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FW Gut Reactions - First Quarter '09


Jan 1, 1970
Been awhile since one of these...

1. The State of FWrestling.com

2. The State of FWrestling Central

3. EPW

4. NFW


6. Should we look for any feds to convert?

7. Top Current Storylines

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)

11. Predict a Swerve

12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)

13. Top Current Handlers (name 5)

14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?

15. Random Thoughts?


Angry Johnny
Jun 7, 2006
New Frontier Wrestling
1. The State of FWrestling.com

It doesn't appear to be used very much anymore. Very akin to Something Awful Dot Com.

2. The State of FWrestling Central

We're doing fine.

3. EPW

Still going strong, very highly populated and highly competitive looking place.

4. NFW

Greatest fed in existence.


Was never invited. Always a bridesmaid...

6. Should we look for any feds to convert?

No. People want hosting, they'll ask for hosting.

7. Top Current Storylines

I'm enjoying Eddie Mayfield's abuse of power.

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)

1. Joe the Plumber
2. Dr. Curiosity
3. Rook Black
4. Triple X Sean Stevens
5. Cameron Cruise

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)

1. New Dawn Rising
2. Hollywood Wrecking Crew
3. BND

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)

Joe the Plumber vs. Eddie Mayfield

11. Predict a Swerve

Joe is working for Eddie?

No, wait. Impulse is working for Eddie.

12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)

Joe the Plumber vs. Eddie Mayfield

13. Top Current Handlers (name 5)


14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?

Convenient credit, even if I've been turned down in the past.

15. Random Thoughts?

JK does drugs.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Ok, I'm actually going to dodge a lot of these questions, due to my recent long absence from FW. But here we go...

1. The State of FWrestling.com

Seems to be a lot of good content. The updates come a little slow, but I think that's indicative of FW in general.

2. The State of FWrestling Central

The leagues are all high quality, so are the members, but the problem is a lack of consistent activity. It should be easier for other feds to get onto FWCentral, and the forum definitely needs more members. I know it's unfair to compare FW now to FW 10-12 years ago (God I need a life), but I remember when there were anywhere between 15-20 leagues at any given time (many were low quality, granted) with varied rules and rosters. There was almost never a lull in forum activity, and it got to the point where probably too many people were getting involved in FW. The rosters didn't all look the same; you'd have a few leagues all run by the same group of friends that had similar rosters/rules, and then you'd have a few other leagues with radically different rosters/rules. My point is, there were so many more options. Of course, the contributing factors are mostly out of our hands. Wrestling in the '90's was so much more popular than it is today, and FW's popularity is directly impacted by this. There was also less to hold your attention on the internet back then (especially if you subscribed to Prodigy) than there is now. You couldn't take gaming consoles online, there was no YouTube, good porn was harder to find, and if you were into Pro Wrestling then Prodigy offered a really great, engaged PW community, many of whom wound up joining FW leagues. For those of us who were bored and didn't do HW and were obsessed with wrestling (and had writing skills) FW was a good outlet. Eventually, I think FW's just going to go the way of real-time Dungeons and Dragons. In the meantime, FWC should do whatever it can to make it easier for new leagues to join. On the old BB's, if you wanted to start a league, all you had to do was make a thread, and there you go lol. Yeah, you got a lot of crap leagues, but there were some real gems too. Aren't there a lot of active E-Feds out there? Why don't we get more of them onto FWC? I see so many advertisements for leagues in the general forum, why not give a couple of them a chance? I would sum it up by saying FWC is high in quality, but desperately low in quantity, and sometimes quantity can be a good thing.

3. EPW

Really well organized, awesome league to be a part of. I just recently joined, but I'm excited to get on a card.

4. NFW

The ****s, don't join. Nah, what can I say? NFW is my home. It was my favorite league back in the day when it was UWA (well, technically it wasn't UWA, but JN started both) and when I'm active in FW then NFW is my base of operations. It's also home of some of the most wacky, bad acid trip induced, but creative storylines I've ever read in my life. NFW is different, is usually on the cutting edge when it comes to new ideas, and yeah...it's basically a bunch of stoners who like to write.


I know nothing about TEAM, so I can't comment.

6. Should we look for any feds to convert?

Yes! Convert 'em all, **** it. This place needs more action.

