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Devastate Me.


UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
"I have the God of DEATH by my side."

(MULTIPLE BURSTS OF STATIC interlaced w/ the NFW logo, before ZOMBIES power through the static bursts and begin to devour the star of the NFW logo.

CUTTO: JACK HARMEN, standing under a single spotlight in an abandoned warehouse. He's shirtless, the Heavyweight title tossed over his shoulders. From the OVERHEAD ANGLE, his head and body are all we see, although we make out a dark tinted pants. Harmen tosses his arms out in a cross like position.)

JACK HARMEN: And I am the God of GLORY.

(Harmen laughs, cackling as he falls to his knees.)

JACK HARMEN: I'm sorry, it's hard to say that when Eddie Mayfield's giving me the stink eye. I mean-

(JACK holds up the World Championship to the camera)

JACK HARMEN: -doesn't it look like his eyes follow you wherever you go?

(Harmen sways the championship from side to side. He tosses it over his shoulder.)

JACK HARMEN: Everyone thinks I'm going to address Castor, and the open contract. But I have more IMMEDIATE and PRESSING concern at the moment... Because I can't know what Cancer will decide at this moment. If he wants to brawl, SO BE IT. But until then, I have to focus on what's directly in front of me. Specifically, BRAWL 74, which REMINDS me, of my lifelong relationship with my GOOD FRIEND Legion.

(MULTIPLE BURSTS OF STATIC. Suddenly, the ABANDONED warehouse has been turned into a colorful set out of something like PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE. JACK HARMEN stands there, with the widest smile one can imagine, waving like a freak.)

JACK HARMEN: Hiya buddy! Remember me? Supercrash III? You totally blew up my spot Leg'. But I get it. You saw my endgame before anyone else did, but you kept to your word and your mouth SHUT. I respect that. And I know we both have the same endgame in mind, so before we get any further down this potential adversarial daisy chain, let me say, I RESPECT you.

(Harmen takes the World title off his shoulder and raises it. The playful set behind him is dissolved into the abandoned warehouse, slightly illuminated so the cold metal steel bars can be seen.)

JACK HARMEN: But what will they say if one of your WORKER ANTS can take this championship from me before YOU get your hands on it?

(HARMEN laughs, tossing the title back over his shoulder.)

JACK HARMEN: I shouldn't have brought that up. I keep hearing about it on ESEN radio though, and it's crossed my mind since the booking of me and Devastation Man.

(HARMEN smacks his hand against the title plate of the NFW title, effectively slapping a golden Eddie Mayfield.)

JACK HARMEN: Now, Devastator, you may have seen me in the past 20 years of my career. You seem like a hungry, motivated competitor. You've hitched your rope upon the trickster God of chaos, and I LOVE YOU for that. I know we're cut from the same cloth, whatever we are, we are KIN. So at Brawl 74, regardless of whether you want to go to Chuckie Cheese's after and push little kids into the ball pits, know that I am a FRIEND. A friendship that we will build out of BLOODSHED and the color RED. I want you to bring me a FIGHT. I want to feel ALIVE again!

(HARMEN begins to pace, the weight of the title heavy on his shoulders.)

JACK HARMEN: I have been a dead man walking since I secured my hands around Eddie Mayfield's fugly fugface, the most GLORIOUS and ILLUSTRIOUS prize in ALL of wrestling, with that smug grinning somnabitcka of a face plastered all over it... Because I know my time in the spotlight is finite. One day, there will be a NEW World Heavyweight Champion. I know it. You know it. Everyone does. I know that, one day, Eddie Mayfield's eyes will NO LONGER follow me WHEREVER I go, but on that day? I want to go out in a BLAZE of glory.

(MULTIPLE BURSTS OF STATIC. CUTTO: Extreme Close up on JACK HARMEN, as he is now only illuminated by the single spotlight hanging above him.)

JACK HARMEN: Please. Do what no one else has been able to do. Devastator, turn my world into Devastation.

(HARMEN falls to his knees.)

JACK HARMEN: Please, end me. Before I take this too far. Before I destroy New Frontier.




