October 20, 2007
1- News and Notes
2- Current Roster
3- Arrivals and Departures Within The Roster
4- Card Lineups for the coming week
6- Recent Results
7- Wrestler Poll
8- Weekly Awards
9- Ways to chat with the Commissioner
1- News and Notes
--> NEWF is live and running! The website is still under construction and once Ihave it all completed and share the URL, I want everyone to visit it as often as possible as I will try to have an update every couple of days especially on the rumor page.
--> NEWF makes major move the moment business opens! NEWF's parent company Cooler Than Ice, Inc. bought out Granite Highland Wrestling for an undisclosed amount of money. The wrestlers ont he roster were given 48 hours to decide to continue honoring the contracts they signed. Those deciding to come on board through the merger were: Erik Grimsson, Nina Grimsson, Rich Andrews, Summer Blake, Lydia Cazmire, Achika Akatani and Joshua Black.
--> Television Title to be first title decided in NEWF! The TV title will be awarded to the winner of a match on November 10. In order to find out who will battle for the first piece of NEWF hardware, management has set up a fatal 4-way match both this week andnext week. The first man to gain a pin or submission over ANY other of his opponents will advance to the title tilt on 11/10.
--> All systems are go and driving toward December's SLAMFEST I pay-per-view event! Slamfest will be the equivilent of Wrestlemania or Starrcade. It is our biggest event of the year and our crown jewel event. The show will beheld on Sunday, December 30, 2007 and originate from The Palace at Auburn Hills, MI. This night will see the crowning of NEWF's first World Heavyweight Champion, as well as potentially crowning our first World Tag Team Champions (assuming we have enough teams to bring the titles active).
--> This league is handler-driven. That means many things. First, that you have a ton of imput over the direction of your characters and how things occur ont he shows. However, it also means that we need you to participate int he production of the shows. If you can write a match for the Tv show....please let me know. It will help lessen the load on me and those alreadyint he higher-archy of the league and also help the league to become something you have even more of a stock in. Believe me, if I can do it....anybody can. Sono matter whatthe frequency....let me know what you can do tohelp produce our shows!
--> Any mail sent to me at the official NEWF e-mail address (newf_owner@yahoo.com) needs to be properly headed in the subject line. This goes for strats, flashes, rumors, ideas, complaints, and all things NEWF you wish to send to the fed head. We want to remind everyone to watch the dates of the lineup releases and strat accordingly. Also when you send in information to the NEWF e-mail address the subjects should be reflected as follows...
[NEWF] Strat for (name of wrestler) (date of card)
[NEWF] Flash for (name of wrestler) (date of card)
[NEWF] In-Ring for (name of wrestler) (date of card)
[NEWF] Commercial for (name of wrestler) (date of card)
[NEWF] Rumor for (name of wrestler)
[NEWF] Poll Vote (name of handler)
I think you get the idea here. All mail should be seperated for it's purpose. In other words, do not send a flash, strat, and anything else in one mail. We want everything seperated so it is easier and quicker for us to use. This will help me get through the mails and get them where they need to go. Thus we will become a more organized body of sports (is that possible in e-wrestling?) Also for you smartallics out there...Anyone who actually puts "(name of wrestler) (date of card)" on their subject line will automatically be jobbed to one of our esteemed staff wrestlers. And yes, I am serious about that.
--> Please let me know if anyone in the league regularly does not receive the league e-mail. I hate yahoo groups with a passion, but if it becomes a necessity to set one up for the league....I'll do it. For now, we'll send them out in a BCC format and hopefully spam-buster programs don't kill the mails to everyone. I figure three weeks worth of mail will give us an indication of how well our current system is working.
2- Current Roster
bear in mind that these disctintion are only related to weight......a Lt HW wrestler can vye for the HW straps too.