7. Top Current Storylines

Christ, I'm really only following NFW as of now, so I'd have to say I like the program HWC and the Suicide Kings are doing, as well as Joe the Plumber's rise to the top.

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)

In no specific order: Joe the Plumber, Ice Tre, Cruise, Nova, Triple X. Purposely left out Troy Windham, Mayfield, Miles, etc. because I wanted to name some guys I wasn't previously familiar with.

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)

Oh ****, I don't even know. HWC, Suicide Kings, and New Dawn Rising? (The only ones I know!)

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)

****, I think I answered this in the storyline part. Are JTP and Nova technically feuding? ****, I need to brush up.

11. Predict a Swerve

As long as Terence doesn't drive 104 down the expressway drunk, there will be no swerve.

12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)

Biff Busey vs. Lindsay Troy in a Japanese firecracker match where the loser gives the winner head in the ring.

13. Top Current Handlers (name 5)

Oh I don't friggin' know. I feel too biased saying Gregg and Jon since they're my friends, so besides them maybe Devin or the dude who does Ice Tre?

14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?

More activity, and give Terence a blog.

15. Random Thoughts?

Yeah, how the hell did we all get involved pretending to be wrestlers on the internet in our spare time?<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Ok, you know what? I do have a suggestion. Please eliminate the stupid ******* every time somebody curses. We're all adults here, right? I'm not aware of any young children on the forum. We can handle a few cursewords, right? Is the censorship really that necessary? Does anybody not know what I'm referring to when I simply alter a single letter by writing f*ck, sh*t, c*cksucker and c*nt? Come on now!

That's my rant for the day!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Ok, you know what? I do have a suggestion. Please eliminate the stupid ******* every time somebody curses. We're all adults here, right? I'm not aware of any young children on the forum. We can handle a few cursewords, right? Is the censorship really that necessary? Does anybody not know what I'm referring to when I simply alter a single letter by writing f*ck, sh*t, c*cksucker and c*nt? Come on now!

That's my rant for the day!


(See what I did there? OH SHIT SON!)


League Member
Feb 6, 2007
East Lansing, MI
1. The State of FWrestling.com- I open it a lot and check out the new thread feature to see what's new. I like the results voting feature, just wish it was used more by every fed. Also the headlines thing is cool and I really like seeing new stuff from Rebel there.

2. The State of FWrestling Central- Things are up and down, there's no question about it. It seems like there's times in every fed where two or three shows will go up quickly and then a month will pass before the next show goes up. This is because we all lead busy lives and the results are by-committee. That said, the feds are top notch with great talent and fedheads.

3. EPW- The talent is huge, but its been difficult finding a role for everybody. This isn't really a big deal as these things iron themselves out. It's great how well everyone gets along OOC and virtually no one has left in the last year. I'm looking forward to the day Paul (Ice Tre) comes back. He's a helluva guy and we have some unfinished business ;).

4. NFW- I wish I paid closer attention to this fed. I know about JTP and read every Nova rp before Chris' hiatus. I remember the place was flooded with talent during the Season era and a lot of the PTC transfers go there. The fed's results are pretty zany like its characters and Katz. I like that about it. They had a huge first half of '08 before things slowed a bit, but they look to be back in gear.

5. TEAM- This was my first 'fed' in FW. Tom ran the place as well as any fedhead when he was in charge. I think Adam can keep it up. I think TEAM will have to promote the hell out of the TiT and things will go smoothly after that. It'll be tough to get 64 wrestlers, but its possible if TEAM really works hard at getting characters from FW, PTC, A1E, Rebel and NAPW.

6. Should we look for any feds to convert?- Absolutely. Look to try and recruit some established feds first and look for guys eager to start new ones.

7. Top Current Storylines- This one is tough. I know over in A1E Cruise and Cross both won the P6B so thats big news. It's Westcott/Douglas part 2 over there as well. In EPW, the Anthology is really tearing things up while a Fallen/Forsaken feud has taken center stage. I know JTP is the head honcho in NFW right now and it'll take some serious writing to knock him off. He's been a wrecking machine in NFW. TEAM is looking to make the fedhead transition, but this place has always been more about competition than story.

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)- JTP, Westcott, Triple X Sean Stevens, Troy Douglas and Cameron Cruise.

