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Jim Black

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League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Handler Information

Name: Patrick Allain
Email Address: allainland(at)hotmail(dawt)com
Preferred Method of Handling: Roleplay
Best Way to Contact You: email.
eWrestling Experience: Been at it since 1998. From simmed play-by-email on TNM7 to assistant fed-head, match-writing and all things in-between.
How did you find Defiance? In the FWrestling boards.

Writing Sample

Here is an RP for my wrestler Eddie Whisky. It is far and away one of my favourites: http://www.fwrestling.com/showthrea...-Mayweather-vs-Eddie-Whisky&p=84977#post84977
If you prefer the narrative RP type over scripted, here is one from Jim Black: http://www.wwa-online.com/articles.php/article/1707

This is the last match I ever wrote. It links the whole event, sadly. It is Shaman vs. RJ Stone: http://www.wwa-online.com/event.php/64

This match I wrote about 13 years ago. Still, it won match of the year and I could have only improved since then. Right? Randy Cross vs. Jim Black: http://www.wwa-online.com/pastshows/july00.htm

Wrestler(s) Information

Ring Name: "The Magnificent Bastard" Jim Black
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 236 lbs.

Hailing From: Phoenix, AZ
Alignment: Heel unless another heel really irritates him enough

Gimmick: His gimmick is that of a cocky and/or charismatic jerkass, which befits his personality. Depending on the mood of the fed he can go from somewhat arrogant to deluded God-complex.

Wrestling Style: Black is a rather quick and strikes hard. Since he is neither the fastest nor the strongest wrestler, he tries to mix up his style to best counter whomever he is in the ring with at the time. A bit Eddie Guerrero, and a bit Curt Hennig. Yes, I am aware that dates me.

Three Weaknesses:
1. He can be easily overpowered.
2. In a toe-to-toe fight he will lose against true shooter.
3. He does not make or keep friends easily. Subsequently, he will have a big target on his back.

Three Strengths:
1. You will NOT beat him at head games. He is the Magnificent Bastard, and he honestly believes everything he says about himself. Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff.
2. Stamina. He is a long-run type of guy.
3. Versatile. He can do the ground, and fly and hit fast as the situation needs.


Ten regular moveset moves:

1) Stiff chop
2) Low blow
3) Reverse tiger suplex
4) Head-and-arm suplex
5) Spinning Heel Kick
6) Headbutt
7) Low blow (not a typo, he just does it a lot)
8) Any cheating move from eye pokes to grabbing tights. He is a jerk.
9) Belly-to-belly suplex
10) Seated dropkick

2-5 trademark moves:

1) Corkscrew plancha
2) Tree of Woe seated drop kick
3) Top rope spinning heel kick

1 Finishing Move:

Black Out (Superkick. Without any of that HBK stomping nonsense. It is supposed to hit out of nowhere, y'see.)

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move (Optional)

The Total Bastard (Sleeper. As in "only a total bastard would finish a match with a sleeper.")
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League Member
Jun 4, 2007
Alignment: Heel unless another heel really irritates him enough

Gimmick: His gimmick is that of a cocky and/or charismatic jerkass, which befits his personality. Depending on the mood of the fed he can go from somewhat arrogant to deluded God-complex.

There's a lot of these in DEFIANCE already. What makes your guy unique?


League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
He comes from Arizona!
However, if the DEF is already full of cocky egomaniacs, maybe I will pitch my resident FW guy, Eddie Whisky instead. I shall measure feedback.


League Member
Apr 10, 2012
No. And this is solely based on the character.

To me it feels as though this character was created on the fly as you were filling it out.

Reasons for my no:
1) You might as well have named him Jon Snow.

2) As Kevin said the gimmick and Alignment is over done in DEF and for the larger scale. Everywhere else. Arrogant cocky jerk is the new 7'10" 600 lbs guy. I understand its the easiest to write and its fun coming up with those witty zingers, but its overdone and rarely good anymore.

3) His weaknesses aren't actually weaknesses. Not making friends is not a weakness. It's barely a character trait. And the other two could just read "He's weak". Unless you are using a 1-2-3 Kid type character this isn't really a weakness. It's just pointing out that others will be stronger. Which is true for 99% of all characters.

4) Your wrestling style contradicts itself. He's quick and strikes hard, but hes is not the fastest or strongest. What does that even mean? Then you say his style is to counter the style of his opponent.

5) There is a lot in this character that tries to make him better than he should be. Like in my reason 4 where he automatically counters the style of his opponent. Or that his strength is that you can't beat him in head games. He's great on the ground and in the air. He has amazing stamina. As his gimmick states he has a deluded God-complex, so does this.


League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Okay Jimbo is a bit too perfect I suppose. Then let me close this proposal and open one for Eddie Whisky.

And I don't get the Jon Snow reference for the record. He has just been Jim Black since 1999. I was going for a generic name when I made him and Joe Grey was already taken.
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