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Jun 18, 2004

Name: Holzerman
Email Address: Katz knows, and that's good enough for me
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: AIM - HolzerhedRPCA
Preferred Method of Handling: Hybrid, mostly FW RPing though
Best Way to Contact you: AIM


Name: Maggot
Nicknames: The One Man Mafia, Pottstown's Only Hardcore Icon, Maggs

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 263 lbs.
Handedness: Right

Hailing From: Pottstown, PA

Disposition: Gruff face
Gimmick: He's an alcoholic who lives in the bowels of whatever arena he's wrestling at that week.

Ring Attire: Look at the Poser shot.
Theme Music: "Hairspray Queen" Nirvana
Ring Entrance: No pyro. "Hairspray Queen" cues up and Maggot heads to the ring with focus. It's a 50/50 shot as to whether he's swigging a bottle of liquor, and if he is, out of deference to Craig Miles, it's not whiskey, but vodka, Jaegermeister, or on the days when he's really onery, Everclear.

Tactics/Style: Brawler. He'll throw a token few wrestling holds in, but really, he's going to try and pound you into submission


1 - Absorbs pain like a sponge
2 - Cagey veteran... he knows every trick in the book and then some
3 - Dude can hit. You're not a brawler if you can't knock someone out with the blunt parts of your body


1 - Can't really wrestle anymore, so you can counter him and wrangle him
2 - Mentally unstable, especially given this whole episode concerning the English guy that only he and a possibly drugged out Mad Hatter have claimed to have seen
3 - Bleeds easily and prone to lose blood without even noticing it



Slimer - Gutbuster WITH AUTHORITAH~!
Mutilator - Front chickenwing into a jawbreaker... this is about as fancy as Maggs gets
Driver Fantastique - Lightning quick tilt-a-whirl tombstone piledriver. Rarely used, an homage to his trainer, the original Monsieur Fantastic
Pottstown Crab - Another homage to his trainer, a liontamer with a headscissors applied. Can choke you out as well as cause pain to the lower back/legs


Trash Compactor - Electric chair position (think Doomsday Device) to a really, really, really hard face-bomb type dealie. It was called the Electric Chair Drop in WWE No Mercy if you remember.

Maggot is a brawler. He does know how to work it in a technical sense (he used to be really good, but years of disuse have left him rusty), but rarely does because he'd rather kill your face with his fists, knees and elbows. If he's allowed, he'll bust out the weaponry pretty good. Always looks to finish with the Trash Compactor or the Driver Fantastique. Only busts out the Pottstown Crab if he really hates you and wants to torture you.


Maggot has a long history. The relevant parts start in late 2000 when he first appeared in MBE. Almost as soon as the ink dried on his contract, he was a member of the MidWest Mafia, v. 2.0, as their enforcer. He won the MBE Extreme Championship in his third match and things were going fine... that is, until the stable's dissolution. Maggot was thrust on his own, and on his own did he flourish. Taking the name "The One Man Mafia," he trashed BobbyR's locker room, invaded owner Mr. Amazing!'s office and took on the legends of the company by himself, eventually becoming the MBE World Champion. After he lost the title, MBE merged with UXW and Maggs faded into the background...

...until he found out about NFW's Season 2 in the Eastern Conference being held in Japan, the place where he got his break. Almost as soon as the ink dried on THAT contract, people were trying to get him to do contract beatings for them, taking his nickname the wrong way. Of course, coming to new environs where people don't know context, they're wont to do that. Anyway, one of his bigger suitors, Susano-a-no-Mikoto, aka, the Grand Elder of FZM and de facto head of NFW East, tried to strongarm Maggot into doing his work, like kicking the crap out of Troy Windham after an interconference match and blindsiding Michael Manson with the intent of knocking him out of wrestling forever. Maggs refused to do Mikoto's bidding, and he was thusly fired.

Strangely, the week after he was canned, Monsieur Fantastic showed up on the scene, crusading for Maggs' reinstatement. His cries were heard and he was granted a match with Doc Silver for the right for his pupil to come back into NFW. In match where no fewer than five people masquerading as the "real" Mssr. F (Jericoholic Anonymous, BobbyR, Ryoko Mikoto, Michael Manson and the original Mssr. F) intentionally laid down for Silver, setting him up for the eventual win and revelation that Maggot was indeed donning the Fantastimask.

In the playoffs, Maggot made it all the way to the conference semifinals, where he was felled by eventual Eastern Conference Champion Yori Yakamo, Jr.

Along the way, a strange old Englishman appeared to Maggot, apparently coaching him and bringing him news from his mentor. To date, Maggot and a high-on-peyote/crack/acid/all of the above Hatter are the only ones to have seen him. What's his deal? I guess we'll find out in v 3.0...


Divide 120 Points between:



1: Jab
2: Elbow
3: Stomp
4: Double axhandle
5: Headbutt

6: Groin shot
7: Haymaker
8: Mule kick
9: Hornet splash
10: Short-arm clothesline
11: Knee drop
12: Kitchen sink kneelift
13: Neckbreaker
14: Big boot
15: DDT

16: Slimer
17: Pottstown Crab
18: Driver Fantastique

19: Mutilator

20: Trash Compactor

Attack: 8
Defense: 6
No-Sell Mode: 13 Attack 12 Defense
Last edited:

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