Jaiden Andrews
"Jester" Chad Allen
"Greatness Personified" Joshua Black
Dan Broussard
"Six Killah" Billy McGraw
Bloody Malthus
Zeke McGinty
Big Red Love Machine*
Billy "The Regulator" James*
"Chemical Imbalance" Christian Copeland
Rich Andrews
"Heavy Metal Hero" Erik Grimsson
Alex Van Steele
"FlyKing" Will Geddings
Lucious Jasmine*
"Kuro Neko" Achika Akatani
Summer Blake
"Fatal Beauty" Lydia Cazmire
"Spitfire" Kyra Braddock
"Mockingbird" Nina Grimsson
"The Revolution" Josie Saito
Akira Shumasita*
"Molto Severo" Luca Rossi [THE ROSSIS]
"Sly" Cattivo Rossi [THE ROSSIS]
"Kamikazee" Keith ['NUFF SAID]*
"Suicidal" Steve ['NUFF SAID]*
Enrique [THE CARTEL]*
Dominguez [THE CARTEL]*
* = denotes status as enhancement talent (jobbers)
3- Arrivals and Departures Within The Roster
4- Card Lineups for the coming week
NEWF Explosion
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Live from Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN
Bloody Malthus -VS- Big Red Love Machine
Lucious Jasmine -VS- "Chemical Imbalance" Christian Copeland
[First pin/submission gains spot in TV title match on 11/10]
"Jester" Chad Allen
Rich Andrews
"Heavy Metal Hero" Erik Grimsson
"Six Killah" Billy McGraw
Dan Broussard -VS- Zeke McGinty
The Rossis -VS- 'Nuff Said
Alex Van Steele -VS- "FlyKing" Will Geddings
[6-woman Tag Team "Showcase" Match]
"Kuro Neko" Achika Akatani
"Mockingbird" Nina Grimsson
"The Revolution" Josie Saito
Summer Blake
Akira Shumasita
"Spitfire" Kyra Braddock
"Greatness Personified" Joshua Black
Jaiden Andrews
The schedule is normally as follows and there will be no deviation from it.
Tuesday, 10/23/07---> Flashes due by midnight EST for Hot Copy #1 (sent immediately after deadline and combination)
Wednesday, 10/24/07---> strats/on-cards/commercials.etc due by midnight EST
Thursday, 10/25/07---> Flashes due by midnight EST for Hot Copy #2 (sent immediately after deadline and combination)
Saturday, 10/27/07---> Explosion out by midnight EST
Flashes are the most important things handlers do to create the character's personality and character within the league. Fans learn about you through these pieces and words are sent toand from your opponents through them. The rule on flashes is TO DO ONE PER WEEK AT LEAST. There are two opportunities each week to flash and every character should be heard from at least one time in those packets.
Now can you flash in both? YES!!! However this is quality over quantity. The maximum number of flashes that you can dois one per packet....period. I will take one amazing flash per week over two crappy ones anytime.....most fed heads would. However if you desire to flash in each opacket......I'm sure it will help the fans and etc learn more about you and also help get you over.
Keep them short. All Ineed for the TV show is the following information:
*character's mindset going into the match
*basic gameplan for the match
*finishing spot
*reaction after win or loss
Why so short? Well If you filled out the app for this league, then you gave us "regular spots" to use during your matches and a basic moves list...the matches on the TV show will not be long, marathon-type epics. I will endeavor to make the weekly show about storytelling and have some action heavily involved in the fulfilling of that desire. There may come a day when we start writing much longer matches for the TV show.....but we will save going "all out" for the PPV's.....that is where it truly belongs anyway.
Just make sure to ask me if it is OK to send one. 90% of the time it will be cool, especially if you aren't scheduled. This first show may be one of the rare times everyone gets on the TV show. That will not always be the case. Use in-rings and etc as a chance to appear ont he show without wrestling....further your angle or what not. Ya'll know what I mean here.
6- Recent Results
None yet...
7- Wrestler Poll
Coming Soon...
8- Weekly Awards
This is the section where the Commissioner will reward some of our more, shall we say Interesting moments over the past week. So keep watching this section every week and see if something you did was good enough to be mentioned here. We are open to a few more awards, so if you have any ideas on different awards we can name each week on the News and Views, send them in to us.
9- Ways to chat with the Commissioner
OK, this section will let you know how to find me in the chat modules most of us use daily.
Yahoo IM: hopper_family_3
Also you can e-mail me at newf_owner@yahoo.com
You should get in touch with me in one of those ways in case of any questions or things you need to talk about...I'm on quite often since my job allows me the chance to stay connected during the day. I also created a yahoo account for league mail because I believe my verizon account was kicking some that it thought was spam.
© 2007 NEWF Productions, a subsidiary of Cooler Than Ice, INC.
