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League Member
Apr 16, 2004
You know, Cruise, you come out here and tell me I need to take you seriously, then you occupy your time with somebody else.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not slighting Radder in the least. But, let's be realistic, you can beat him from now to doomsday and it's not gonna put a belt around your waist, now is it.

So, do me a favor. If you're gonna occupy my time talking about respect and what should and shouldn't be yours, then return a little of that respect and don't waste my time if you aren't gonna take this match seriously!



I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
RE: Focus...bi-focally

You wanna talk about occupying time Adler? Fine. Then let's talk about it. Kansas City. I'm facing a decent opponent who, for a change, actually GIVES A DAMN...about straight wrestling....who also coincidently just happens to be the world champion of this league before our current one came to be...Steve Radder.

What exactly are you doing 'Mr. Magnificent', to prepare for our match? Playing bridge with Sean Stevens in his off-time, hardly counts, so please, try actually doing something.

I mean, for crying out loud, you were a champion before I even came into this league correct? So you should sure as hell know, that if you got a big match coming up, it'd be pretty Scott Seeley of you to overlook the one you have at hand and look like a DONKEY'S ASS, then to do the right thing and work one match at a time.

Ken Shamrock did it the same way going into his re-match with Dan Severn.

Hell, my current opponent did it for the IRONMAN tournament, to become world champion.

If it's respect you want Adler, right now you best look elsewhere, because while I do respect the hype for our match, I have the same amount of respect for Steve Radder, in a match that proves simply who is the better man....even if it is for one night.

If I were you Adler, I'd start looking at my expectations before checking out someone else's.

It just might get you a win some day.



League Member
Apr 16, 2004
When I need your advice...

While I appreciate your oh so timely advice, even if I did have to pound your buttons a little just to get a peep outta you, the day I need training tips from you on how to gear up for a title match is pretty much the day I retire, ok?

And, I guess I owe you an appology. I've clearly put too much pressure on you. See, I actually thought you were capable of concentrating on more than one thing at a time. I mean, I just assumed that because you managed to find the time to SIGN more than one match, that you had the ability to PREPARE for more than one. But then, I've made the mistake of thinking every opponent I've ever faced was capable of preparing for fifteen different opponents at a time just because I could before. Thank GOD we found this out in time... I was just about to ask Merritt to sign a "Walk and chew gum at the same time" match, now that would have really been embarrassing.

You're right, I do need to re-examine my expectations.


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