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[MIDWEST 1st] 1. Ravager vs. 8. Cassidy McKenzie

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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
Match to be held at Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Ind.

RP Deadline: Tuesday, April 28 at 11:59:59 p.m. EST

The Rage

League Member
Mar 31, 2009
The scene opens up on a zoomed in picture of a taped wrestling match on a large, flat screen television. The wrestlers in the video are Bob "the Raging Redneck" and "The Rage" Cassidy McKenzie. Cassidy lands a knee directly to the back of the Redneck's neck, knocking him out for the win. The sound of impact is grotesque and the crowd flinches. The scene is put on repeat and loops continuosly as the camera zooms out to reveal Cassidy McKenzie sitting on a large, black leather couch.

I was beginning to think that match with the Raging Redneck was never going to win. It was the longest five minutes I've ever wrestled, that's for sure. He tried to pick a fight, he did, and got what he deserved. He thought he could take me like I was one of his sheep. But that was his mistake.

Cassidy freezes the video to the exact moment of kis knee impacting Raging Redneck's neck.

But you're not going to make that mistake are you? You know better. You've been here before. You know better than anyone else what it takes to constantly get to the top - the struggle, the risks, the dedication. I know all about you, Ravager. I know how you yearn to finally break through this TEAM Invitational glass cieling. You beat a wannabe Viking that was twice your size last year, only to lose to Mike Randalls. So close, yet so far. I know you, Ravager, perhaps it's time you knew me.

Cassidy switches the tape on screen to a collection of his wrestling matches from his video biopic "The Rage: The Complete Wrestling Story of Cassidy Mckenzie.

Most people wouldn't know me after I retired ten years ago. But don't think for a second that just because I'm forty years old and haven't wrestled in ten years, that you are getting a free pass to the next round. That's what my opponent thought last round and look what happened to him. Do it this round, Ravager, and I gaurantee you'll get the notoriety you so desire. You'll forever be known as the guy who couldn't get it done, this time losing out a someone no one knows, as the overwhelmingly favored number one seed. That's not a good thing to be remembered for. But before I hear from you, before you do the mandatory Introduction 101 to your opponent, before you tell me everything you think you know about me, or what you will do to me, before you even speak...let's make sure you know what the hell you are talking about first.

Cassidy pause the tape on screen. The referee is raising Cassidy's arm in the arm, whilst he adjusts a championship belt around his waist. Blood is flowing profusely down Cassidy's face and his opponent is laying motionless on the ground behind them. Broken tables, dented chairs, a sledge hammer, nails and tacks, and some barbed wire litter the canvas.

They called me the Rage, because in the moment of battler, there was only one thing on my mind: survival. I had no pity or remorse for my own body, let alone anyone else's. I didn't care who you were, I was going after you like a Great White getting a taste of blood. I never had a tag team partner because the roster feared me. They said I was too dangerous and too unpredictable, but they respected me. They knew I always gave my all. That's why the fans loved me. "The Rage" became the greatest cliche since "Hulkamania". But I was nothing like that sell out. I didn't make movies, guest appearances, or do voice overs. I didn't tell people to eat their vegetables and vitamins. I refused to sign my name away to licensing rights, ation figures, or any likenesses of me. My message was clear: I am who I am and I am proud of it. You are who you are, who you strive to be. No one should want to be like anyone else. My fans got the message and the wrestling industry did, too. I ended up holding seven championship reigns during my ten years. Yet, I never won a world title. Beleive me, Ravager, that is a mistake I intend to fix here in the TEAM Invitational. Regardless, I was a happy man. I enjoyed my success and, after contemplating it with my wife, Margaret, I was looking forward to retire when the best day of my life happened. It was not something that happened inside the ring, but outside of it.

The video on the television switches to a shot of Cassidy Mckenzie in a tuxedo standing side by side with a beautiful brunette in a lovely white wedding dress. They are somewhat facing each other with a bouquet of flowers betwen them, with both their hands clasped over each other. The bride's veil is pulled back to reveal her smooth, tanned skin, hazel eyes, and black hair.

That was the day I married my dearest Margaret. She is five years younger than me and a fiesty one. If it wasn't for her, I'd stil be wrestling and who knows what else. You see, my doctors told me that my body was going through too much and I needed to slow down. But did I listen to them? Of course not. No one ****ing tells me what to do. That was until I got a close call. I woke up in the hospital bed after an excruciating steel cage match with no rules, and saw my dear wife standing over me, crying. But she wasn't crying because she was sad or scared. She was actually pissed at me! I knew then and there, I had wrestled my last match. That was ten years ago.

