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Faithful Peers


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
(Deacon is standing in the back looking at some ‘stuff’ from the CSWA’s merchandise box. They have a Deacon “Church shaped” Styrofoam that says ‘Faith is the Evidence’. Also, various shirts, Halloween costume, all in the mighty manner of the man called Deacon. But what has Deacon’s attention is a poster of him lifting the CSWA World title for the first time after his match with Eli Flair.)

“I wish we could go back to old days. You know, Sean, the day when I was king and everyone else lick my boot. The day you not my peer. The day you fought for Greensboro title while I fought for whole world. I wish we could go back to when I was better t'an you.”

(Deacon turns toward the camera, a sarcastic look on his face.)

“But we can't.”

(He shrugs. He loses the sarcasm on his face for a natural look.)

“T'is is a new day, a day I never t'ought would come... a day when someone would respect what I did, who I was... but not who I AM.”

(Deacon looks down, shakes his head ‘yes’ and then begins speaking.)

“So, who am I? You seem have pretty good idea, so I go wit’ your view of me. I no longer ‘Big, tough, unbeatable champion.’ Fair enough, I not wear gold anymore. I not as big, perhaps I not as tough… though I t’ink the fact I lace the boots against Hornet and Stanley since returning say enough for t’at. I not unbeatable… (Deacon stops and scratches his chin contemplatively) That yet to be proven here since my return. But t’at who I am, right?”

(Deacon looks at the camera, raises an eyebrow…)

“So, who ARE you? (Normal look from Deacon) You NOT the Greensboro competitor t’at afraid to mention my name… certainly no problem tossing my name anymore (small smirk from Deacon before continuing). You NOT a loud mouthed kid. You certainly have grown taller t’an I remember (Bigger smile). You mot’er must be proud.

(Deacon shakes his head as he begins talking again…)

And of course, you better t’an me. I never heard t’at one before.”

(Deacon turns to the camera, his eyes burning into the screen.)

“You better t’ink you better t’an me, Sean. You better feel how much better you are running t’rough your body … as t’e lights turn off and the crowd goes wild. When you hear the Gregorian chant, you’d better sing your own praises. When you see my entrance, you’d better imagine how good it feel to pin me. And when we stand a few inches from one another, t’e ref giving his orders t’at neit’er of us hear, you better know t’at t’e look in my eyes is one of fear. You better do all t’at. You better know all t’at. Cause I know many men have done just what you will do. And you can ask t’em exactly what it mean to be MY peer.”

Fade to black.

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