1. The State of FWrestling.com
Given the climate of things, I think it's alright... but as others have said, it is definitely underused. I like the features on there - problem is not everybody puts them to use or updates as frequently as it would probably take to generate more activity. I'll admit that I don't look at it that often. I'll check in maybe once every 3 weeks or so to see what's new, but that's about it.
2. The State of FWrestling Central
As with the main page, I think it's alright given the state of FW. Activity in the hobby overall is down, and FW Central carries the same tune. However, when the leagues are active and posting shows its good stuff. We have a nice group of people; a few like me that have literally been on the site since its inception, some people that have been around for some years, and some newer people. I'd like to see more new people come in and shake things up, which i think would help with the level activity, but yeah... given the current landscape of FW, things are OK over here.
3. EPW
What can I say, it's my fed of choice as far as RP feds go. Brunk does a good job and we have a good group of handlers.
4. NFW
I like the idea of a hybrid fed, I think it brings people and character together that normally wouldn't be. When I've dropped in for the off match at NFW, it's always been good. The TV Title Battle Royal i did a few years back was fun.
I love the concept, but TEAM is in a transitional phase right now. I could see it not missing a beat, i can see it getting better, but i can also see it falling completely falling off the map. I guess we'll have to see how it shakes out, but I hope it does well. I loved it with Holzerman and hope to continue participating in it.
6. Should we look for any feds to convert?
Always... and loosen the restrictions for getting in. I know that the powers that be are probably willing to bypass alot of that anyway, but that needs to be made known. If a fed is all hype and fizzles out, so be it... you can erase it off the boards in minutes (not that i would ever endeavor to create extra work for our fine hosts. lol.) Who knows, maybe I'm wrong.. maybe you guys WILL take anybody. Either way, I'd like to see a couple more quality feds. Whether that means recruiting them or giving easier access, i think their presence would only be good. Heck, I want to get a fed on here one of these days (perhaps that lucha libre fed that everybody wants but just dont know it yet?)
7. Top Current Storylines
As previously mentioned, the P6B stuff was cool.. and i think a1e sort of qualifies these days. I like all the stables in Empire and am curious to see how their angles develop throughout the rest of the year. I need to catch up on NFW, but from what I hear, JTP's got a good thing going.
8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)
This is in no particular order, but I'll say Nova, Ravager, JA, JTP, and the First, with honorable mention for XXX.
9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)
What is a 'tag teams'?
10. Top Current Feud (name 1)
FW Central versus handlers "getting too old for this s#!+"
11. Predict a Swerve
XXX joins Anthology (WTF?~!), Boogie Smallz returns OUT OF NOWHERE and destroys us all (I wish.) SVJ comes out of retirement and feuds with SJH (Again, I wish.)
12. Match you want to see in 2009
Superstar Vince Jacobs versus 'XXX' Sean Stevens
13. Top Current Handlers
I know this is a cop out, but I've got love for everyone on the site.... well, except Siegal.
14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?
Alright, these are things that have been discussed before on the boards, but i think it's high time to discuss them again!!
FW Central Hall of Fame There have been alot of cool characters that have come through here over the years and we should totally have some kind of... something to give them shout outs! People need to know about the Joey Meltons, the Sean Edmunds, the Mike Mansons, the Hornets, the Lindsay Troys, the Solians and so on and so forth, that have been running through these feds for a decade (and sometimes longer if you go back to the P* days.)
A FWC-wide Champion Maybe I'm alone in this, and i know there was the Ultratitle thing in the past and that technically TEAM is an interfed, but I've always liked the idea of crowning a site-wide champion that would tour the feds of FW Central, sort of like the NWA champion visiting the different territories. All of the feds would sitll have their own titles, but then we'd have this champion popping in all over, creating different match-ups and fresh storylines in all the feds. Just a thought.
15. Random Thoughts?
O'Doyle RULES!