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MERRITT TROPHY FINALS: Karl Brown vs. Victor Molotov


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
Trevor Hawke
Sensational Steven Shane
Hida Yakamo
Mr. Entertainment

The Mighty Impala
Boogie Smallz
Dan Ryan

Deadline: Monday, March 20th, 11:59:59


League Member
Oct 31, 2005
(Victor Molotov speaks once more from the abandoned gymnasium)

MOLOTOV: I was robbed last week!

Robbed by the grossest of cowards of what I had rightfully earned.

There I stood at the very brink of striking the greatest blow of my crusade against this abomination you people call wrestling. There I stood ready to cripple on of your "sports" most heralded promotions by cutting off it's head - only to have that chance ripped away from me when that coward Dan Ryan simply turned and walked away.

It was my RIGHT to snap your bones Ryan! It was my RIGHT to cave in your skull. It was my right and my duty.


But sometimes fate has a funny way of evening the slate - of balancing the scales.

For this week in the Finals of the TEAM tournament I have been given a second chance to cripple Empire Pro Wrestling.

That is right, Ryan, while you might have escaped by righteous fury, it seems that your Intercontinental Champion has been fed to me instead. And he has earned two times the purifying wrath for your misdeeds.

So Karl Brown - when you wake up in that hospital room weeks from now with your body screaming from every last muscle and nerve, you will know who to blame. It is Dan Ryan and his cowardice who brought this down upon you. You are his surrogate this week, and I shall come at you with a rage and a fury usually reserved from the most hinous of criminals.

So you can take some consolation in knowing that you truly do not fully deserve what is about to befall you. It is not your fault that you have been tossed reckless into the path of my Purifying Scourge.

Of course, you are no chaste innocent in the matter either, Brown, are you?

Because as a fellow European I trust that you should know better. You should have looked at what they have done to our sport and like myself become apalled. But instead you embraced them and their misdeeds. Instead you joined them wholehearted and strove to carry one of their obscene "Championship Belts" - truly one of the grossest manifestations of their material excess.

But after this week, you will have no more need for such earthly tokens. After this week, you shall be left as a broken shell of the man you once were.

And as you recover, let us hope and pray that you find ways to fill the voids that I have left with something a bit more honest and true that what these Americans had taught you.

Brown, as I purify you, I give you a second chance at lfe. Do not let it go to waste once more.


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. A homely living room. Sitting in a comfortable arm chair is “The Dragon”, listening to a CD. The current track is Leonard Cohen’s “Stranger Song”, and Brown, for once, seems strangely at ease indoors]

Karl: If there’s something other than wrestling that I enjoyed at university, it was my radio show. This show in particular – it happened when I was under a lot of stress, was depressed, and with it being during a semester, I couldn’t go off to Japan and train in the ring. So, music was a form of therapy. I remember, sitting in the studio that Saturday night, reading the Dalai Lama’s Book of Wisdom, periodically talking on air as I played a much quieter set than normal. It’s nice to think that, if I were to ever suffer a career ending injury in the ring, I could transition into a radio career again with little difficulty.

Of course, that’s not going to be happening for a while, despite what Viktor would like to have you believe. It’s difficult for a man who thinks he knows what he’s talking about, whilst in reality he’s totally wrong, to be able to back up threats on a permanent basis. No, I’m not talking about threats in the way Lars Magellan threatened to kill me, or threats the way Viktor normally does – Beast showed that most of Viktor’s opponents turn up the next week, sore, but very much still wrestling. The threat I’m talking about is his supposed threat to professional wrestling, one of, if not quite the, purest form of entertainment and sport on the planet.

Confused, Viktor? Being a European, I would imagine you would already know whose work I am about to cite – the man who said that it is no more ignoble to watch a wrestled display of suffering than it is to watch a performance of the sorrows of Arnolphe or Andromaque. The man who rightly pointed out that wrestling is an open-air event – not in the sense that we perform outdoors, but in the sense that even in the most squalid halls, wrestling partakes of the nature of what he calls the great solar spectacles – Greek drama and bullfighting. In both, as in wrestling, a light without shadow generates an emotion without reserve. Just because our wrestling is done under spotlights makes it no more ignoble than Greek tragedy – or are you against the theatre as well?