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)- The Forsaken, Blitz, The Fallen

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)- Westcott/Douglas

11. Predict a Swerve- James Varga wins the NFW World Heavyweight Championship... what?

12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)- Stevens vs Randalls

13. Top Current Handlers (name 5)- **no particular order, and I picked six** Jamar Short, Jarret Aubry, Tom Siegel, JTP's handler, Adam Shinder, Mike Stanton (The First)

14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?- see below

15. Random Thoughts?- Thank God the Holzerblog is back!!! My first thought is to get NAPW, Rebel, A1E and Just Wrestling more integrated into the website. Also extending an olive branch to PTC wouldn't hurt (I know Katz has been on top of this). Let's tie this hobby together as much as possible.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
1. The State of FWrestling.com- I'm not exactly sure what it is I can say here that anyone else hasn't already said.

2. The State of FWrestling Central- I agree, if there's RP periods going on cards being posted on a decent basis, it's a pretty active place, but let's be honest here...while alot of us enjoy RPing and getting a kick out of the matches that are written...God help us if a Holiday comes along or some kind of current event occurs...FWC automatically takes a back seat and it stays that way for awhile. But in my opinion, even though I love E-fedding...it is what it is; a hobby or a game. If this was a job, rest assured there would be no hiatuses taken or at least any time lost over afew weeks due to a family issue (Personally if it was me...I'd be shoving people aside left and right for a promotion to make that money, but that's just me.).

3. EPW- Speaking as someone that was one of the "beginning" members of the fed when John Miller had the ball, I honestly think it's been nothing short of exhilerating the way he handed the ball off to Dave Brunk and what Brunk has done with it. In my eyes it's gone over very well and with people so eager to help with matchwriting (I'd help myself, but Brunk I'm pretty sure knows that I don't belong anywhere near that department being that I don't have much confidence in my skills to scribble out a match), it's made participation alot of fun for me. Sure, Card production isn't exactly the greatest...but just like another former fed I know, it's well worth the wait.

4. NFW- I may not have been around in the UWA days, but being a member of NFW Season 1 & 2 as well as the current roster, I've been able to see some amazing writers come and go. I've seen some characters dominate, and I've seen some characters that I found myself rooting for GET dominated. But much like EPW, I've seen this fed evolve at such an incredible level, it doesn't seem to stop surprising me just how well Jon Katz has been able to keep things tied together. For that I applaud him, because if I were him...after Season 1 and 2...I would've tapped out. Keep it up sir, :)

5. TEAM- Afew people are aware that I'm involved with more than just acouple feds, and they all know what they are, but TEAM is the first "All-Star" fed that I've participated in, albeit maybe not for every event/card that it produces, but from the start when Holzerman announced he was preggers (pardon the expression, :) ) and coming out with TEAM...at first I was kinda confused as to how different things would be from a regular fed, but even "sitting back" and watching it without participating, I'm amazed at just how well Holzerman's "Baby" has grown. I'm impressed and while I'm saddened that he's resigned, I'm just as happy to see him pass it off to a handler like Adam Shinder. Shinder (when he's not bogged down with IRL events like the rest of us), produces some of the best work I've seen and his passion for this hobby is nothing short of outstanding. I look forward to seeing how the next event comes out.

6. Should we look for any feds to convert?- Unless you're talking about "Signing free agents" to feds that need new blood...or is welcome to it...I'm not sure what you mean...are you talking like...from Jewish to Catholic/Christian??

7. Top Current Storylines- Again, I agree...there's quite abit. Douglas/Westcott, Cross/Appollyon, Wraith/Fanatic, Highland Park Social Club/Age Of Chaos, Fallen/Fusenshoff, Fallen/Anthology/Forsaken, Joe The Plumber/NFW...there's more I'm sure...

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)- Joe The Plumber, Marcus Westcott, Cross, Troy Douglas, Sean Stevens.

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)- The Forsaken, Blitz, The Fallen

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)- Joe The Plumber/NFW

11. Predict a Swerve- Hornet makes yet...ANOTHER comeback, :)

12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)- Exhibition--Jared Wells vs. Joe The Plumber...that's right I said it!!!

13. Top Current Handlers (name 5)- **no particular order, and I picked six** Jamar Short, Jarret Aubry, Devin Woods, Ryan Strawsma, Adam Shinder, Tom Holzerman

14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?- I'm not sure....surprise me, :)

15. Random Thoughts?- If this were ever to become a sport...God help the Mother****er that tries to improve with Steroids, :)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.
Ok, you know what? I do have a suggestion. Please eliminate the stupid ******* every time somebody curses. We're all adults here, right? I'm not aware of any young children on the forum. We can handle a few cursewords, right? Is the censorship really that necessary? Does anybody not know what I'm referring to when I simply alter a single letter by writing f*ck, sh*t, c*cksucker and c*nt? Come on now!

