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From the President's Desk, 01.07.04


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
((The scene fades in to Acting President Marcus LaRoque's office. He and Juliet Marceau seem to be having a heated argument, which the camera starts to pick up.))

LaROQUE: "How dare you do that without consulting me!"

MARCEAU: "Its part of my job to handle the title defenses, right?"

LaROQUE: "Yes, but not to make them up and give 'em away!"

MARCEAU: "There's nothing in my contract that doesn't say I can't do it, (winks) babe."

LaROQUE: "You better watch yourself .."

((The camera fades out ... it fades back in a few seconds later. Now only LaRoque is sitting in his office. His hands are folding on his desk and he seems to be a little irked.))

LaROQUE: "I want to thank you all for coming here once again. And likewise, I have more good news for all you out there who are anxiously awaiting the opening of (sneers a bit) my promotion. So I'd like to take this time to say that we've got three new signees, whose contracts haven't even had the ink dry on them yet. And the roster just gets deeper and deeper every day. First, I'd like to thank a very .. happy young man to our home. El Arco Iris was more than overjoyed after signing his contract. In fact, he went up and down every floor of our offices giving each and every single employee a hug. I'm glad to have his .. enthusiasm aboard! Next I'd like to announce the hiring of a man who hasn't wrestled in a bit. He says he was on vacation .. whether or not that was to the big time, we'll never know .. But I'm glad to announce that Peter File has signed a New ERA contract. He unfortunately was miffed after he found out that our "Take Your Children To Work" Day was Thursdays, and not Tuesdays..."

(LaRoque clears his throat..)

LaROQUE: "And finally, I'd like to introduce our last new signee. Juliet Marceau got this one down herself, and boy does it show. Not only is he our latest signee, but thanks to Ms. Marceau, he's also our very own Universal Champion. I'm sure 'the American' will make a very big impression on New ERA.. and I can only imagine what else he has in store for us. (leans back in chair) Well there you have it folks. We've got six down, 10 more to go. And I'm very happy to say that we're coming very close on some negotiations. We still have struck out on tag teams, but really, c'mon, who isn't? Until the next time I decide to call attention to myself.. au'revoir!"

((The camera fades out as LaRoque shakes his head and mutter something to himself.))
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