Website to be unveiled on 10/28/07
October 20, 2007
1- News and Notes
2- Current Roster
3- Arrivals and Departures Within The Roster
4- Card Lineups for the coming week
6- Recent Results
7- Wrestler Poll
8- Weekly Awards
9- Ways to chat with the Commissioner
1- News and Notes
--> NEWF is live and running! The website is still under construction and once Ihave it all completed and share the URL, I want everyone to visit it as often as possible as I will try to have an update every couple of days especially on the rumor page.
--> NEWF makes major move the moment business opens! NEWF's parent company Cooler Than Ice, Inc. bought out Granite Highland Wrestling for an undisclosed amount of money. The wrestlers ont he roster were given 48 hours to decide to continue honoring the contracts they signed. Those deciding to come on board through the merger were: Erik Grimsson, Nina Grimsson, Rich Andrews, Summer Blake, Lydia Cazmire, Achika Akatani and Joshua Black.
--> Television Title to be first title decided in NEWF! The TV title will be awarded to the winner of a match on November 10. In order to find out who will battle for the first piece of NEWF hardware, management has set up a fatal 4-way match both this week andnext week. The first man to gain a pin or submission over ANY other of his opponents will advance to the title tilt on 11/10.
--> All systems are go and driving toward December's SLAMFEST I pay-per-view event! Slamfest will be the equivilent of Wrestlemania or Starrcade. It is our biggest event of the year and our crown jewel event. The show will beheld on Sunday, December 30, 2007 and originate from The Palace at Auburn Hills, MI. This night will see the crowning of NEWF's first World Heavyweight Champion, as well as potentially crowning our first World Tag Team Champions (assuming we have enough teams to bring the titles active).
--> This league is handler-driven. That means many things. First, that you have a ton of imput over the direction of your characters and how things occur ont he shows. However, it also means that we need you to participate int he production of the shows. If you can write a match for the Tv show....please let me know. It will help lessen the load on me and those alreadyint he higher-archy of the league and also help the league to become something you have even more of a stock in. Believe me, if I can do it....anybody can. Sono matter whatthe frequency....let me know what you can do tohelp produce our shows!
--> Any mail sent to me at the official NEWF e-mail address (newf_owner@yahoo.com) needs to be properly headed in the subject line. This goes for strats, flashes, rumors, ideas, complaints, and all things NEWF you wish to send to the fed head. We want to remind everyone to watch the dates of the lineup releases and strat accordingly. Also when you send in information to the NEWF e-mail address the subjects should be reflected as follows...
[NEWF] Strat for (name of wrestler) (date of card)
[NEWF] Flash for (name of wrestler) (date of card)
[NEWF] In-Ring for (name of wrestler) (date of card)
[NEWF] Commercial for (name of wrestler) (date of card)
[NEWF] Rumor for (name of wrestler)
[NEWF] Poll Vote (name of handler)
I think you get the idea here. All mail should be seperated for it's purpose. In other words, do not send a flash, strat, and anything else in one mail. We want everything seperated so it is easier and quicker for us to use. This will help me get through the mails and get them where they need to go. Thus we will become a more organized body of sports (is that possible in e-wrestling?) Also for you smartallics out there...Anyone who actually puts "(name of wrestler) (date of card)" on their subject line will automatically be jobbed to one of our esteemed staff wrestlers. And yes, I am serious about that.
--> Please let me know if anyone in the league regularly does not receive the league e-mail. I hate yahoo groups with a passion, but if it becomes a necessity to set one up for the league....I'll do it. For now, we'll send them out in a BCC format and hopefully spam-buster programs don't kill the mails to everyone. I figure three weeks worth of mail will give us an indication of how well our current system is working.
2- Current Roster
bear in mind that these disctintion are only related to weight......a Lt HW wrestler can vye for the HW straps too.
