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NA 1st Round: Dakota Smith vs "Phenomenal" Frankie Scott

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Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
North American Title Tournament First Round:

Dakota Smith vs "Phenomenal" Frankie Scott

RP Deadline will be Monday, May 22, 2006 by about midnight Central time.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
And now a word from our sponsor....

(Camera fades into a cascade of wrestling matches from MCW Center Stage… Ending with McMillan’s victory over John Doe to make it to the finals… We then hear the announcement that it will be “The Wolf”Chris McMillan versus Bryan Storms for the MCW Heavyweight World title…Slowly as the camera veers to the left, Rico Suave comes into view and with sinister smirks begins to speak…)

RS: It would seem that once again Dakota has predicted yet another scenario, McMillan vs. Storms, for the gold… And I would like to add that I am sure that it will be one for the record books… But I see a cloud of darkness hanging overhead, like CW said, two nice guys finishing first... that never happened before; and it’s headed for a catastrophe of epic proportions…. You ask me how and why!? Simple… Dakota!!! Dakota is now in the picture, he has been pitted against, er, er oh yea; the "Phenomenal" Frankie Scott… Hmmm… Interesting… Very interesting indeed… Frankie, my boy; are you ready to go on the roller coaster ride of your career!? Your moniker is about to be put to the test Frankie, and after the smoke clears, we’ll all see just how “Phenomenal” you really are… You see Frankie, while you hold an impressive track record; I see that you have yet to meet the likes of Dakota… No, I’m not his manager Frankie, nor am I his spokesman or anything like that… No, no Mr. Scott; I am just a simple sports journalist who has followed wrestling around for quite some time and believe me when I say Dakota is a force to be reckoned with… He’s a spoiler of sorts; he’ll shatter your dreams and stomp on your hopes just for the hell of it Frankie… The man is a predator by nature, anything in his sights doesn’t stand much of a chance… He has no regards for anyone or anything Frankie; in that ring his focus and prowess are uncanny… Make no mistake about it, he’s not here to win any damn popularity contest, he doesn’t even care what the fans or anyone for that matter think about him… But hey, I know, you’re probably sitting back somewhere with a few brews and laughing your head off at what I’m saying… Go ahead Frankie; go right ahead after all it’s your prerogative… I just want you to be aware of what awaits you in the ring Frankie, I kind of like you and would hate to see your career ended even before it got started…

(Smirks and waves his hands…)

RS: No, no Frankie; I won’t have it, no need to thank me… (Laughs) I feel it’s my duty to warn each and every single one of Dakota’s opponents, not to take him lightly, don’t underestimate him; in fact, if you can avoid him do so… But I know Frankie, like the others, you won’t listen; so you go and confront Dakota thinking one thing and watch, just watch how quickly you’ll realize just how wrong it was not to listen to me, how big of a mistake you made by not listening to me, but by then it’ll be too late… You’ll be much to busy just trying to survive the night to think of anything else other than survival… And Frankie, I want you to know that there is no shame in getting your ass handed to you by Dakota, that’s what he does and he does it very viciously… But I’ll see what I can do, maybe if I catch him at the right time, I might be able to convince him to go easy on you and end it quick, so keep your fingers cross, hopefully I’ll be able to help you out a bit…

(Points to a poster of Dakota…)

RS: Take a good hard look Frankie; take a long deep look at what you have to face in the first round for the NA title… And after you’re done Frankie, take some time to reflect, gather your thoughts and for God’s sake, make sure that your health insurance is paid and up to date Frankie!!! Understand where I’m coming from Mr. Frankie Scott!? Well I guess that’s it Frankie… I’ve said my piece, hopefully you’ll be able to take a piece here and there and piece yourself a picture and really truly understand where I’m coming from… Try not to strain your brain though Frankie, stay focused at what lies ahead but keep eyes in the back of your head also, and most importantly prepare for what lies in wait… I’ll say a little prayer for you…

(Laughs sarcastically as he walks away and we fade out to a MCW promo featuring McMillan and Storms for the MCW title…)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Reality check....

(Focus in on the MCW logo, in front of it is Rico Suave and Dakota sitting in director’s chairs… Rico sports a smirk as he begins to speak…)

RS: Good evening folks and welcome to the first ever, Rico’s “Reality Check”!!! My very first guest is none other than Dakota!!! So let’s get busy… Dakota, the MCW has just signed you to a lucrative contract… The only wrestling federation with enough guts and balls to sign you up; chalk one up for the MCW… You other feds out there, shame on you… Dako… (Dakota cuts him off)

DAKOTA: Stop trying to patronize me you damn asswipe!!!

(After glaring at Rico for several seconds, he slowly turns towards the camera… Glares and then in a contemptuous tone and manner begins to speak…)

DAKOTA: My congratulations Chris… You’re on your way to become the first MCW champ… Me!? I had to settle for the second rung of the ladder… But that’s quite all right… Second to you!? Why not… That’s just a momentarily condition… I know, I know, I have to earn my way up and that’s just what I intend on doing Chris… You see Chris, what better way to get your attention than to be the shadow within your shadow… But all that will come soon enough, I, like you have to focus on the task at hand, you have to focus on Bryan Storms, me!? I have the so-called “Phenomenal" Frankie Scott in my way to the NA title, second only to what you’re chasing Chris… Hey Frankie, how stupid are you to listen to this asswipe!? (Points to Rico) What were you thinking!? Did you really think that he speaks for me!? Let me enlighten you and everyone else on something, nobody speaks for me… You want to listen to this chicken ****, go ahead that’s your option; just remember I didn’t put that option on the plate, you chose that one all by yourself… The only thing I have on your plate Frankie is your ass!!! And I will hand that to you when we meet… The downside of that Frankie is that I am going to take my time; I am going to slow bleed you… I am going to make you feel pain like you have yet to endure and just when you think it’s about to end, I’ll start it all over again Frankie… I am going to methodically and systematically take you apart, and after I am done with you, you will contemplate your career here at the MCW Frankie and you will ask yourself if it was worth risking your well being… Tell me something Frankie; how does it feel to know that you really don’t stand a snow ball’s chance in hell in taking me down!?

(Rico tries to get in a word edgewise…)

RS: Now Dakota; aren’t you jumping the gun a bit!? Frankie boy seems to be quite a talented individual, he…

DAKOTA: Shut the hell up Rico!!! Don’t interrupt me again… (Rico gestures to him, and falls silent…)

DAKOTA: Frankie, it’s really quite simple; whether you decide to come out of the closet and say a few words or not, doesn’t really matter… In fact when it concerns you and me, not a whole lot matters, you see Frankie; it doesn’t matter that one way or the other, how I beat you, it doesn’t even matter what you think or how you take what I say… Nothing matters Frankie; nothing you say, nothing you do, nothing you try will matter; cause you’re going DOWN FRANKIE!!! 1…2…3!!! It’s just that simple Frankie!!! 1…2…3!!! That’s all I have to say to you Frankie… See you in the ring!!!

(Without saying another word, he gets up and walks away, Rico just stares… He momentarily looses himself in thought, as if trying to figure out what to say, but before he does, he looks around as if making sure that Dakota was truly gone…)

RS: Well there you have it Frankie, plain and simple … As you can see Frankie, I tried to talk to him, but it seems that he is pissed; otherwise he wouldn’t have talked to me the way he did… So good luck my man, you’re on your own this time around… It seems like it’s that time of the month for Dakota and you my unsuspecting amigo are about experience it firsthand… Good night folks; the pleasure has been all yours….

(“Holier than thou” begins to play as we slowly fade off to a promo selling “See no evil”…)
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