That's my rant for the day!

Y'know, I've always wondered about that. Don't get me wrong, I encourage everyone to write as much ****ed up depraved **** as they want. But, for example, a few years ago, there was a three way dance between Madonna Wayne Grossard (my Goldust ripoff character), "Simply Bi-Sexual" Beau Michaels, and a character named Peter File. I was kind of afraid the dude who wrote it was going to get in trouble for distributing pornographic material to minors. That's extreme example, 'cause that specific match was REALLY graphic and REALLY gay, but it made me wonder, aren't most wrestling fans nowadays fairly young? Like, I don't know if anything on here would blow some 13 year old John Cena mark's fragile mind, or whatever, but what if somebody's mom wrote an angry letter to Jesus? Or something?

I'm not coming out in favor of any (more) censorship, just posing the hypothetical.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Y'know, I've always wondered about that. Don't get me wrong, I encourage everyone to write as much ****ed up depraved **** as they want. But, for example, a few years ago, there was a three way dance between Madonna Wayne Grossard (my Goldust ripoff character), "Simply Bi-Sexual" Beau Michaels, and a character named Peter File. I was kind of afraid the dude who wrote it was going to get in trouble for distributing pornographic material to minors. That's extreme example, 'cause that specific match was REALLY graphic and REALLY gay, but it made me wonder, aren't most wrestling fans nowadays fairly young? Like, I don't know if anything on here would blow some 13 year old John Cena mark's fragile mind, or whatever, but what if somebody's mom wrote an angry letter to Jesus? Or something?

I'm not coming out in favor of any (more) censorship, just posing the hypothetical.

LOL, you RPed Madonna Wayne Grossard? It's funny, but I think you had one of the belts in my old old fed, NTWA. I'm talking like, way back in '97/'98. Seriously, you were one of our first members (I think). Just one of the characters I remember. You RPed him in a bunch of different leagues if I remember correctly.


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
1. The State of FWrestling.com

No one really looks at the front page, but to be fair, that's a problem a lot of sites face.

2. The State of FWrestling Central

Healthy. Yeah, there are only 3 feds active, but they're all healthy when they are.

3. EPW

Best fed on the 'Net for my money

4. NFW

Had a great time there and may be returning


Mah baby! Hope that Shinder can carry the torch as well or better than I did

6. Should we look for any feds to convert?

I think we should always be on the lookout for feds to host, but at the same time, I don't want pic-base ****-quality Geocities feds here.

7. Top Current Storylines

The Anthology in EPW is pretty neat

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)

Stevens, JtP, Beast/Westcott, Troy Douglas, Ravager

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)

Blitz, HWC, Suicide Kings

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)


11. Predict a Swerve

The next CSWA card comes out this year! :eek:

12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)

Nova vs. Triple X

13. Top Current Handlers (name 5)

Katz, Brunk, J-Short, Jarrett, Shinder

14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?

More cowbell

15. Random Thoughts?

Knibb High football rules!


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)- Exhibition--Jared Wells vs. Joe The Plumber...that's right I said it!!!

Jared Wells invites and challenges Joe The Plumber to a match at EPW's big Pay Per View, Wrestleverse III. Street Fight.

Just kidding. That would be fun though!

-Barry C :D


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Well, I only currently handle in two feds anymore - that being A1E and NAPW so my responses will be colored as such. I run EPW too, but tend to not brag on our stuff. Maybe I will just a tad. :)

1. The State of FWrestling.com

Yeah, hardly anyone adds much to the site myself included. I do check it out now and then though just in case.

2. The State of FWrestling Central

I'm happy with it. Only three feds, as said before but good feds that aren't going anywhere.

3. EPW

Won't talk my own place up, but I'm very happy with the health of it at the moment. I have a fantastic handler base that is the backbone of the place. I have no complaints.

4. NFW

Katz is awesome. The fed is super original in storyline production and has fantastically written matches. What else matters?


I haven't read it at all since I stopped participating, but it definitely serves a purpose in bringing different handlers and styles together.