[He smirks]

Karl: No. What you seem to quarrel with are the props used in some situations. You dislike that as a professional wrestler, I’m happy to wrestle anyone, any time the promoter says, in whatever match they care to dream up. In my third match, I wrestled Adam Benjamin in a multi-tiered cage, where weapons were in the second cage and barbed wire made the third, and the aim was to grab the title belt suspended from the ceiling. In Empire Pro, I wrestled X in the only chain match in the companies history – and I only knew about it when Dan Ryan came out after our introductions and made it into one. I’ve wrestled people whom weren’t even meant to be lacing up their boots as grapplers that night. It’s part of my job – I’m a wrestler. You’re a wrestler. All thirty two people who’ve competed in this tournament are professional wrestlers, and we wrestle who, when and how the promoter who’s paying us decides. Any props used only add to the drama and tension, giving it an added twist – who is going to win now that a chair is involved? Who now there are flames surrounding the ringside area, the physical representation of the fire that burns inside every competitor? If your world existed anywhere outside your imagination, wrestling would become more like boxing, where surprises are so rare that only the extremely lucky ever see one.

Wrestling, whether you like it or not, is more than a sport – it’s the entire spectacle that keeps people coming back. Whether they cheer me or boo me, I don’t care. If they’re apathetic, as they are for many of your matches, I worry. Backstage, after the match, when the booker looks about ready to terminate my contract.

Of course, Dan Ryan has yet to have that problem.

Yes, Dan Ryan. The head of what you call the Stygian Beast that is Empire Pro Wrestling. The man who, for reasons of his own, decided that it would be better for me to put you in your place. The man whose loss would not have been the fatal blow you made it seem. Dan will admit that Empire Pro Wrestling is more than him – it’s every single person connected with the company. Removing one part will not maim the company as a whole. It will not cripple the company. The same goes if you were, hypothetically, to cripple me. I have other options to fall back on, and Empire Pro, to paraphrase the Home Service song, will go on.

Which leads me onto your next point. You seem of the impression that I hold the Empire Pro Wrestling Intercontinental Championship belt as a pinnacle in my career – as if it’s the biggest thing in my career. It’s not the only title I’ve won since I started training – and if you’d used what you pass for your intelligence, you would have realised that far sooner. My moniker, The Dragon, is itself a title. Many use it as a punchline, but to me, it represents far more than any leather strap with some metal ever could. It represents achievement as a wrestler – it represents the fire and passion that burns within. It symbolises power, control.

In short, it symbolises who I am.

THAT is the title you should be more concerned about. The IC title can be lost at any moment in an Empire Pro ring. My title as The Dragon stays with me, in my heart, wherever I am. Whether it were MCW, the NWL, EPW, here in TEAM, or the HWF’s Natural Selection tournaments, this title has remained with me. And will continue to do so long after our encounter in New York.

You should not worry about my salvation, Viktor. Worry about your own. Worry about your delusions, your pretences. Because when we do meet, it won’t be Karl Brown of Empire Pro Wrestling you face. It won’t be a fan from the crowd who you can defeat with the wave of your hand. It will be The Dragon. It will be in the purest form of sport and entertainment in the world. It will be in professional wrestling.

[Karl takes something off the arm of the chair, holding it up to the camera]

Karl: But for your anger, I recommend you read chapters one and three.

[The camera zooms in, showing the cover of “The Power of Compassion” by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama]

Karl: You’ll find you’re a much better thinker, wrestler, and person for it.

[FADE OUT, as Karl continues listening to his old show]


League Member
Oct 31, 2005
(Back at the gym:)

MOLOTOV: I think you may be onto something, Brown. I think you may well have hit upon the key to our differences. You, Brown, it seems, are at you core an entertainer. Whereas that it the very last thing that I am concerned with being.

