. For now, we're going to stick to two callers, a one-hour time limit, and a pre-recorded format. Live shows, though fun, are pretty difficult to co-ordinate, and moving to a more traditional podcast format allows us to clean-up the audio with some post-show editing.

Our original archives can be found here, if you want to go back and check-out super old shows.

The new season will be compiled here.

Season 2 episodes:-
13th May, 2017: Reboot Edition
- Andy and Evan run through the current arc thus far, BRAZEN, and the forthcoming DEFIANCE Road pay-per-view, with a bunch of customary diversions along the way.

28th May, 2017: DEFIANCE Road PPV Preview Edition
- Andy and Ford discuss the forthcoming DEF Road event with a focus on individual storylines and the events that brought us to this point.

12th June, 2017: Post-DEFIANCE Road PPV Discussion
- Andy and Pete talk about one of the most chaotic pay-per-views in DEFIANCE history, with no match, storyline, or development untouched.

27th June, 2017: DEFCON Arc Preview
- Andy and Mikey go through the forthcoming DEFCON arc with a full roster breakdown with plenty of shine for everybody... hopefully.

I'd really love some feedback on the new format, so if you check out the first show, let me know what you liked, and what you didn't like. The audio quality isn't what I'd like it to be, and the levels are all over the place, but I'm no mixing expert. Learning on the job, so I'm hopeful that these issues will go away with experience.

Also, please let me know if you'd like to get involved with the show as a caller (or any other capacity for that matter).
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I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Just a quick nudge to say that Tom Ford & I will be recording audio later today. Show should be up sometime tomorrow, hopefully. We'll be going over the upcoming pay-per-view card with special focus for each of the key storylines.


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
I know I mentioned it on Skype chat but wanted to make sure I said something on here as well. Great show again, loved the banter and the run down of the upcoming Pay Per View.

As for content suggestions if needed, if there is another one within a two week time span and you guys are wanting to stray away from going over specific feedback on cards, you could do a prediction show, where you outline what you guys would like to see in the next ARC or two, based off where everything is going.

Breakdown of a feuds would also be a good discussion topic. For some people who are unfamiliar with the current story lines and the comings and going and might be confused if they have just read one card, a break down of story lines would be an awesome knowledge session and may spark interest for outside readers.

With all that being said I LOVED these two shows and can't wait to hear more. I would like one day to be a guest myself if at ever possible, but it may be hard for me to set up. We can discuss that in the future. Thank you Murr for your awesome dedication and the rest of the DEFstaff for making this a great place to be in.


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Another fantastic DEFcast!! I think your next show topic is great as well. I want to be able to join but weekends are usually bad for me as I have a 2 year old that requires all of my attention but as soon as I find a way to get them out of the house for a few hours I would love to be a guest. Can't wait for the next one.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Mikey and I will be recording a DEFCON arc preview show this weekend. If there's anything specific you'd like us to talk about, let me know!

Since a ton of stories got definitive endings at DEFroad, do some fantasy booking riff on where (without referring to the feud docs) you see the major players going into DEFCON?


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
YO! Excellent listen guys. I loved it as always you provide excellent content. Looking forward to the next show and yeah maybe something a bit off topic will be great. No clue what to suggest on that. However specifically DEFIANCE related suggestion is something I posted in Skype but wanted to have it on here as well.

'Take a randomizer, take our roster, do a hypothetical show with spin the wheel make a deal matches and break down what would happen.'

To provide more detail on what I mean would be something like this, the wheel would determine, singles match, tag team match, triple threat, handicap etc. Then the randomizer would choose the participants, then another wheel for stipulations. Inferno Match, Dog Collar Match, Dildo on a rope match, Barbwire match etc.... the scenarios are endless. You create the matches then break down who would win why etc.

Other than that looking forward to the next one... and I must say I did Witness that Thickness.


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Off topic suggestion while still kind of on topic. Discuss the different archetypes of heels and or faces that you have seen in the past, what's worked, what hasn't etc.

Another off topic but also on topic suggestion: The importance of world building and how it's shaped matches and or encounters you have seen in the past. Favorite examples of it from past feds or current, whatever stuck out to you.

One thing that was brought up and I know the past DEFcast shows can help explain some but someone asked that they would love to see a summary thread. Where all current stories etc are broken down, possibly from DEFCON to DEFCON type deal. The Radio show can be a place for that and I know Evan had mentioned in another post the importance of keeping up to date with Bios, which I'm working on mine today as we speak but maybe a summary show that new handlers could listen to that breaks down what happened from point A to point B. Again just suggestions, looking forward to the next show and hope to hear Brian as a guest soon.


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hello fellas,

I'm thinking about doing a Q&A episode next. I've got a few show ideas on the docket (including those that Justin suggested above), but would like to do something quick and easy for the next episode.

So please, send wacky questions. I'd need at least 10-12 for this to be worth it, so if we can't get that number, I'll ditch this idea.

Also, if anyone wants to cohost this thing, let me know!

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