Cassidy turns off the television and the camera zooms in on him.

But that was a long time ago. I love my wife and I kept my promise as long as I could. Wrestling is like an addiction to me. I crave to hear the sound of your bones snapping, your skin ripping apart, your face hitting the canvas, and the roar of the crowd cheering me on. I yearn to return to the ring and make a name for myself once more. This TEAM Invitational Tournament provides that. I'm here to win this tournament. You had your shot, Ravager. But it's too late. You think just because you've been here before, you deserve it? You think it gives you some sort of advantage? It doesn't. All it does is prove you are past your prime. You had your shot, Ravager. Your moment has long past...

...the moment belongs to me now.


League Member
Jun 28, 2006
So am I introducing myself again, or what?

Fade in on a TEAM Invitational Tournament banner. In front of the banner stands Ravager, with the TEAM Challenge Title draped over his shoulder.

Actually, Cassidy, I won't waste my time or yours with an introduction. You've been around long enough to know what's at stake here. What we have is a tournament of the elite in this business, fighting for a big trophy, a bigger title match, and the biggest payday. Every man in this tournament will scratch, claw, betray, and sacrifice to get to the top. I've had to do it, I'm sure you've had to do it, so why pretend like we're going to do anything else?

Ravager smirks.

I have never, in my considerably shorter career than yours, been given a free pass. I've never expected one, never asked for one. And why bother? If I can't have an opponent that will give me a challenge, why bother even lacing my boots? If the fans aren't sitting in the seats wondering if I have a chance, then obviously something is wrong. You see Cassidy, for almost all my career, people have expected very little of me. When I was NAPW champion, each title defense I made was supposed to be my last. That is, until I defended that belt longer and more often than anybody else had or ever will. People still wonder when I'll lose the Challenge title, two years after I first won it. Granted, I'm wondering when I'll defend it next, but that's another story...

Cassidy, you beat a former World Champion to get to this spot. That makes me respect you, even if I don't know you. You may be in your 40's, but you proved that you can hang with the elite. You proved yourself to be a viable threat. And that means you get my best. Which is a good news/bad news thing. Good because you've proven you've got no ring rust. Bad because you're now facing a man who has a lot to prove after last year, and now has to step up his game even more. Focus has never been a problem for me. Getting over the past has. Last year I was trying to avenge a second round upset. Look how far I went. This year?

This year I prove that I'm no flash in the pan. This year I break that so called glass ceiling. This year I finally win a TEAM tournament. This year...

But I get ahead of myself. Cassidy. I look forward to our match. I really do. Any time I get to face a veteran like yourself, is a chance to learn, to grow as an athlete. But its also a chance for me to add more credence to my claim to be the best in the business. I am the best because I can beat the best. And I know I can beat you Cassidy. I hate to ruin your moment, but to be honest? Mine hasn't ended yet. And it won't be ended by you.

Nothing personal. Just business.

Fade to Black.

The Rage

League Member
Mar 31, 2009
Only a fool looks past his current opponent

[The scene opens up in an auditorium inside the Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Indiana. The auditorium is only occupied about a third capacity and most of the people in attendance are journalists. A few fans are scattered near the back section of the auditorium with vintage "The Rage" T-shirts. The crowd is relatively quiet having just finished the question and answer period of this brief press release. They have just seen a video of Ravager's welcoming to Cassidy McKenzie and are anxiously awaiting his response.]

I'm glad you did not disappoint, Ravager. It's such a relief to face someone who looks at the bigger picture, who knows what's really at stake. I've grown tired of facing all these dime a dozen wrestlers who think the only thing that matters is their own strength, thier own accolades. But you're different, aren't you? You know what it takes to be a champion. The fact that no one has beaten you for your Challenge title is proof of that.

[Cassidy pauses for a second and a sly grin comes across his face for a second.]

I have to admit that little history lesson you gave me has left my mouth watering. Regardless of what happens in this match, maybe I can entertain the idea of facing you for the Challenge title?

[The audience starts cheering loudly, some even scream that Ravager should put it on the line in this match!]

Now, now calm down everyone. It was merely a thought. The choice is all yours, Ravager. But don't put it on the line right now. I don't want any distractions and to be honest we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves here. I have a feeling that you and I won't be seeing the last of each other anytime soon. You have the kind of qualities I love in a Champion, in a fighter. There are too many people who get lucky in this business, too many people who have the kind of sway they shouldn't have. But you...you treat everyone with respect. You fight for the integrity of the sport. You don't assume just because you have a title that it means you are better than everyone else. You fight every match as if YOU are the one who's challenging. That's remarkable.