Jaiden Andrews
"Jester" Chad Allen
"Greatness Personified" Joshua Black
Dan Broussard
"Six Killah" Billy McGraw
Bloody Malthus
Zeke McGinty
Big Red Love Machine*
Billy "The Regulator" James*
"Chemical Imbalance" Christian Copeland
Rich Andrews
"Heavy Metal Hero" Erik Grimsson
Alex Van Steele
"FlyKing" Will Geddings
Lucious Jasmine*
"Kuro Neko" Achika Akatani
Summer Blake
"Fatal Beauty" Lydia Cazmire
"Spitfire" Kyra Braddock
"Mockingbird" Nina Grimsson
"The Revolution" Josie Saito
Akira Shumasita*
"Molto Severo" Luca Rossi [THE ROSSIS]
"Sly" Cattivo Rossi [THE ROSSIS]
"Kamikazee" Keith ['NUFF SAID]*
"Suicidal" Steve ['NUFF SAID]*
Enrique [THE CARTEL]*
Dominguez [THE CARTEL]*
* = denotes status as enhancement talent (jobbers)
3- Arrivals and Departures Within The Roster
4- Card Lineups for the coming week
NEWF Explosion
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Live from Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN
Bloody Malthus -VS- Big Red Love Machine
Lucious Jasmine -VS- "Chemical Imbalance" Christian Copeland
[First pin/submission gains spot in TV title match on 11/10]
"Jester" Chad Allen
Rich Andrews
"Heavy Metal Hero" Erik Grimsson
"Six Killah" Billy McGraw
Dan Broussard -VS- Zeke McGinty
The Rossis -VS- 'Nuff Said
Alex Van Steele -VS- "FlyKing" Will Geddings
[6-woman Tag Team "Showcase" Match]
"Kuro Neko" Achika Akatani
"Mockingbird" Nina Grimsson
"The Revolution" Josie Saito
Summer Blake
Akira Shumasita
"Spitfire" Kyra Braddock
"Greatness Personified" Joshua Black
Jaiden Andrews
The schedule is normally as follows and there will be no deviation from it.
Tuesday, 10/23/07---> Flashes due by midnight EST for Hot Copy #1 (sent immediately after deadline and combination)
Wednesday, 10/24/07---> strats/on-cards/commercials.etc due by midnight EST
Thursday, 10/25/07---> Flashes due by midnight EST for Hot Copy #2 (sent immediately after deadline and combination)
Saturday, 10/27/07---> Explosion out by midnight EST
Flashes are the most important things handlers do to create the character's personality and character within the league. Fans learn about you through these pieces and words are sent toand from your opponents through them. The rule on flashes is TO DO ONE PER WEEK AT LEAST. There are two opportunities each week to flash and every character should be heard from at least one time in those packets.
Now can you flash in both? YES!!! However this is quality over quantity. The maximum number of flashes that you can dois one per packet....period. I will take one amazing flash per week over two crappy ones anytime.....most fed heads would. However if you desire to flash in each opacket......I'm sure it will help the fans and etc learn more about you and also help get you over.
Keep them short. All Ineed for the TV show is the following information:
*character's mindset going into the match
*basic gameplan for the match
*finishing spot
*reaction after win or loss
Why so short? Well If you filled out the app for this league, then you gave us "regular spots" to use during your matches and a basic moves list...the matches on the TV show will not be long, marathon-type epics. I will endeavor to make the weekly show about storytelling and have some action heavily involved in the fulfilling of that desire. There may come a day when we start writing much longer matches for the TV show.....but we will save going "all out" for the PPV's.....that is where it truly belongs anyway.
Just make sure to ask me if it is OK to send one. 90% of the time it will be cool, especially if you aren't scheduled. This first show may be one of the rare times everyone gets on the TV show. That will not always be the case. Use in-rings and etc as a chance to appear ont he show without wrestling....further your angle or what not. Ya'll know what I mean here.
6- Recent Results
None yet...
7- Wrestler Poll
Coming Soon...
8- Weekly Awards
This is the section where the Commissioner will reward some of our more, shall we say Interesting moments over the past week. So keep watching this section every week and see if something you did was good enough to be mentioned here. We are open to a few more awards, so if you have any ideas on different awards we can name each week on the News and Views, send them in to us.
9- Ways to chat with the Commissioner
OK, this section will let you know how to find me in the chat modules most of us use daily.
Yahoo IM: hopper_family_3
Also you can e-mail me at newf_owner@yahoo.com
You should get in touch with me in one of those ways in case of any questions or things you need to talk about...I'm on quite often since my job allows me the chance to stay connected during the day. I also created a yahoo account for league mail because I believe my verizon account was kicking some that it thought was spam.
© 2007 NEWF Productions, a subsidiary of Cooler Than Ice, INC.
Website to be unveiled on 10/28/07