6. Should we look for any feds to convert?

I'm not a big fan of e-fed proseletyzing.

7. Top Current Storylines

I don't even know.

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)

Stevens, Fusenshoff, Troy Douglas, um....damn I'm out of touch.

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)

Forsaken, um....again, see #8.

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)

Anthology vs. everyone else in EPW.

11. Predict a Swerve

Cameron Cruise changes his facebook photo and no longer looks like Styles from Teen Wolf, but rather Jerry O'Connel in Stand By Me.

12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)

Triple X vs. Rocko Daymon, again.

13. Top Current Handlers (name 5)

Katz, Jamar S., Ryan Strawsma, Mike Stanton, Kevin Healey

14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?

More surveys

15. Random Thoughts?

I'm glad this survey is over.


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
1. The State of FWrestling.com

Given the climate of things, I think it's alright... but as others have said, it is definitely underused. I like the features on there - problem is not everybody puts them to use or updates as frequently as it would probably take to generate more activity. I'll admit that I don't look at it that often. I'll check in maybe once every 3 weeks or so to see what's new, but that's about it.

2. The State of FWrestling Central

As with the main page, I think it's alright given the state of FW. Activity in the hobby overall is down, and FW Central carries the same tune. However, when the leagues are active and posting shows its good stuff. We have a nice group of people; a few like me that have literally been on the site since its inception, some people that have been around for some years, and some newer people. I'd like to see more new people come in and shake things up, which i think would help with the level activity, but yeah... given the current landscape of FW, things are OK over here.

3. EPW

What can I say, it's my fed of choice as far as RP feds go. Brunk does a good job and we have a good group of handlers.

4. NFW

I like the idea of a hybrid fed, I think it brings people and character together that normally wouldn't be. When I've dropped in for the off match at NFW, it's always been good. The TV Title Battle Royal i did a few years back was fun.


I love the concept, but TEAM is in a transitional phase right now. I could see it not missing a beat, i can see it getting better, but i can also see it falling completely falling off the map. I guess we'll have to see how it shakes out, but I hope it does well. I loved it with Holzerman and hope to continue participating in it.

6. Should we look for any feds to convert?

Always... and loosen the restrictions for getting in. I know that the powers that be are probably willing to bypass alot of that anyway, but that needs to be made known. If a fed is all hype and fizzles out, so be it... you can erase it off the boards in minutes (not that i would ever endeavor to create extra work for our fine hosts. lol.) Who knows, maybe I'm wrong.. maybe you guys WILL take anybody. Either way, I'd like to see a couple more quality feds. Whether that means recruiting them or giving easier access, i think their presence would only be good. Heck, I want to get a fed on here one of these days (perhaps that lucha libre fed that everybody wants but just dont know it yet?)

7. Top Current Storylines

As previously mentioned, the P6B stuff was cool.. and i think a1e sort of qualifies these days. I like all the stables in Empire and am curious to see how their angles develop throughout the rest of the year. I need to catch up on NFW, but from what I hear, JTP's got a good thing going.

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)

This is in no particular order, but I'll say Nova, Ravager, JA, JTP, and the First, with honorable mention for XXX.

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)

What is a 'tag teams'?

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)

FW Central versus handlers "getting too old for this s#!+"

11. Predict a Swerve

XXX joins Anthology (WTF?~!), Boogie Smallz returns OUT OF NOWHERE and destroys us all (I wish.) SVJ comes out of retirement and feuds with SJH (Again, I wish.)

12. Match you want to see in 2009

Superstar Vince Jacobs versus 'XXX' Sean Stevens

13. Top Current Handlers

I know this is a cop out, but I've got love for everyone on the site.... well, except Siegal. ;)

14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?

Alright, these are things that have been discussed before on the boards, but i think it's high time to discuss them again!!

FW Central Hall of Fame There have been alot of cool characters that have come through here over the years and we should totally have some kind of... something to give them shout outs! People need to know about the Joey Meltons, the Sean Edmunds, the Mike Mansons, the Hornets, the Lindsay Troys, the Solians and so on and so forth, that have been running through these feds for a decade (and sometimes longer if you go back to the P* days.)

