LVW World Championship Madness - Segment 06
(MUSIC UP: “It’s All About the Pentiums” – Weird Al)
“It’s (crowd chants along!) all about the Pentiums, baby!”
MAYES (V/O): “We are BACK, and listen to this crowd!”
SMITH (V/O): “Where the hell did all these Web Browser fans come from – they’re the homeless people, aren’t they?”
(CUTTO: The curtain, and out in a freshly bought white button-down shirt comes WEB BROWSER, to the love of the room! BROWSER’s eyes bug out, stunned at the reaction, not knowing what to do in his new-found glory! WEB BROWSER looks down at the big mustard stain on his black dress pants, and starts to pick at it, acting shy to be messy in front of the crowd. A fan reaches over the railing and taps BROWSER on the shoulder, freaking him out, causing him to run towards the ring, wanting to get away! WEB BROWSER climbs hurriedly into the ring, looking to and fro, eyes popped out as if he’s being chased by ghosts!)
MAYES (V/O): “Web Browser is here not only to advance in the LVW World Title Tournament, but he’s also here for some revenge, Smith!”
(B-ROLL: ‘LAST WEEK’ – WEB BROWSER clotheslining WILLIAM SIMMONS out of his sneakers; SIMMONS on the mic; the arrival of his lawyer, “Hard Hitter” BEN LERNER onto the scene; LERNER grabbing the mic and plugging WEB BROWSER from behind with it…)
SMITH (V/O): “Give me a break, Mayes. The Hard Hitter, Ben Lerner, the BEST lawyer in the Valley, I might add, is slick, polished, professional, and looks like a CHAMP. This guy’s homeless street trash!”
MAYES (V/O): “And YOU are as poor as the homeless right now – Web Browser was ATTACKED from behind by the “Hard Hitter” Ben Lerner, and it led to THIS big brawl.”
(B-ROLL CONTINUED: …WEB BROWSER grabbing LERNER by the head and tossing him over the top rope. BROWSER and LERNER fighting into the crowd, and out the door of the House of Blues!)
SMITH (V/O): “Typical homeless, putting the working people in danger! He got his summons, and now he’s going to see Lerner in the wrestling courtroom!”
(CUTTO: The stage, and the room goes purple! Fog machines fire up, engulfing the front of the curtain!)
MAYES (V/O): “What’s this?”
SMITH (V/O): “Don’t you watch the commercials? The Hard Hitter is coming!”
(MUSIC UP: “Hard Hitter” – Red)
(The beat goes for 30 seconds or so, and then a BLACK SHADOW shows up in the fluorescent purple light, and the boos get loud! The shadow comes closer to the light and emerges through the fog – “Hard Hitter” BEN LERNER. LERNER is met with a roomful of boo-birds, and he laughs at them, soaking in their envy! LERNER, in black trunks with two green dollar signs above his right leg, swaggers toward the ring, setting his sights on WEB BROWSER, staring him down as he hits ringside! Out from behind him in his white Tom Brady Patriots jersey is WILLIAM SIMMONS, who’s hobbling on his crutch to try and keep up with his council! SIMMONS struggles along, as he is holding LERNER’s briefcase in his left hand, crutch in right, twitching his neck trying to adjust to still being in a neckbrace.)
MAYES (V/O): “I see the Ben Lerner isn’t alone, SIR Simon.”
SMITH (V/O): “His client has the right to be here for this match, Mayes. And what can Simmons really do after the brutal, horrific attacks he suffered at the hands of Web Browser but to see the scum lose in person!”
JERRY HARWELL: “This match is set for ONE fall, with the winner advancing in the HEARTS bracket! (Pop!) FIRST, in the corner to my left! (Swell of cheers!) He hails from… (HARWELL double-takes looking at the cue card) …Room 14 at the Oasis Motel! (Some laughs at that!) He weighs in at TWO hundred and FORTY-FOUR POUNDS… he is THE WEB BROOOOOOOOOW-SERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!” (The room gives it up with more love, BROWSER spooked by it all.)