I am many things. A Warrior. An Athlete. Perhaps some might even consider me an Artist. And in none of these roles do I care in the least wheter I have entertained the rabble that have come out to view my efforts.

Whether they boo or cheer or yawn - whether the even choose to attend at all - is immaterial to me next to the actual acheivement of me obtaining my goal. I could care less about how they feel about what I shall do to you in the ring this week, Brown. Whether they feel elation or dismay when they witness my handiwork is of no concern - although my guess is that the emotion likely to strike the majority of them when I have finished you will most closely approximate horror.

Unlikely you, I am not here for the money, Brown. I am not here to please some promoter or coddle to a crowd. I someone wants to "fire" me, let them - but also let them beware my wrath. My mission supercedes mere companies and federations. And as long as some fool with a checkbook sees a chance to make a dollar from my "gimmick", I will always has an opportunity to show them just how real and deadly that gimmick can be.

You see, Brown, this isn't some game to me. This tournament is not just some feather to wear in my cap. It is not just another line to be added to my biography or attached to a resume that I can yank out proudly the next time I am looking for work.

No - it is so much more, Brown. It is a chance for me to make a difference. A chance for me to take one more step in the rebirthing our true sport. A chance to wipe one more small portion of the stench that you and you ilk have created as I purify the ring.

My mission is a lot bigger than you InterContintental Belt. It is bigger than MCW, the NWL, EPW, TEAM, or the HWF. It is bigger than you or you Dalai Lama.

Ryan knew that last week. Which is why he chose to flee from me. And you shall discover it yourself in just a few more days time. For, if you are The Dragon, I am Saint George. And I have made it my Holy Mission to slay you and thus make the world a better and more chaste and pure place.

And you can trust me on this, Brown - even if you do leave the TEAM ring this week, relatively whole, you shall me left a changed man. Because beneath all the bruises and tears and broken bones, you shall know hat I have shown myself as your better without having nce to taint myself with the filth upon which you draw sustainance. You will see and you will know that my way is better. You will be given a window to view the world which I shall create. And you shall either adapt or you shall perish.

It is that simple.

Just look at Beast. As you wekk have noted he did walk away from his encounter with me relitively whole and still capable of stepping into the ring. But have you actually witnessed any of his matches since that time. He is a shell of himself. A World Champion, white knuckling it every week to cling to his position and surely soon to fall when he can cling no more and plummet into the abyss.

He is a shadow of the man the entered the ring to face Victor Molotov. And soon his exposure to my purifying light shall have expunged him completely. As t did with Mighty Impala and Boogie Smallz.

You do not need to be a victim, Brown. Unlike the others I have faced you do have the skills to survive in my Brave New World.

It is whether you chose to hone them or let them continue to whiter on the contaminated vine of American-Style Rassling that shall decided whetheryou can rediscover your path once more after I have vanquished you.


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
Congratulations, Viktor.

[FADE IN. A fire is burning in a forest clearing in the darkness. The camera pans around for a few moments, trying to find Brown, before taking its search to the trees. In the faint light, we can just make out “The Dragon” sitting on one of his favourite perches]

Karl: You’ve found your gimmick. You’re the purifier here to fix the sport of professional wrestling. You want to return all of wrestling to mat-based grappling, to the early days where the aim was to stretch your opponent into submission. You’ve gotten your character down well.

The problem for you is it doesn’t impress me. Adam Benjamin did that gimmick far better a couple of years ago. Troth, you’re not that different, when stripped to your base, than Mister Entertainment. You both claim to be here to help the industry. You both claim your goal is noble and righteous – and above all, you both fail to realise the folly of your plans.

You want to return wrestling to a time it has never known. Even when wrestling was predominately mat-based chain wrestling between two men in the middle of the ring, there were characters, weapons, and alternate stipulations. They were few and far between, but they were there. For every Pat Roach, there was a Mr America. For every Lou Thesz, a ‘Nature Boy’ Buddy Rogers. For every Bruno Sammartino, there has been a Kendo Nagasaki. Your vision of professional wrestling is of what has never been. The reason it has never been is for the same reason the Ultimate Fighting Championship draws poorly these days – there is nothing to grab the attention of the fans. Each match is virtually the same as the others. In your world of wrestling, have you considered how many people would pay, keeping food on your plate? Try as anyone might to disbelieve it, economic reality plays a part in professional wrestling. Always has, and always will – the ultimate aim of any company in a capitalistic society is to make money. No fans, no money. No money, no company. I don’t have to explain the basic economic theory behind it to you, do I?