A FWC-wide Champion Maybe I'm alone in this, and i know there was the Ultratitle thing in the past and that technically TEAM is an interfed, but I've always liked the idea of crowning a site-wide champion that would tour the feds of FW Central, sort of like the NWA champion visiting the different territories. All of the feds would sitll have their own titles, but then we'd have this champion popping in all over, creating different match-ups and fresh storylines in all the feds. Just a thought.

15. Random Thoughts?

O'Doyle RULES!


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
A FWC-wide Champion Maybe I'm alone in this, and i know there was the Ultratitle thing in the past and that technically TEAM is an interfed, but I've always liked the idea of crowning a site-wide champion that would tour the feds of FW Central, sort of like the NWA champion visiting the different territories. All of the feds would sitll have their own titles, but then we'd have this champion popping in all over, creating different match-ups and fresh storylines in all the feds. Just a thought.

Awww, but I like this place nice and peaceful like it is, without drama. :D

Well I don't know, when Ultratitle was brought back did it cause much of a ruckus? I remember it causing so many damn fights. That said, I do love the idea of having a Unified Champ again. It's a pretty cool thing, as long as people can handle it. I think we have a pretty mature crew here (well, mature as FWers can possibly be, lol), so maybe it could work.


Jan 1, 1970
Awww, but I like this place nice and peaceful like it is, without drama. :D

Well I don't know, when Ultratitle was brought back did it cause much of a ruckus? I remember it causing so many damn fights. That said, I do love the idea of having a Unified Champ again. It's a pretty cool thing, as long as people can handle it. I think we have a pretty mature crew here (well, mature as FWers can possibly be, lol), so maybe it could work.

All the drama surrounding NFW's run with the Ultratitle had to do with management storylines. At the same time, you're talking about 3-5 people *****ing about it versus the 50+ people that were involved with it for the 4-5 year run.

I think you're remembering what happened in 1997...and I really don't foresee FWC ever returning to that type of atmosphere. I also think EPW and NFW are at a point, where they wouldn't recognize a title like that as being greater than their own World Championship...because their championship lineage is far greater.

That's not to say we couldn't do it if we put our minds to it, but I think Brunk and myself get along so well because we're far better off as non-competitive feds vs. competitive. You have to understand that NFW and EPW are completely different animals due to their fedheads having completely different philosophies on how to run things.

Now, if Merritt/Thomas were active and back...then we have a duo that kinda fall between where Brunk and I stand philosophically and we'd also have two guys we both trust in terms of judging/booking.

There's also the fact that TEAM does big tournaments all the time, so I'd feel we'd be doing them a disservice to all of a sudden hold a separate tournament to crown a 'Unified' FWC Champ.


Jan 1, 1970
1. The State of FWrestling.com

Unfortunately, NAPW handlers completely destroyed the value of the ratings system. It would've been nice to seen some objective feedback, but Chad and I should've known better. Aside from that, I do thank that circle for using the site...and its a shame that not many other people do. At least its all set up and can always flourish if people do choose to use it more.

2. The State of FWrestling Central

Hopefully, TEAM will get their show up soon. I really don't want to be down to two.

3. EPW

The last 100% dedicated FW style fed. Its been fun to take part in, when I've had the time.

4. NFW

I'm a lucky, lucky fedhead.


I'm hoping Shinder pulls it off. He's definitely shown promise as a cardwriter for other feds.

6. Should we look for any feds to convert?

It seems there's so many feds that love their websites and pizzaz, I wouldn't mind seeing what happened if we pulled over a fed based on having fun on the forums regardless of style.

7. Top Current Storylines

Outside of NFW, I wouldn't know of any unfortunately. I usually like to see other responses, so I know what's going on in other feds. Sounds like Beast/Douglas is pretty big...same with Anthology in EPW.

8. Top Current Wrestlers (name 5)


XXX, Ice Tre, Fusenhoff, Ravager, Olvir

9. Top Current Tag Teams (name 3)

No clue outside NFW.

10. Top Current Feud (name 1)

XXX vs. JA had potential, but that seemed to fade a bit.

11. Predict a Swerve

Dan Ryan returns to EPW.

12. Match you want to see in 2009 (don't use your characters)

Troy Windham vs. Blaine Hollywood

13. Top Current Handlers (name 5)

Outside NFW so far this year: Shorty, Allan (Ravager), Jarrett, Shinder, Kevin

14. What would you like to see next from FW.com?

More people using the fwrestling.com site.

15. Random Thoughts?

All the freaking time.

About FWrestling

FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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