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Just Like Starting Over



[updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-01 AT 01:04 AM (EST)]
[font color=black]
"I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to say..."

"...I guess the truth would do, wouldn't it?"

"The truth is... a year ago, I was broken. My knee was shattered beyond recognition... and I should have walked away. I should have thrown in the towel right that instant - but I didn't. I went on... I fought through it... I know it was stupid, but I was too stubborn to let Zero be the man to finish me."

"Then... at the start of the IRONMAN of CHAMPIONS - on the brink of the greatest opportunity of my career - I bang my shoulder up. The doctors told me to walk away. They told me to hand my US Title over to Merritt and call it a career...."

"...but I couldn't..."[/font]

He looked up at the camera slowly, his dark hair dangling wet before his eyes.

[font color=black]"So, now... Here I am. And the 'truth' has changed. Zero has been put down for GOOD. It's been months since the IOC... it's been months since I've been in the ring, and all of that precious, precious time has given my body time to heal... and my mind time to regroup. The whole landscape has changed... my options have changed... my priorities have changed."

"I've been at the bottom, people... There's nowhere else to go..."[/font]

He smiled, whipping the hair from his face. Havoc pointed his index finger towards the dark ceiling.

[font color=black]"...except Up..."[/font]

His finger then turned down, pointing directly at the camera's lens.

[font color=black]"... and Onward."[/font]

Havoc got to his feet, pulling a hanging string as he does so. That turned on an overhead lamp, illuminating the entire lockerooom. He was dressed in his usual ring attire... the only difference being the abscence of the 'usual' knee brace on his right leg.

[font color=black]"I'm not going to sit still... I'm not going to wait for my opportunities or wait for my turn... I'm going to define my objective - and EXECUTE it. Kevin Powers... in a few short days, you and I will meet in the center of the ring one more time. But, you see... this time... it's all different."

"This isn't about getting points for the IOC, getting closer to the gold... Nor is it about Me trying to overcome injury... or you trying to overcome your unfinished business with Randalls. This is about YOU... and I... settling OUR unfinished business... settling our business... with the US Title on the line..."[/font]

He held it up to the light, sending golden rays reflecting in all directions.

[font color=black]"I'm not going to let anyone spoil this match for us, Powers. I'm not going to allow anyone, be it Randalls, Flair, Love, Radder - or ANY of the rest of your ex-girlfriends - HURT what this title is worth. For almost a year, I've held onto this belt - I've fought and bled for this belt, just like you did not too long before me... They want to run down to the ring and dance with you? Guess what - I'll be cuttin' in. There's no way in hell I'll let one more event go by without answering the question that has GOT to be answered, Kevin Powers."

"You've heard me ask before... Who is the better man?"

"I've come too far... been through too much... learned too much about who I am... to let it be you, Kevin."[/font]

He glanced down at the belt draped over his shoulder, then silently turned, exiting the lockerroom.


Former wrestling journalist and manager, Mitch Kennedy let out an audible sigh as he leafed through the classified section of the Baltimore Herald. He had been out of work since last May when the one half of tag team he represented in SCW (Superior Championship Wrestling), Ric Samson, was fired uncerimoniously by the federation's money-hungry owner, Edward Brown.

Mitch's options were few and far between. Ric had all but retired from professional wrestling to pursue his own questionable business ventures, leaving Mitch to fend for himself in the waning wrestling industry.

His eyes went suddenly wide when they caught sight of an ad for an upcoming CSWA event elsewhere in the country. A name on the 'announced matches' list jumped out at him:


Mitch and Havoc went back about 3 years to Havoc's intial SCW run. They had been good friends in the past...

[font color=black]"Maybe Havoc can help me out of this jam somehow,"[/font] Mitch said as he picked up the phone. What other choice was there? Mitch had exhausted all other options!

What's the worst thing Havoc could say?

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