But you’re not in it for the money. And if you’re fired, any promoter should ‘fear your wrath.’

[He smirks to himself, shaking his head before continuing]

Karl: Not only are you the purifier, but you want to play the role of a bully as well. Every word you speak, though spoken with apparent confidence and meant to show the wrinkled front of grim visag’d war, underlines your insecurities. The tough guy routine you have going does fool some people – but for a moment, listen to yourself. Play back your interviews and promos. Listen carefully to your words and your over-confidence in their pronunciation. Listen to your threats – you aren’t speaking the truth. And you know it.

To use an example you used, look at Beast. According to you, he’s changed since you fought him. Don’t delude yourself, Viktor. He’s the same man he was before your encounter. He hits just as hard. His moves are just as sharp, and his confidence and faith in his own abilities is as always. The only difference is that next to his name is a mark which says he lost in one match to Viktor Molotov. Any injuries he sustained in his match with you have healed. There is nothing any different to him now than before, because he realises that one loss does not change anything, and that any beating at your hands was not as severe as you would make claim. If it were, then you would be in a weaker state now than before he took you to town for periods of your match.

No, Viktor. For all your pomp, for all the pageantry and attempts at wit and rhetoric (and I use the terms in the historical sense), your inadequacies and lack of faith in yourself as a person is shown full on to the world. You say you don’t care if the fans cheer you, boo you or are even in the arena – and I can quite see why. Why should the fans care about someone who, despite his pretences, clearly doesn’t like himself?

It’s a pity. In the ring, you’ve got talent. No question about that – you can wrestle the best. Some might consider you to be one of the best grapplers in the industry. However, your lack of confidence undermines your abilities – leaves you prone to mistakes. I saw plenty of mistakes in your previous matches in TEAM, and all I can attribute those to is your lack of focus on the task at hand. You spend so much time talking about being a purifier and how no-one you face will ever be the same again that you dig yourself into a hole – you have to prove to be the best, the purifier, the most dangerous man in wrestling, or your gimmick is a farce.

That’s one reason you again failed to do your research, isn’t it? Using St George as an analogy against me, an Englishman, is a poor choice. You do realise he’s considered in the British Isles to be somewhat of a bastard of a patron saint? Just because he’s best known as the patron saint of England doesn’t mean he isn’t also the patron saint of the Beirut, Canada, Constantinople, Moscow, Palestine, Cappadocia, Genoa, Malta, Portugal, and several other places. As for his story about killing a dragon – a nice try at using a popular reference against my title. Using David using a ball of pitch and hair wouldn’t have been as popularly known – although it would show the depth of knowledge you like to try and demonstrate.

I’ll give you a few seconds to pause the tape and go to the library to verify my points.

[Karl lets this sink in, looking up at the night sky before continuing]

Karl: But you are right about one thing, Viktor. This match is bigger than my Intercontinental Title. It’s bigger than any federation I’ve worked for. It’s far bigger than you or I. It’s about more than a feather in someone’s cap or bragging rights – even though you will, if you win, harp on about how you won the TEAM tournament on your way to purifying the sport. No – this match is to decide who truly is the best at this moment. It will determine who the current face of professional wrestling is. It will help determine who the spokesperson for this business is – the Russian who wants to drag professional wrestling to where it has never been, or the Englishman who has been wrestling professionally for about two and a half years. Not the big names that everyone at first assumed – the Hida Yakamo’s, Beast’s, Dan Ryan’s or Rocko Daymon’s. Viktor Molotov, or Karl Brown. The world waits with bated breath to see who will win, and how. Who is the better professional wrestler - the Dragon, or the man who likens himself to the patron saint of skin rashes and syphilis?

