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NWL Combat: Karl "The Dragon" Brown vs. Canada's Hero

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New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. The locker room at Elks Lodge. Karl is just putting some things into his gym bag. He’s dressed in jeans and white t-shirt. Noticing the camera out of the corner of his eye, he sighs, closing the locker, picking up his bag, and signalling to the camera to follow. He walks through the back of the arena as he talks]

Karl: Hacker, you put in one hell of a show. The match could have gone either way, and I look forward to facing you again one on one somewhere down the road. You came close to beating me tonight, and you didn’t need to resort to cheap tricks. I respect you, Hacker, and someday, when these tournaments are over, I give you an open invitation to a rematch.

But now, I have to turn my sights to Canada’s Hero, the man who beat Jarrod Poe thanks to some cleavage, the ropes, and cheap tricks. Not to worry, though, since he’s nothing I haven’t seen before. You’re a good talent, and you’ll be hard to beat. Much like my opponent in Empire Pro, Christian Sands. You’re a similar style to him. But I won’t let that cloud the fact you are unique as a wrestler, like everyone else. You have your own style, no matter how similar you may be to other wrestlers in style. So how am I going to prepare for you?

The same way I prepared for Sands, Dalton, Hacker, Diamond, Benjamin, Marx and Daymon, and the same way I’ll prepare for every single opponent I face in the future. Winning and losing mean little to me; they’re only a small way to test myself. The real test is how I improve from one match to the next, how much of my potential I use. How far I surpass my own skills in the ring. I was the same in MCW, I am the same in Empire Pro, and here in the NWL, I see no reason to change. As it stands right now, my record in tournaments is four wins, one loss. I intend to do my best to defeat both you and Christian Sands, taking my record to six wins to one loss, but if I lose, I know I’ll have lost to the better man.

[Karl reaches his car, a red BMW with a UK number plate. He opens the boot, dumping his bag in before slamming it shut. He moves round to the drivers’ side, as the camera follows him. He turns to face the camera after unlocking the door, leaning against the car]

Karl: I’m looking forward to our encounter. Another chance to test my skills is always appreciated, and you’ll certainly be a challenge and test. But right now, I have a match with Sands coming up, so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll talk to you later. Good hunting, mate.

[Karl opens the drivers’ door, sitting in the seat, turning the ignition and driving away into the night. FADE OUT]
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