League Member
Jun 5, 2007
[We hear maniacal laughter while orchestral strings play in the background as a montage of Devastator flickers onto the screen then the mood suddenly changes as Vader's Go To Hell plays in the background with Legion and Devastator's faces being shown.]

Legion: We are Jack's ultimate saviour. Devastator has been granted the honour to do what no one can do and that's end Jack's life. He saw your promo where you begged him before the NFW is destroyed but maybe, just maybe suffering needs to be done.

I mean I respect you Jack, we've been through the realms of chaos many times, in your case many places but they're calling out to Devastator - everyone you've wronged in your life wants vengeance and at Brawl 74 that just may be attained but I know how you think - you could get Calvin or Patrick to interfere but I ask you one question about everything you've done over six months and until now I decided to not bring this up but I want to see you at your best to fight..

What does your child think about all this Jack? What does your child and his mother think of you - a man that faked having CANCER for six months - just so he could fool nearly everyone except us?

As for you thinking I'll get angry if Devastator wins the title - I'll be PROUD of him and what he's accomplished, same as when him and Bandit won the EMT's because those men had been cast out for way too long in this world - the Black Market saves those cast out and make them into fighters, destroyers and bringers of chaos.

I admire your skill to destroy the world Jack but Texas is the time to do what's right - don't be paranoid about Eddie , we'll take care of that, your concern should be us and you'll be free because of me.

Devastator suddenly puts the voice box to his mouth...

Death shall come, chaos shall rise, they scream for vengeance and Harmen's sins shall be purged on a cold Texas night.


UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
"You think my sins can be washed away in a single night in TEXAS?"

(FADEIN: HARMEN, extreme close up, a wide CHESHIRE CAT smile on his face.)

JACK HARMEN: NEVER! I will NEVER be free! And if you can free me Devastor, MORE POWER TO YA!

(HARMEN grabs at the edge of the camera and shakes as he grows red in his cheeks.)

JACK HARMEN: Because LEGION said it. He said that Devastator has been granted the honor to do what NO ONE CAN. No one can KILL ME! NOT EVEN DEVASTATOR! Because NFW can throw WHOEVER they have at me. It DOESN'T MATTER, because I am on the side of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE.

(HARMEN let goes of the camera. It sprints away, into a medium close up of Harmen in his abandoned warehouse. The NFW flag waves off centered in the frame.)

JACK HARMEN: I only ask you, after all the blood is shed and, and as Teddy would put it, the BODIES hit the floor... we WANT the same thing.

(HARMEN smiled.)

JACK HARMEN: CHAOS. This will be... SO. MUCH. FUN.

(HARMEN rushed to the camera, as the cameraman quickly backpedaled.)

JACK HARMEN: So SET your DVRs! Subscribe to our Online channel! Make sure you get ESEN, cause I'm gonna make it a night NO ONE forgets.

(The CAMERAMAN trips, causing a dutchtilt as the LUNATIC catches up to him. He lifts the camera a few inches up.)

JACK HARMEN: Cause EVERYTHING I've done over the last six months has been for my FAMILY. I know my boy loves me, unconditionally. My daughter, she loves me, UNDOUBTEDLY. Even NFW loves me, ABSOLUTELY. My ex-wife? Well, that's partly why NFW needs to end. And you should know me by now, I'd RATHER it DIDN'T.

(HARMEN lets go of the camera.)

JACK HARMEN: But HERE WE ARE. So we wage this battle. And I hope the BLACK MARKET brings me a FIGHT. Make me feel ALIVE again. But after all of the PUNCHES and KICKS and THROWS are THROWN? After PINTS of blood are spilled, bones are shattered, and DEVY and I BOND?!? Know, ABSOLUTELY KNOW, that we're on the SAME SIDE.

(HARMEN licks his lips.)

JACK HARMEN: When you're ready, you'll be free... You'll ALL be free.

(ECU: HARMEN's eyes, WIDEN.)


(CUTTO: Multiple bursts of STATIC. FADE OUT.)

JACK HARMEN: And because of ME.

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