In Madison Square Garden, for the Merritt Trophy, we find out how badly the other wants it, and whether the walls you’ve built up around yourself can withstand the punishment of the Dragon’s fire.

[The camera pans back to the flames, watching them dance for a few moments before, slowly, we FADE OUT]


League Member
Oct 31, 2005
(Victor has left the gym. And he now stands before the world reknown Madison Square Garden. The Marquee behind him flashes the message "Tonight - TEAM Tournament Finals - Karl 'The Dragon' Brown vs Voctor 'The Purifier' Molotov")

MOLOTOV: Karl Brown. You are a fool. You think you have some wisdom and insight about me, but you have none.

This is not a joke to me, Brown. Not just some way to sell tickets and draw the ire of the unwashed masses. This is very very real.

Did Adam Benjamin play the role better then I? Perhaps he did. It makes no difference to me whether you liked his "gimmick" more than you like mine. Because I did not come here to impress you. I came to crush you instead. And, if that makes me a bully, perhaps that can be my "gimmick" as well.

When you are laid up in whatever long term care facility they choose to ship you to, perhaps you can use your time to further critique my "ring character" and my "psyche". And perhaps you might send them along to me for my amusement as I continue my mission of purification.

There was time when I thought I had an option with you. A time when I thought that perhaps you were not beyond salvation. But no longer. Your words this week have proven my first inclinations false. And thus you must be conquered just like all the rest.

You seek to paint yourself as a man of the world. The Englishman who can see the forest for the trees. But when you seek to correct me on the true history and nature of our sport, your myopic ignorance is fully exposed.

It is sad, truly. For as a European, one might hope that you would understand that there is a big wid world outside of America. A world in which wrestling need not have been a sideshow filled with cheats and exhibitionist. One in which a rich and full heritage abounds and finds an audience capable of apprciating skill and artistry rather than lights and specticle and flashy showmanship.

Because outside of the American Cutural Empire into which you were apparently born, such a world does still exist. A world which cares not for the Karl Gotch's and the Gourgeous George's and the Nature Boy's, Hulk's and Ego Buster's that you seem to hold so dear. A world in which the honor and glory of sport supercedes the capitalist need to draw the almighty buck. A world in which Victor Molotov was born and thrived until the crass commercialism of the American Culture virtually did it in.

And this is the World that I shall bring back. This is the world that I shall rediscover. This is the World that I shall force down your throat this week Brown as I show America and the World the My Way is the Best Way. The True Way.

The Only Way.

You think I lack confidence, Brown? You think I resent myself? You think I am a farce?

We shall see just how funny you find it as I apply the Purifying Scourge to your broken and battered form.

Perhaps you will as entertained by the whole think as Impala was. Or maybe you will be as tckled by it as Beast {a man who - despite your assertions - has been nowhere near as effective n his matches since he faced me than he was prior to our encounter.}

But in your arrogance, I guess I can't expect you to realize when your doom has truly fallen upon you Brown. This is the same arrogance that allows you to believe that your Englishness has anything to do at all with my referencing the patron saint of the city of my very own birth. This is the same arrogance that leads you to be so sure that my confiedence is actually a mask for unsurity and weakness. It is the same arrognace that lets you step into the ring with a man who has marched through all the big name American Superstars that have been tossed in my way, but yet I will somehow me unable to focus my energies on you, Karl Brown - an English guy who tries really hard.

I shall force feed you your arrogance, Brown. And in doing so prove once and for all that the Way of the Purist is the Path of the Future.

And is the rabble want to be entertained, let them buy a ticket to to the circus instead.

(The Marquee behind Molotov scrolls along, reading: "Coming Soon of MSG --March 23 - April 23 -- The Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus")


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. “The Dragon” is standing in front of a TEAM logo, wearing his ring jacket]

Karl: Isn’t it strange how the human mind works – a person says that someone else can’t read them, and yet they themselves can read another party. A person can think they know what they’re talking about, when in reality they merely show a total lack of understanding. A person can think they are against the current state of professional wrestling, and yet they accept so many parts of it that they are as much to blame for its state as any others.

