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New ERA Ring Review!


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Hey guys!

Just wanted to let you know that our very own Juan Rivera has offered to do a talk show type deal on the side so we have some nice little things to read on the website while you are RPing and I am writing.

It is called Ring Review and it is a review show that also interviews 'wrestlers' as well. The first show, the introduction show, is now up on the website ( http://fwrestling.com/host/neweraofwrestling ) .. its now listed on the side under the heading EVENTS ...

It'll have its own page on the website, much like the Past TV and Past PPV cards pages are set up ...

So as I said, the first Ring Review is up ... so go read it and enjoy .. Thanks very much to Juan for his initiative in making New ERA more enjoyable for everyone with all these other incentives.

-sean edmunds
owner, new era

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