[Cassidy McKenzie motions for the crowd to sit back down. Their cries for a Challenger title match having been dwindled down, they now resort to thier seats.]

I am not going to lie. I am all sorts of excited, nervous, and a bit anxious to get in the ring with you. I've been following your progress in the previous TEAM Invitational and color me impressed. But it's your humility here that has me smiling even more. Yes, you know better than to underestimate me. You know better than to rely on these bull**** seedings. The only reason I got an 8 seed was because the TEAM Committee had no idea who I was. But I hardly blame them for it. Besides, this isn't the first time a relatively unknown broke through and took the tournament by its horns.

Does the name D! ring a bell?

It's happened before and it will happen again, Ravager. My only regret is that this time it will go through you. You deserve better than a first round exit, Ravager. you really do. You said it yourself that everyone here is crawling, scratching, and fighting their way to get to the top. Everyone is looking to win this tournament. And quite frankly, if you aren't here to win, then you shouldn't be here at all. If you aren't here for the ultimate prize, you might as well put your hands down your pants and do a search for your balls. But don't let the ultimate goal get in the way of reality, Ravager.

You and I both want to win this tournament, we get that. But don't forget that we both still have our match to do, and then another after this, and another one after that. In other words, don't go biting off more than you can chew. If the thought of a second round match against Impulse or DC Stark even crosses your mind, if their names even come up in chatter, if you even so much as glance at their biographies in the portfolio the TEAM committee gave us, I gaurantee you are going to lose.

Let me remind you that my last opponent, a World Champion no doubt, did that. He didn't grasp the severity of this event, of my talent, and it cost him dearly. I'm not expecting that from you. I'm expecting the fight of my life. I'll come right out and say that I have never had the odds stacked so much against me. It makes me smile. I've never looked forward to facing someone who was so fierce, so talented, and yet so humble. This is why I returned to the business. I defeat you and I immediately silence all the critics. There might even be those who say that if I beat you, then my tournament will be considered a success.

[The Rage, Cassidy McKenzie, slowly shakes his head.]


I won't. When I beat you, I won't consider it a success. I'll just consider it a beginning. Don't take it personally, Ravager. Everyone has to start somewhere.

It's just that in this case...I'll have to start over you.



League Member
Jun 28, 2006
Bringing up the name "D!" with me will not earn you points, Cassidy. Just saying.

Fade in on Ravager, as he preps for a Bunkhouse Stampede match for the NAPW this Tuesday.

It does my heart good. Rarely do I face a man who really wants to face me. My last few opponents in TEAM have looked past me, or looked down on me, or just plain not looked at me at all. They've seen fit to mock my Challenge title, (which by the way, I don't get to pick the defenses, or else I would have defended it a while ago). They mock me because I'm not the biggest man. Or the flashiest. But one thing all those men have in common?

They've fallen before me, and have been left wondering: what went wrong? So a change is nice.

But its not going to help you Cassidy. My respect for you should not be mistaken for mercy. You are making a fine comeback, but you will not achieve glory at my expense. Not after everything I've done the past four years. You appreciated the history lesson, and I say thanks for that. But Cassidy...

History is going to repeat itself this year. I will win the first round. And the second. And however many more it takes me to get to the finals of the TEAM Invitational. Only one thing is going to change:

This year I'm going to hold that damn trophy. And nobody is going to do anything to stop me. Not a guy looking for new glory, or to reclaim old glory.

I'm sorry Cassidy. It's nothing personal. I won't enjoy cutting your dream off so soon.

But I'll do it. I'll make it fast. I'll make it brutal. I'll make it as clean and decisive as I can.

But I will do it. Do not doubt that for a second.

Fade to Black.

The Rage

League Member
Mar 31, 2009
Destiny is only a few hours away. Where will you be?

Inside the Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Indiana, there is an open chest just outside of Ravager's dressing room. And we can only assume it is his dressing room, because it has the name "RAVAGER" on the door, unless someone stole the plaque to put on their room so they could get VIP treatment. The chest lying just outside the door has an exact replica of the TEAM Invitational Championship. Cluttering it are thousands of xeroxed pictures of Mike Randalls pinning Ravager. A letter is pinned to the lid of the chest.

Assembly Hall Ste 101
April 28, 2009

Dear Ravager,

Does it all seem familiar to you? Do you remember what happened the last time you were here in a match where you were entirely outperformed? You lost, Ravager, that's what happened. I like you, Ravager, I really do. You fight with all your heart. You give it everything you have. That's why people are always shocked to see when you beat someone faster than you, stronger than you, or larger than you. That's why you have held the challenger title for so long, the lack of defenses notwithstanding. But did you see Carolina vs Michigan, Connecticut vs. Lousville, or Nuggets vs Hornets? Sometimes, giving your all isn't enough. Sometimes doing your best isn't enough. Sometimes David doesn't beat Goliath.

