- Loving LT and Box playing off each other in this. The snarkiness is delicious.
- I love Henry Keyes. There, I said it. Nice little opening match.
- Donovan is seriously slipping through the cracks of sanity. Solid match up that showed off one of our BRAZEN talents well.
- Okay, Sharp has a stalker now too. Omega is getting weirder and weirder, and seems to be looking to pick off the established names. Nice segment.
- BRAWL! Good match that showed the new team HOSS as an absolute force and Griffith and FDJ aren't taking their shit.
- Sam is pissed. Donovan is going to get fucked up.
- Very good debut match for Omega. Pushed him as the cold monster and further pushed that Natas is out of shape and struggling to get back into the game, well done.
- Oh look, a segment I helped write.
- Oh Mr Ryan, would you like a little more salt for those fries? He's a little overconfident and you know pride comes before a fall, right?
- Mr Ryan looks strong and Mr Sharp gets a good outing. Nice match.
- OSHIT RUN FOR COVER, IT'S GONNA BLOW!!!!!!! Box just absolutely laid the verbal smackdown on Dewey. Love it.
- Oh lookey, I wrote this. On re-reading, I feel James had a point on the ending of the match. It does seem a little bit "too much going on" if you get my drift?
- Okay, my only issue with this seg being where it is, is that Booya supposedly just went through a match and that doesn't come across in the segment. Other than that, SUPER MUSCLE BROS!!
- This gauntlet match is golden. Really puts Box over as an absolute bohemoth.
Spotted some spacing issues in a couple of places that needed fixing. Not sure if thats a google docs to website issue. There's also the odd point where the end commentary of one seg and the opening commentary of the next part of the show don't quite blend into each other (Sam Horry interview into Omega vs. Natas for one). They may seem silly little things, but it'll help the flow of reading it they were fixed. Yes I'm being anal rententive there, but that's me