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Fanatic v Hayat


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
The power of Prophecy

* Yossi Hayat RP for C07.

**You can see Yossi in his basement. **

Yossi: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

“Alas, Sovereign God,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”

But the God said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the God.

The word of the God came to me again: “What do you see?”

“I see a pot that is boiling,” I answered. “It is tilting toward us from the north.”

**Then an old man comes out of nowhere to the room. **

Yossi: Hello, my prophet, Jeremiah.

Jeremiah: Hello, Joseph. How are you?

Yossi: Fine.

Jeremiah: “From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land. I am about to summon all the peoples of the northern kingdoms,” declares the God.

“Their kings will come and set up their thrones
in the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem;
they will come against all her surrounding walls
and against all the towns of Judah.

I will pronounce my judgments on my people
because of their wickedness in forsaking me,
in burning incense to other gods
and in worshiping what their hands have made.

Yossi: Jeremiah, can you tell me what will happen when I'll face Fanatic in the next show, when I'll make my debut?

Jeremiah: Fanatic... He got no support from the God, Yossi. You know that you got the power. You got it to make lynch of your opponents. On those rebels! It will be Passover, Yossi. It's only fitting that you'll make your debut in the night where the miracles are happening.

Yossi: So it's time to make take this organization from slavery to freedom?

Jeremiah: Yes. You got the power. Like Herzl! Like Moses! Use it! “Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them. Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the God.

Yossi: Thank you. I will make the thing for the God.

Jeremiah: One more thing, Yossi. Teach them that what I said...

Yossi: What part of it?

Jeremiah: I said the word of God: when I will make a new covenant
"with the people of Israel
and with the people of Judah.
32 It will not be like the covenant
I made with their ancestors
when I took them by the hand
to lead them out of Egypt,
because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them.
“This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
after that time,” declares the LORD.
“I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one another, ‘Know the God,’
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest, F
or I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more".

Yossi: What about that?

Jeremiah: Tell them that God is not a lord and he has no son and this new covenant is not what they think.

Yossi: I will, Jeremiah. I will.

**Jeremiah disappears. Then Yossi sees on the wall a writing that says "Smart Boy". He takes an eraser and erases the "t". Then he writes a big "K" instead, looking at the "Smark Boy" name. **


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA

* Fanatic RP for C07.


On the Manhattan penthouse suite of Larry Tact. The newly installed eco-friendly lights keep the place as well-lit as ever, and we find the head of the Tact Legacy of Wrestling, dressed in sandblasted denim jeans and a tan, ribbed shirt. He is hunched forward on one of the plush sofas populating the living room-- although, there is no partition to divide the living room; it is created from the entertainment equipment setup, surrounding by seating and a nearby mini-bar. Tact has taken advantage of the mini-bar, it seems, as a half-full glass of red liquid sits on the cocktail table in front of the sofa. The drink’s color, itself has been significantly lightened by mixed beverage ingredients, and sits with a stillness that does not become its potential effect on an unsuspecting individual. Larry Tact, of course, is not that individual, but his demeanor seems equally unbecoming: his golden blonde hair hangs loosely around his face, the bright lights casting shadows. After some silence, he lifts his head towards us, and the light reveals a countenance that we’ve rarely seen since New Era reopened. Where there have been smirks and grins, there is now a slight frown; his olive eyes that were somewhat calm, even bemused at times, now stare cold, penetrating. This is a more openly intense Larry Tact than has shown up in some time.

LARRY TACT: “You know… I’ve heard some of the banter, lately. The past couple weeks, there’s been some talk going around, from people that I’ve tangled with before. You know who you are, and rest assured… I’ve taken notice. I’m listening, and if you’re hoping to poke and prod in order to get some kind of reaction out of me? Foolish as that may be, it‘s your choice and you‘ve made it. As one of my favorite songs goes, ‘You’re gonna get what you deserve.’ Maybe sooner for some than others, but patience is a virtue, and I’m feeling particularly virtuous these days. It seems, though, that some people need reminding of just who set the standard around here, for years. Well, I’ll oblige that demand soon enough.”

“But at the moment, I’ve been busy doing something people seem to think I’m not here for. I’ve been managing my brother, and with more of what you should all settle into seeing plenty of from Fanatic. That’s victories and, more importantly, progression. Taking more steps toward the victory that really matters most: the one with the New Era Championship on the line. The First was busy sulking about how he doesn’t understand Fanatic’s having the name bestowed upon him… here’s a hint about the Elite Enigma, First: he wears the name well enough that YOU couldn’t figure it out. Though before that may not have meant much, now you ’re a former New Era Champion. You gained a measure of relevance for Fanatic to face you, aside from just the routine of the scheduled. Like I said, Fanatic had only gains to take away from that match. And gain he did, maybe the biggest victory he’s gotten in the first two seasons.”

He turns his head to the side for a moment, looking like he has a bad taste in his mouth, then returns his stare with a sneer.

“But this week? This week my brother is facing someone who doesn’t deserve even the ounce of respect I just measured out to First. After hearing what he had to say so far, I still don’t know exactly what Yossi Hait is doing in New Era of Wrestling. I still don’t know if he’s capable of lasting more than a minute with “Hungry” Jack Swanson, much less the Elite Enigma of the Tact Legacy. I don’t even know if he’s in the country yet, or taking a red eye from Nazareth to Boston in order to make this coming Cyberstrike.”

“What I DO know are two things. To begin with, Yossi drew the wrong card. He needs to make his New Era debut against someone, in Fanatic, who for the past MONTH has walked into Cyberstrike with a match, and walked out with his arm raised. That’s already landed Yossi behind the 8-Ball. Second, what he’s had to say… what New Era fans and workers alike have heard come from him… that’s just put him teetering on the edge of the pocket, towards Scratching the 8-Ball. And Yossi, you don’t seem the type to play pool much, but there’s only one result when you Scratch the 8-ball… you fall. You fail.”