Sometimes things just happen the way they were meant to be. A ragtag group of college kids takes the nation by storm, only to be stomped by a team of individuals infinitely more talented than they are. Sometimes you, Ravager, win and win over countless obstacles, until you are overmatched like you were against Mike Randalls. And just like how you are overmatched here, against me. Sometimes the nerd can't always get his revenge, or Nemo find his way home, or the little engine finally can. Sometimes, reality sets in. Sometimes the bad guys win. Everyone loves a good fairy tale story, but reality is much better. Believe me, Ravager, as much as I would enjoy beating you, I do not take any personal pleasure in it. Okay, well maybe a little, but realize it's mostly business.

Do you feel that, Ravager?

Do you feel that pain digging deep in your stomach as you read this letter? Do you feel that rage flowing through your veins as you are reminded of your failure of last year? Do you know what that is?

That's the awful feeling of knowing the truth is setting in. Your body is accepting that you have reached your pinnacle, but your mind won't let it go. Allow me to convince you of that. All this so called hate and anger you must feel right now, isn't what you think it is. It's not fuel for your fire. It's the realization that I am right. Sure, you may defend the Challenger title another time, or two times. Sure you might have a few more good matches in you. But that's all you are going to have. You're going to be like every other wrestler who has ever gone down the slide after their prime. They are still good enough to perform, still a favorite with the crowd, they give the fans a great match, even give excellent fights with other superstars. But that's all they do. They never win the championship anymore, they never win a tournament anymore. All they do is just get there. Happy to be there, right?

But unfortunately....

You won't even get that far. You had your moment of "Still enough to get here" last year when you reached the finals. This year is...the year everyone starts asking "Is it time yet?" in regards to your retirement.

News articles, magazines, and even blogs everywhere will start discussions. People will chime in from all over the world, even in places you never knew existed, to offer their advice. Many will say he needs to retire, many will say he's just too injured and needs time off, and others will stand by you to the very end - the real dedicated fans.

And when you are at home reading through all the articles and internet forums, you'll begin to second guess yourself; you'll begin to wonder where it all go wrong. You'll lean back on your lazy chair, Budlight in hand, and look at the rest of the Team Invitational Tournament going on without you. And you will ask yourself..

"How the hell did I lose to Cassidy?"

And the answer will be as obvious as a punch to the face: I am better than you.

Our Destiny awaits us in just a few hours, Ravager. After tonight, one of us will have their hands raised in the air and advance to the next round of the TEAM Invitational. The other one will lie motionless and wake up to the realization that they don't have what it takes anymore.

The question is...

Which one will you be?

Best Regards,

"The Rage" Cassidy McKenzie


League Member
Jun 28, 2006
Polish Hall. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Minutes after the Bunkhouse Stampede match. And the winner sits alone in the locker room.

Ravager looks up. His face is covered in blood. But he smirks.

And to think, I went through this for $10,000. A lot of money, to be sure. But it won't buy me what I really want.




No, to earn that I have to do a bit more. Tonight I eliminated former World Champions, up and coming rookies, and a few guys who are close-but-not-enough to greatness. I opened some eyes, I feel good, looks aside, but the money?

Doesn't cut it. To get what I want, I'm going to have to win more matches, and beat the best of the best.

And that's where you're going to come in Cassidy. Now sure, the memory of last year always lingers in my thoughts. I'd have to be a moron not to think about it. But when I think about that match, I remember a few things. I was not over matched. Not for a second. Randalls pinned me. But he did not beat me. He had his hand raised, but the victory did not prove him to be my better. Just the best man on a single night. I do not feel any shame for losing last year. Just a desire to do better. A stronger drive to win. You look at my loss, while I see something that will make me a better wrestler in the long run.

You are a great wrestler, Cassidy. But you have no lessons to teach me. Nothing I haven't learned already. I am a long way from retirement. Why quit when I am so close to breaking through to the next level? You talk respect while playing mind games, which is to be expected. But you won't undermine my confidence. You won't make me doubt my skills.

And you won't beat me at the Invitational. The fight I went through tonight? Was for money that in the end will pay a few bills and allow me for a short vacation. Short term glory. And I went all out.

Now imagine what I'll do for long term respect?

Just be glad I respect you. That will be all that'll save you when we wrestle.

Ravager wipes the blood from his eyes, and grins as we fade to black.
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