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Graveyard philosopher


Mar 11, 2012
"Hey dudes, IWF superstar Spooky Doom here... with a couple of lessons I suppose. Namely, that wrestling is what you make of it."

"What? You were expecting an introduction piece? No, NO. You've got the IWF for that, I work there now and I'll be appearing on shows across the American west coast for whenever you wanna watch quality wrestling. No, really, I'm facing Johnny Niles soon and I promise you it'll be worth your while. And it's not just me, there's Go-Go Spectacular, Erik Mateo, Eddie Patton and I hear Steve "Axion" Jackson is returning; all the action coming up at Chain Reaction 8 with all the wrestler interviews leading up to it. Watch it right now, I ain't using my time here just to tell you who I am while I'm doing that at the other station. Sheesh."

"No, this is about the ULTRATITLE and what it means for everyone participating in the tournament... and maybe even those viewers watching at home, if anyone still cares about 'em. What I was trying to say was that wrestling was what you made of it, and in turn that shapes your view on what the ULTRATITLE (biggest title in wrestling) represents."

"Yeah, I bet you're all confused now so I'll lead you through the rest of the interview. Are you a thug? That's a serious question by the way, I'm a little Grim Reaper-thingy myself. I'm asking whether or not you are the biggest, strongest most brutal thing to ever hit this sport. Because I bet that's how you see wrestling in turn: this dark, ruthless place where only the strong survive and you are the strongest and you will survive at the end of the ULTRATITLE because wrestling is this dreary place that sucks the life outta you bit by bit but you never had a soul in the first place so wrestling can't hurt you-"

"No. God, no. I ain't gonna stand for that perversion and I'm personally coming to take your soul whether you think you have one or not. I'm the Spooky Doom and you do not insult this biz I love. Wrestling's beautiful."

"Maybe you're that consummate professional fella? There are people who have legitimate 15+ years of experience doing this thing and they're coming back for ONE LAST SHOT because they need the ULTRATITLE to validate all the effort they put in their career and that's their narrative. Cute, but no. ULTRATITLE is bigger than any one of us, you should know that. If you're going to bring this title home, better do something with it."

"Which brings us to my second lesson by the way. I did say I have a couple of lessons. Wrestling is bigger than wrestling itself. Hear me out: you may embody all the passion and dedication needed to be the best in the world but unfairly enough (is that even a word?), that's not enough. Skill, talent, knowledge, aptitude... Oh, those are all great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise! But it's an often bemoaned aspect of this sport that you're supposed to bring people IN. Not to say a dirty word or anything, but I'm talking about the whole charisma aspect here."

"Whomever holds the ULTRATITLE will shape professional wrestling, I can feel it. If it's a mat wrestler, there are gonna be more mat wrestlers in the world who want to be like the ULTRACHAMP. Likewise if the winner is this tough-as-nails brawler or this gigantic muscle guy because people tend to imitate success. So dare to dream for a moment and imagine me with the title. What does that mean for the state of pro-wrestling?"

"No, not more luchadors or Grim Reapers. I'm talking about people outside the norm. People figuring out there's more to wrestling than moves and an attitude, though I do act like that's all that matters sometimes. Okay, I'll go out and say it: I WANT FRIENDS. I'm the undead nephew of a 6'10" juggernaut and sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who "get's" wrestling. Everyone else treats it like MMA. The world is so much bigger but everyone focuses on the tinier aspects of it all. I want to be the guy that shows that wrestling is just as much about creating something beautiful as it is about destroying everyone with nasty lariats."

"My name is Spooky Doom and I come from lucha libre, where everyone has a mask and a story and with that story comes an identity that's unique to that person. I am out to win the ULTRATITLE, not just for myself but so that people look at the guy who won it and realize there's an alternative to how you approach wrestling. You can say that the ULTRATITLE isn't enough for me; I want to reinvent everything. Yeah. That's what I wanted to say tonight."

[Fade in to the ULTRATITLE banner, where a diminuative luchad- Oh shucks I'm late, aren't I? Aw crud, dangit, darn...]

[Lousy 2$ alarm clock.]


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
GOP: Lucha libre, eh? So what you're saying is you're an illegal immigrant? I hope I get you in this tournament so I can send your no-good, trespassing ass back across the Rio Grande where it belongs.

This message has been approved by Phantom Republican for ULTRATITLE 2012


Mar 11, 2012
Doom: Get your soul back to Hell right this instant!

(also, thank you for finding out the proper name for that move I kept trying to explain. La Casadora. We're gonna have so much fun together!)

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