“And his OPPONENT! (BOOS!) Accompanied to the ring by his client, WILLIAM SIMMONS… (“PATS SUCK!” yell from the crowd.) …he hails from the Summerlin area of LAS VEGAS, NEVADA... weighing in at TWO hundred and FIFTY-FOUR POUNDS… he is the HARD HITTER… BEN LERRRRRRRRR-NERRRRRRRRRRR!” (Boos continue to shower the ring, LERNER smirking at it all!)
“Your referee is Brian Puter.”
(SFX: Bell ringing!)
MAYES: “And here we go! Quick lockup, and Lerner with the go-behind and takes Browser to the mat. Lerner riding Browser… now on his back, and he’s slapping him in the head! Look at Lerner, standing over Browser, mocking him! That’s unnecessary!”
SMITH: “He’s slapping sense into him, Mayes. Browser’s shamefully outclassed here – he’s not worthy of lacing the Hard Hitter’s boots!”
MAYES: “Browser back to his feet staring down Lerner, and they lockup again – Lerner with the side headlock, grinding it in, and he takes him to the mat again.”
SMITH: “This man can clearly wrestle and clearly Browser can not! This is like watching a shark fighting a minnow.”
MAYES: “Browser fighting to his feet… slowly, and he’s up! The pushoff into the ropes, and Lerner gets him with the SHOULDERBLOCK! The Hard Hitter is standing over Web Browser, giving him the business…and now he’s gloating to the crowd!”
SMITH: “This dorky ref should just call this match off already and save Browser the embarrassment… not that he’s capable of being embarrassed, really.”
MAYES: “Browser back up, another lockup… Lerner gets him with another go behind into a waistlock - Browser with an elbow to the face! Another! Lerner breaks - Browser with a series of right! Lerner’s staggered, and sent into the ropes… (Cheers!) BIG BACKDROP BY BROWSER! Lerner scurries to the outside!”
SMITH: “Fluke! Lerner will get it together, Mayes.”
MAYES: “I don’t care if he gets it together or not. His client William Simmons… God, that screechy voice, giving Lerner some encouragement it seems… Lerner now back to the apron, Browser grabs the top rope and FLIPS him into the ring! Lerner to his feet and MEETS a right hand! A second! Browser throws him into the ropes… CONNECTS with the CLOTHESLINE!”
SMITH: “That could be a lawsuit right here!”
MAYES: “It’s what put that pip-squeakl Simmons out of commission – Lerner’s rocked! Puter checking in on him, but Browser charges in with more punches! He’s turning the Hard Hitter into a punching bag! Grabs Lerner, and sends him in for the ride… OUCH! ANOTHER STIFF CLOTHESLINE!”
SMITH: “That’s gonna cost him eventually – in the pocket!”
MAYES: “Lerner shaken up by the second clothesline, trying to get to his feet… Browser innnnnNNN… RUNNING BULLDOG! Lerner’s in trouble! And Web Browser is GOING FOR THE TOP ROPE!”
SMITH: “What the hell is he doing up there? He can kill someone!”
SMITH: “How does he even cross the street without getting killed?”
MAYES: “Browser falls to the apron… and then crumples to the floor! Simmons over on top of him now, giving him the bad-mouth! Lerner in the ring, tying up Brian Puter… (Heat!) SIMMONS STOMPING ON BROWSER! Get him out of there!”
SMITH: “He’s looking better already!”
MAYES: “Just shut up! Simmons… Simmons throws Browser back into the ring! What the hell is that? I thought he was hurt!”
SMITH: “Miraculous recovery!”
MAYES: “Bull! Lerner now stomping on Browser… pulls him up and DRILLS him with a right hand! Lerner shoots him into the ropes… BIG KNEE to the gut! Browser doubled over, Lerner off the ropes, HIGH KNEE sending Browser to the mat!”
SMITH: “Take him to school Lerner!”
MAYES: “Lerner jumps and DROPS the big knee into the skull!”
SMITH: “Another hard hit from the Hard Hitter!”
MAYES: “Lerner covers! ONE – TWO - NO! Browser kicks out! Lerner giving the ref a bunch of lip over the speed of that count, and Puter is having none of it! Lerner getting in his face… BROWSER WITH A ROLL UP! ONE! TWO! THREEE-NO! NO! LERNER JUST KICKED OUT! (Crowd groans!) Lerner with the boots to Web Browser in a fit of rage!”