Propping his elbows on his knees, he steeples his fingers and rests his chin on them, never breaking his gaze on us.

“I try not to say this, because it’s become terribly overdone in our sport… but Yossi, you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. You go quoting your scripture, and preaching to the masses of New Era? You want to proclaim yourself a messenger, or someone who deserves to judge us? Well around here, the judged oftentimes have their own opinions… and we are NOT shy about sharing. The judged do some judging of their own, Yossi, so I hope you really boned up on the Blasphemy section of your great big book.”

He lowers his hands and shakes his head slowly.

“You disgust me. I don’t give a damn if you really believe everything you say, or if you feel that you can carry on some mission of higher purpose. After hearing what you had to say, all I really want to do is punch your teeth out, so the New Era viewers and myself aren’t guaranteed another week of bible study. But it’s not my task to do that…”

“No, instead my brother has been fortunate enough to be chosen for carrying out that mission. But I’ll enjoy watching from ringside.”

“And to give you a proper introduction, himself, my brother asked me to set aside some time for him to address you, personally. Don’t get me wrong, I tried explaining that you aren’t worth his breath… but after what you had to say, I understand. Unfortunately for you, Yossi… the pleasure will be all ours, when we more formally ‘welcome‘ you to New Era, in the ring.”


(A stark contrast to the bright lights of the previous scene, we are now brought upon a sparse, candlelit room. There, Fanatic sits on parquet floor covered in a royal blue cloak. The hood has been drawn up, and we see the Symbol of the Elite Enigma-- that of an ‘infinity’ insignia-- sewn on the front of the hood that drapes over his masked face. Although his voice is wispy and mellow, Fanatic projects himself quite clearly and with confidence.

“We are all weak to start. None of us are born with the skills and knowledge to survive in this world we inhabit… we are vulnerable and impressionable. At some point, a choice must be made. One may remain weak … vulnerable … influenced by those around them. Or one may choose to become strong … empowered … commanding the ability to influence and make the decisions. Yossi Hait … you wished not to be weak. You felt a calling … heard a voice telling you to take hold of the power of the Word … and help others. I have crossed your type before … and I know … you are not empowered. You hold influence with a false power, over those that are weaker still, struggling for guidance. But for those who truly strived … suffered … and have embraced our weakness, rather than try to hide it … we are truly strong.”

(A pause.)

“You seem to be a fan of telling stories. Let me tell you a story. It is the story of a boy who was doted upon and adored. He did not need to strive for a thing … material possessions were provided for him, there for the asking. However, rather than be satisfied with what he had, the boy … he searched for what he could not have merely at hand. He searched for a challenge that had nothing to do with material possessions and status gained by simply having them. He looked to his elders … and found the challenge they sought to achieve was one he, too, could chase. He set out to do just that … join the ranks of wrestling.”

“The outcome was … not positive. Suffice it to say, the boy lost everything … almost including, his own life. At first, he was not aware of what had transpired. He had been removed from his habitat … brought somewhere entirely foreign … but he had no recollection to draw from. He could not ask for what he once had … for he no longer knew of it. In this way, he sacrificed all the material riches … all that an easy life brought … and became nothing. However, rather than question this new life that had been presented to him … he decided to indulge in his new life. For somewhere within his mind … in a place we cannot easily reach … the boy knew that, even when he had strove to take on the challenge his superiors had embarked upon … he had remained weak. He had engaged in an exercise of imitation … rather than be driven by his own reasons. Even had he still traveled the path of his elders … had he done it for his own reasons, rather than following theirs … it would have made the difference of a lifetime. Instead, he had merely followed … and that ignorance had almost cost him his life, in the form of a vicious beating in the square battlefield.”

“Starting anew, the young man withheld from returning to that challenge. If he would take it up once more … first he needed to properly equip himself-- in body, mind, and spirit. He sought the reasons for his being … his purpose, his resolve … a strength that would properly empower him …“

“Eventually, years later, when I returned to the square battlefield … I had discovered my reasons. I was prepared for what I was embarking upon … and knew the journey would be a worthwhile one. Since then … I have found much positive, even when darker issues have surfaced. The perspective from my first attempt … those memories that were long forgotten, returned to me by that misunderstood region of the mind … and I find myself whole again.”

(A pause.)

“Having said that … I did not need the Word of a God to direct me. With what I have been through … the suffering I have endured, and the battles I have survived … I do not need someone telling me what to believe in. I do not need you, Yossi Hait, telling me what exists and does not exist.”

“With what I have seen and experienced, I will tell you Yossi … there may be powers unseen … but I do not need to acknowledge any one God. And should you come to New Era attempting to preach that Word to me … and to the fans who provide you the privilege of performing for them, in a New Era venue … then I will show you, with a prejudice not yet witnessed of myself by the New Era … what I think of you and your God.”

“Be forewarned, Yossi Hait … I am not here to entertain your intentions of imposing a false power and influence upon New Era. I am not here to entertain the weak. I do not need to focus on one power that rules, be it seen or unseen … for there are signs of powerful influences all around the natural world. If you would acknowledge your weaknesses … embrace them, transform them into your strengths … perhaps you would realize such spirits and powers that exist. Instead you reject them in favor of a convenient One Power … one that cannot be proven nor disproved in full. Make no mistake, however … I am here to follow the journey I have set upon … and should you try and divert me from the path I choose to walk … you will tempt the Craze … and it will not hesitate to consume you, and your Word …”

“… all in a blur.”


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