In what has become a rarity, I’m going to go through what Viktor’s been saying, and illustrate the flaws with his thought processes, and the flaws with his words, because I think it’s time someone showed him that what he considers to be his intelligence is precisely one of the things that gets him laughed at. I hope you’re ready for this, Viktor – your heaven is about to have another shroud removed, and you’re going to be one step closer to being left exposed totally to the truth.

First, have you been watching Beast of late? I have – I do work in the same company as he does, after all. I can assure you, watching his matches on the monitors or through the curtain at Empire Pro’s house shows, he has not lost a step. He has not lost any confidence. Yes, he was annoyed with himself that he lost to you – but he knows that losses are a part of this business. A world champion he is – and a professional. He knows that the only person who can truly defeat him is himself – if he were to give in to self-doubt after a match, he would be a loser. Has he done so? Not that I’ve seen on the tapes and live events I’ve seen him at.

But of course, you’re the only person able to read others, right? Beast is suffering a lack of confidence, whereas you’re totally focused and are going to destroy someone you assume is cocky and intellectually arrogant. You decide to insult someone who speaks the truth about you – the cold hard truth that you try and hide behind a façade. You resort to insults because that’s the last refuge of those who cannot handle having the truth about themselves thrust into the public domain.

Confused, Viktor? How many times have you said that you were going to crush me now? How many times have you implied I haven’t got a chance against you, because you have a ‘mission’ to purify this sport? And how many of my arguments have you avoided or shrugged off because they contradict your delusion? You’ll find that you’ve only answered a small percentage of what I’ve said, and it’s clear why – you can’t handle the rest of it, so you either avoid it, or try and twist it to suit your own gain.

Unfortunately, Viktor, the fans are a bit more intelligent than you give them credit for. They realise who Pat Roach and Kendo Nagasaki were – some would also recognise names like Mick McManus, Shirley Crabtree, Mark ‘Rollerball’ Rocco, Hirosi Hase, and Inoki. All professional wrestlers – note what I’m saying, Viktor. Professional wrestlers. The ones who’ve grasped the concept of needing to give the fans something more than just a hard-fought contest – if the fans wanted to see nothing but pure grappling, they’d flood to the gyms throughout the world which give you two men, a padded mat with a circle on it, and a referee, where points are scored for takedowns and you can spend several minutes in the one hold.

That’s something you haven’t yet grasped, is it, Viktor? That there’s a difference between the various forms of wrestling. I have been very careful to refer to what we do by it’s proper title – professional wrestling. Where we have ladder matches, or scaffold matches, or sometimes matches with multiple rounds. Where the rules from one federation to the next can be totally different, but the moves and athleticism are the same. Whether in Japan, Mexico, the United States, Canada, or Europe, the simple fact is what we do isn’t the same as two men who grapple on a mat. If you look at crowd sizes, sales, merchandise figures, you’ll see that we’re in a complete business – and if you look throughout history, to the beginnings of the NWA, or the UK professional wrestling scene, or NJPW, or any long-standing promotion in any country and any culture, that is still the case. You had characters and gimmicks – the rubber matches have always had a gimmick surrounding them, from a leather strap to hair vs. hair, from steel cages to retirement matches. All are gimmicks meant to entice the fans in to watch the spectacle. It adds to the competitive aspect – anyone can on their day beat anyone. This isn’t boxing – you won’t see a match where going in you can tell the outcome, because in professional wrestling, what you think is going to happen can easily be turned on its head. THAT is professional wrestling. And professional wrestling has never been what you want to make it – it’s never been about the ego of Viktor Molotov.

That’s what your crusade is really about, isn’t it? You want to make a name for yourself. I know – you’re going to say “No, it’s about purifying this sport” – in which case, why have you named one of your finishing moves the Purifying Scourge? Look up in a list of official moves, and that isn’t the name. It’s a grapevined Dragon Sleeper. Your other finisher, the Molotov Cocktail, is a suplex from an abdominal stretch into a pinning combination. No move exists in the official movelist called “The Molotov Cocktail”.