SMITH: “He has every right to be upset, that idiot ref nearly cost him a shot at the World Title!”
MAYES: “Lerner brings Browser up and THROWS him into the corner – NO, REVERSAL! LERNER into the corner! Browser charges in… AVALANCHE!”
MAYES: “Browser with… well, a less then textbook hiptoss, but he got Lerner to the mat, Browser now yelling for something! (Pop!) SAFE MODE! HE’S SLAPPED THE SLEEPER ON LERNER!”
SMITH: “NO! This can’t be happening!”
MAYES: “Lerner fading fast – oh what does he want! Simmons on the apron, BAD LEG and all, and is trying to swing the crutch at Web Browser! He’s got Puter distracted trying to get him off the apron – Browser lets go of the Safe Mode… (Swell.) HE’S GOT THE CRUTCH! BROWSER HAS THE CRUTCH - (POP~!) HE CRUSHES WILLIAM SIMMONS WITH THE CRUTCH! SIMMONS HITS THE FLOOR!”
SMITH: “LAWSUIT! LAWSUIT! Browser’s going to have to live to the age of 500 to pay all he’ll owe after Lerner is done with him!”
SMITH: “Roll over Lerner! The chump is out!”
MAYES: “Both men are down, and referee Brian Puter is starting his count! He’s up to three, Lerner rolls over on Browser! He grabs the leg! ONE! TWO! THRE-NO NO! BROWSER KICKS OUT! Lerner forced himself to his feet, and he’s saying “That’s it!” He’s got Browser by the hair and pulls him to his feet, and he sends him into the ropes! ANOTHER CASH SETTLE- (OOOOOH!) – NO! BROWSER’S LEG HIT REFEREE BRIAN PUTER! Lerner’s off-balance and lost control! Browser to his feet – (POP! Into a groan.) DEE-DEE-TEE! LERNER’S BEEN INFECTED!”
SMITH: “This is no time to be cute, Mayes! Why are we still letting him drop people on their heads?”
MAYES: “Lerner might be out for good! Browser to his feet… what is he motioning for? Browser bringing Lerner to his knees…”
MAYES: “Web Browser is setting up for the SPAM STOPPER! He’s sure to kill Lerner dead if he hits it!”
MAYES: “LOW BLOW BY LERNER! Browser crumbles to the mat! What the hell is Ben Lerner doing now? He’s going to his cor- he’s GETTING HIS BRIEFCASE! What’s he going to do with IT- (WHACK!) OOOOOOOOO… Web Browser’s been WIPED OUT BY THE BRIEFCASE!”
MAYES: “Lerner’s disposing of the evidence! And referee Brian Puter is coming to! No! C’mon, not this way! Not like this! Lerner covers Browser, Puter crawls over… Puter’s calling for the bell!” (SFX: Bell ringing!)
SMITH: “He saw Web Browser was out! A rare act of mercy from these refs.”
MAYES: “Jerry Harwell is getting the decision from the ref… let’s hear what it is!”
(MUSIC UP: “It’s All About the Pentiums” – Weird Al)
MAYES: “Puter must’ve caught Ben Lerner using the briefcase! He caught Ben Lerner cheating, and the lawyer is IRATE! He’s threatening lawsuits! You got caught red-handed Ben Lerner!”
SMITH: “He did nothing! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
MAYES: “Web Browser has WON this match!”
SMITH: “I had twenty bucks with 35 to 1 odds on Ben Lerner to win it all! I’ve been robbed!”
MAYES: “That’ll teach you as well!”
(WEB BROWSER rolls out of the ring, throws his arm to the air to the cheers of the crowd, which baffle him yet again, and he steps on WILLIAM SIMMONS at ringside walking towards the back!)
SMITH: “Look! He STEPPED on him! He’s going to PAY!”
MAYES: “Ben Lerner is too concerned on himself to worry about his fallen client! Folks, we have our second semi-final match in the books – “The Last Goth Monster” Mitch Grey versus The Web Browser for the right to battle for the LVW World Heavyweight Championship! UP NEXT, the Clubs Bracket! Be right back!”