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Full transpromotional Holiday Supershow line-up announced!


Nothing More, Nothing Less.
Jun 22, 2004
NEW YORK, NY - A press conference this morning at the Rose Hill Gymnasium, venue for the sold-out Just Wrestling Holiday Supershow in ten days' time, was the setting chosen for the announcement of the final line-up. We are accustomed to booker Tim Shipley handling these conferences but today he was nowhere to be seen, with Troy Mason (Operations) and Jody Monroe (PR) revealing the talents from across a diverse spectrum of pro wrestling traditions that will be coming together here in New York City.

Several matches had already been advertised - the main event, pitting Max Danger against Brock Shepherd for the JWC; the TSWF Showcase tag match; the Infinite Gauntlet Round 54 encounter - and these were reconfirmed first, with a barbed note from Monroe that PTC had as yet failed to confirm the names of the three IG participants but these would follow in due course. Mason then introduced a sequence of "Just vs" matches, in which representatives of other wrestling promotions would take on Just Wrestling regulars for bragging rights - and nothing more, though he added that the competitors would be welcome to join a future Just tour so long as they conduct themselves sensibly. He then casually reeled off the promotions that would be appearing in this way, to a collective gasp from the room. Of course Just Wrestling has a good reputation by dint of its range of top-level stars, but it is a regional promotion without a TV deal and it is understating things to call these quite a coup: PRIME, NFW, rW and the defunct AWC would all be represented in "Just vs" matches. Mason caused a further hubbub in detailing the matches more closely: Max Danger will pull double duty to take on PRIME's High Flyer, NFW have sent Legion in against Dr. Giggles in response to events there featuring the Church of the Unholy; rW's Ringside Champion Derek Barlow, in a move to Just Wrestling threatening to echo that of Myles Jake before him, will meet rising star Aaron Nothings; and AWC fan favourite Red Rock comes out of retirement for one night only to face Chris Vallette.

Already there was enough news to leave the lucky 3,400 ticket-holders salivating. But there was much, much more. Troy Mason had a smirk on his face when he announced a grudge rematch between Fathom and Maynard Crane after their impromptu no-holds-barred match in York, PA caused such havoc. Jody Monroe issued details on two further Showcase matches: a battle royal for representatives of BRAND Wrestling, and a free agents' face-off between Ash and Antonio DeMarco. Monroe then took pleasure in announcing that the booker himself, Tim Shipley, will be in action against regular Just Wrestling competitors Myles Jake's son, Ethan. And perhaps the best was saved for last: Shipley has used his connections to the full in obtaining permission from the relevant rights holders to host the first AWC Transatlantic Championship match for 12 months. A year ago at a reunion show, Darcy Crisis lost the belt to the indefatigable Garbage Bag Johnny; now, the GCW star will defend the apparently immortal title against one of the most fearsome competitors in the history of AWC and PRIME: Chainz.

Twelve enormous matches will make for quite an event in the Rose Hill Gymnasium. The event is completely sold out and New York City will be buzzing on the night of 20 December as some of the top talents of present and past come together for the Holiday Supershow. If you weren't lucky enough to get tickets don't worry: Just Wrestling is back on the road in January, with a unique and extremely exciting tour that will be unveiled in just a couple of weeks. Keep your eyes peeled.

Just Wrestling vs PRIME
Max Danger vs High Flyer

Free Agents' Showcase
Antonio DeMarco vs Ash

TSWF Showcase: Tag Team Grudge Rematch

The Perfectly Perfect Duo vs The Almighty Bastards

Just Wrestling vs NFW
Dr. Giggles vs Legion

BRAND Wrestling Showcase: Battle Royal
featuring goldFISH, Steve Solex, Scoot Johnson, B. Badd Wolf, Luscious, Frank Pierce, and the new BRAND owner

Rookie vs Booker
Ethan Jake vs Tim Shipley

Grudge Rematch: No Holds Barred
Fathom vs Maynard Crane

Just Wrestling vs AWC
Chris Vallette vs Red Rock

Infinite Gauntlet Round 54: #1 Contendership Three-Way
Contestants TBA

Just Wrestling vs rW
Aaron Nothings vs Derek Barlow

AWC Showcase: Transatlantic Championship
Garbage Bag Johnny (c) vs Chainz

Just Wrestling Championship
Brock Shepherd (c) vs Max Danger

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