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Former NFW handler


League Member
Dec 18, 2017
Sup guys

I handled Brock Alyas in NFW MANY a moon's ago. I was searching through old book marks and stumbled across this ol beauty of a msg board.

I was an annoying little shit to majority mainly Dan and Justin, so my apologies ahead of time.

It's cool to see the site still up and some familiar names. Is there anything active these days? Very sad to see nothing for CLUB, I remember the concept from way back and always thought I would be a better match writer for the Asylum/Flatlined format. Those were the golden days.

Anywho, stopped to say hello and see what's going on.


Mar 5, 1998
Pompano Beach, FL
Yes, yes you were ... kidding. :p

Most of the feds here are active in one way or another. DEFIANCE is super active and has been for quite a while now and NBW is pumping out consistent shows as well. I'm pulling double duty right now putting LoC together for a short(ish) final run to finally hit that ZEROhour mark and building CLuB with a small group of handlers at the same time.

It's odd to think of FW Central in this state but there are no real active board feds here anymore or RP feds at all. Everything here is angle these days. I would love to see that change and get some old school appeal back but that would take someone willing to fedhead and handlers.


League Member
Dec 18, 2017
Hahaha I'm sorry I was young and dumb.

If you wanna work on something or have a spot let me know. Either way I'll be around and following what you're doing. Hope all is well dude.

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