It’s strange – you hated the first promotion you were in because of the bastardisation you saw, but you’ve adopted many things from the same world. You use alternate names for your finishing moves. Your official profile, filled out by yourself, has a nickname for you – and you even changed the name of your hometown to its Soviet name. You don’t even play totally by the rules of what you see as pure wrestling, do you? Holding a choke until the count of four is still cheating – to use football as a reference point, just because you don’t get sent off for deliberately delaying the restart of play, doesn’t mean it’s part of the rules. The rules in wrestling call for no choke-holds. Just because you can hold it on for a count of four doesn’t make it within the rules.

But you like playing the hypocrite, don’t you?

[Karl smirks before continuing]

Karl: You see, Viktor, for all your claims, you’re really a small child. You fall back on the same tactics the schoolyard bully does. [putting on a fake voice] “No, you’re wrong, you’re totally wrong, I didn’t do that because of that, you’re wrong, shut up! MUMMY!!” [he returns to his normal voice]

You think I’m arrogant? You’re entitled to your opinion. But come on – if I had been Japanese or American, would you still have referenced St George? Just because he’s the patron saint of Moscow, do you think many Americans know that?

As a European, I would have hoped you had a decent head on your shoulders. I’d have hoped that in you, I had an opponent who understood basic concepts. It’s a shame to see my hope was misplaced. It’s a shame that you’ve had to resort to being a schoolyard bully in order to give yourself a show of confidence. You fail to realise that professional wrestling, which is what we’re in, is not the same as Olympic style wrestling, and has never been so. It’s as much about economics as it is individual competition in the ring.

You also fail to realise that, despite your words, you lack of faith in yourself still shines through. You need the security blanket of saying you’re going to cripple someone, and how they’re never going to be the same again. You need to hide behind a façade of hating everything that professional wrestling has become, when in fact you have embraced so much about it that you are a part of what you seek to destroy. You are not outside professional wrestling – you’re a part of it, one of the reasons it, in your eyes, is so bastardised. You hide your lack of confidence in the same way as a schoolyard bully. You refer to name-calling, assertions that whomever you’re arguing with is wrong and you are right, without offering any real resistance to what is being said. Some people may have been taken in by what you’ve said, but I, unfortunately for you, am not one of them.

Does that mean I am overlooking Viktor Molotov? No. As I have said, you are one of the best. I know that it’s going to be a very tough, very physical match. However, I also know that you are not going to be unbeatable. Your mind is not as focused on the encounter as you would like to think – and as soon as things start to deviate from your plans, you’ll get frustrated. I’ve already seen it – you get tense when you’re in an uncomfortable situation. You start to lose your edge – you become, by your standards, sloppy. As physical a match as this is going to be, it isn’t going to be as clear cut as you would like people to believe. Until the final bell wins, no-one knows who the winner will be. That’s part of why people are paying to see us, Viktor – they know it’s going to be a match to remember. They know that the athleticism that will be on display, and the skills they will see, are second to none. They know that as professional wrestlers we will both give it our all to try and become the owner of the Merritt Trophy – they know that it’s going to be the Russian Purifier against the man with two and a half years experience going at it for one of the biggest prizes in the industry.

If you want to believe the lies you’ve been telling yourself, go ahead. If you want to believe that you’re outside professional wrestling, even though the facts speak otherwise, go ahead. If you want to believe that you can read other people when the truth says otherwise, go ahead. If you want to ignore what I’ve said, go ahead. Because when the bell rings, none of what’s been said here by either party will matter. In the ring, it’s between the two of us, with any and all stipulations the bookers want to give us. Whatever rules they decide to have us play by, I’ll play by them. In front of a sell-out crowd in the Madison Square Garden, we’re going to put on a show that the fans will remember for the rest of their lives.

That’s what makes professional wrestling, as much as you hate it, the purest form of sport and entertainment in the world.


OoC: I'd just like to take this time to thank Tom for organising this tournament, and to thank Dan for what has been a very fun match to RP for. Best of luck mate :)

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