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History of the jWo

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
There was a fed, I believe the FWC, run by old school P* Rp'er/fed head Shawn Beckowski, he set up a mega card, on which the payoff would be a Lex Taylor/Gladiator (My old school Gladiator charator and not the one who's been in A1E for forever.) match for the FWC World Title...The gist of the angle was that the character of Brian Jenkins would take over ownership from the character of Beckowski, and then corruptly screw Gladiator out of the title and give it to his friend, Lex Taylor.

This all came to pass and Lex Taylor became champion, of course the plan was for the locker room to revolt against Jenkins and fight against his corrupt and evil rule.

That part of the plan didn't come to pass. What happened then was Kevin Schmid and I, formed the "Jenkins World Order" and basically made it clear that were on Jenkins side in the Jenkins/Beckowski power struggle. Schmid's character GUNS had a World Title shot Vs Taylor and his promos were basically about how "This is about business, Jenkins has to be logical and fair here and let me fight Taylor fair and square, beat him, and help carry this company, led by Jenkins, to new heights." The whole plan was a 1 show gimmick to explain why, in kayfabe, Jenkins would be willing to have Taylor lose to GUNS.

The match between Taylor and GUNS was a no-decision, and thusly, the jWo had to live on. At this point we decided to run with the ball and did fake jWo cards, with GUNS/Doc and other new gimmicks (Pi became our verison of 6) fighting just about anyone in the world, an epic battle between the jWo and ESPN's broadcasters led to the jWo winning the "World Series of Wrestling" (Or was it World Cup?) due to the popularity of the nWo angle, the jWo kept growing, with more and more people siding with us, FWC closed with GUNS finally winning the title. The jWo moved on to tormenting the IWC. IWC became infamous because P* had a year end 'best FW vote' and Bob Ryder had foolishly allowed everyone to vote once a day, and the IWC'ers were brutally ballot stuffing, when they were seen as being a really small and generally unimportant league. The two bright spots in IWC were Mike Manson and Ares, who'd go on to become pretty darn good in their own right. An epic fight between some guy I totally forget and Pi in a 'cane a kid who's stuck on a pole' match was about the height of our stupidly overbooked foolishness. The IWC fought the jWo in a best of 7 for the highly sought after World Series title the jWo beat a bunch of ESPN broadcasters for. In the end, the jWo won 4-3. What I remember most about this was at the time having some IWC'er who wasn't even in the event get the piss beaten out of him by Shirley Manson (Who in the jWo mythos, was the 'Sting as Crow' enemy of the jWo.) I did feel bad for that guy getting randomly squash jobbed to a female singer.

The jWo then went onto NGEN where Doc ran as champ for about the whole duration of the company, Eddie Mayfield was our last big recruit and then things ran out of steam. And that, in a not so small nutshell, is the legacy of the jWo.

So when Shirley Manson no-sells your finisher and breaks a baseball bat over your skull at the first PPV, or Kenny Mayne hits the ring with a steel chair and starts laying people out, don't say you weren't warned.


Jan 1, 1970
Ombudsman's Notes:

IWC was Ybok's fed.

IWF was Horowitz's fed.

Beckowski's fed was the WCWF if I'm not mistaken.

And what about the Red-Headed Stepchild? :)

AC Blood

League Member
Apr 22, 2007
Wow. That sounds like some story to build on. Looking forward to everything going ahead with jWo as it sounds like the possibilities are endless!


League Member
Nov 22, 2003
Lafayette, Tennessee
WestPREZ said:
Ombudsman's Notes:

IWC was Ybok's fed.

IWF was Horowitz's fed.

Beckowski's fed was the WCWF if I'm not mistaken.

And what about the Red-Headed Stepchild? :)

WCWF was Beckowski's real wrestler fed, and probably the best one that I'd ever been involved with. FWC was a later fed that he ran with some help from me.

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