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Marx v Astros


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

* Donovan Astros RP for C06.

Fade in to the Boston Harborwalk, where Donovan Astros is leaning against a wide stanchion along the water. He's on his cell phone talking to someone and doesn't notice the camera at first...

ASTROS: I know I didn't get the job done in BattleBRAWL. I don't need you telling me that.

Astros shakes his head in disgust.

ASTROS: If this was going to be easy, I wouldn't have said yes. I have my own motives for being here too, you know. Listen, I win three matches in a row, I get a shot at the belt. Plain and simple.

A pause while the person on the other end of the line speaks.

ASTROS: Har har. Yes, just like winning BattleBRAWL was plain and simple. Mr. Entertainment suckered me in. I won't make that sort of mistake again.

Astros turns and spots the camera.

ASTROS: Time for talking is over, New ERA's here to hear from their new superstar. Catch you later.

Astros clicks off his phone and smiles.

ASTROS: Well, hello there, New ERA. Seems like our first introduction to each other almost went perfect. Almost, until Mr. Entertainment dumped me on my head after I rushed in like a fool. A mistake that won't happen again. But the great thing about wrestling is there's always time for a second chane to make that all-important first impression. And I'll be making that impression on you, Gentleman Jonathan Marx. You had your head in the wrong place on the buildup to BattleBRAWL, and all it took was a trusty clothesline from yours truly to take you out of the battle royal. What's gonna make this match any different? What's gonna make you do anything different against me when it's one on one at Cyberstrike 6?

Astros laughs.

ASTROS: You claim to be a technical master, but have you ever set foot in the ring with the greatest wrestler on God's green Earth? You claim to be the classiest wrestler in New ERA, hell, the entire world, and yet, the fastest rising star, the real head of the class is the man you're looking at right now! Marx, you've never been in the ring with a guy like Donovan Astros. A unique combination of experience, technical ability, power, veteran craftiness, and someone who still has a lot to prove in this sport. I should've won BattleBRAWL. I EXPECTED to win BattleBRAWL. And I was a few feet away from doing just that... but you already know that, cause you got to see it from a little monitor in the back while I was still out there trying to make history!

The trademark Astros smirk crosses his face.

ASTROS: That's the big difference between you and me, Marx. I'm making history and you are history. A former New ERA World Champ, once upon a time the top dog here. Now? Your head's in the ocean, your eyes are all clouded over with distractions and doubt, and hungrier fish are hopping into the pond. I've got a job to do here, Marx, and that's become the New ERA Champion. My next step to that goal starts by stepping through you. Try and stop me.

Astros walks off, obviously in no mood to talk further, as we fade to black.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
How I Learned to Stop Kvetching and Love the Fluffy Pillows

* Jonathan Marx RP for C06.

::Jonathan Marx walks into his suite the Hyatt Regency in Washington, DC, he is undoing his tie as he enters the room::

BRANDON JACOBS: How did it go?

JONATHAN MARX: Shut down averted.

::Marx throws his tie on the floor and collapses back onto the bed. Jacobs is laying down in the bed next to his in his pajamas and stocking cap::

BRANDON JACOBS: Thank god we had the jet fueled up.

JONATHAN MARX: Two year olds, I was dealing with two year olds... How is the planning for the zombie apocalypse going?

BRANDON JACOBS: I should have enough time if I don't get caught up playing Asphalt 3D on my 3DS. But I can't make any promises... This really has been a week from hell, not much down time at all to relax. After this match with Donovan Astros, I'm going to unplug and go off the grid for a couple of days.

JONATHAN MARX: Donovan Astros has earned my time by eliminating me from BattleBrawl no matter how he did it. As a multiple time world champion and the man who has held the world title for more days than anyone else, I've almost accomplished everything in NEW but the one thing that still alludes my grasp is winning BattleBrawl. It has been a huge thorn in my paw because it is the show where the legacy of the New Era World Title was born.

BRANDON JACOBS: Sometimes real life distracts you from the brass ring. Your head wasn't totally into it even though you had a fine effort.

JONATHAN MARX: I won't make any excuses, I should have done better and Astros will feel the full force of my wrath. I'll take great pleasure in dissecting him, taking him apart one body part at a time, making him suffer like I have suffered at Battle Brawl. Both mentally and physically. In season one, I under performed, trying to shake off the ring rust that I had from such a long life in the squared circle. At Cyberstrike, I'm going to make an impact the whole world will feel.

BRANDON JACOBS: Have you ever noticed after a long day in some city away from home comfortable the bed in a hotel feels?

JONATHAN MARX: It feels like heaven. I could sleep for days under some warm blankets, listening to my ipod as I slowly daze off.

BRANDON JACOBS: Season two is going to be like waking up after a long day. It is the opportunity for a fresh start.

JONATHAN MARX: Hopefully season two has pillows as fluffy as the Hyatt. I don't think I can keep my eyes open any longer.

BRANDON JACOBS: You've earned a good night's rest. Goodnight Jonathan.

::Jacobs turns off the light::

JONATHAN MARX: Goodnight Brandon.


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