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GWE UpDate 30 AUG 04


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Never thought you would see one of these did ya.

Seems something has happened to the old site (http://www.fwrestling.com/host/gxw) and I cannot find any cards dated from August of last year. 26 AUG 03 is the last official card I have on hand. Everything since that day ... has been deleted from the site.

I know it might be one or two cards (ha ha), but still ...

If ANYONE has saved those cards to their personal files and would like to send a copy my way please send'em to LushPac@aol.com and I'll try to piece the history of GXW/GWE back together.

I'll be back with more later concerning the status of GWE.

Erik Z
Owner GWE

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