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NWL Combat: The Distributor of Pain vs. Shamrock Finnegan

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New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
All roleplays for this match must be posted in this thread. Thank you, good luck, and have fun.


League Member
Jan 27, 2004
(Scene opens up inside of a church. DoP is dressed up as a priest. L.T. is nowhere to be seen.)

DoP - Well, well, well. How sweet it is. It looks like this finally gets to be settled. For far too long, Shamrock and Lars have been running around, acting like they own the place. So far, no one's been able to stop them. Until now.

Shamrock, I know what you must be thinking. I'm just a nobody. I'm too old. Too slow. Just not good enough. All that's fine and dandy. You can think all you want. But this week, your little butt buddy Lars won't be there to save your sorry ass.

Now, I know you're a man of Christ. I've heard all about your devotion to your so-called "savior." I understand it all. I, too, am on a mission from a higher power. But you see, that is where the similarities split. While your god creates, mine destroyes. Yours is loving, mine is wrathful. Yours has followers from blind faith. Mine has slaves. I am a slave of my god, and he has sent me on a mission of divine retribution. Humanity is full of sinners which must be punished, and you are no different.

All the cheap shots and double teams will do you no good now. It is time for you to face up to your sins, and trust me, I will make you pay. Your puny god will not be joining you on that night. All you will know is pain, and my cold, hard, and final retibution. Where will your god be, then?

(L.T. comes up from behind)

L.T. - She's started to chew through the ropes.

DoP - Damn...this one's a fighter...

(Scene ends with DoP and L.T. going down a flight of stairs)


League Member
Jan 27, 2004
(Scene opens inside the Elks Lodge. The ring crew are setting up the ring for this weeks event. The cage that he and Shamrock will be in is hanging above the ring. DoP is sitting up in the stands, L.T. standing close by)

DoP - How odd it is...Shamrock, a few weeks ago, you and your buddy just couldn't shut up. Everybody was going to get their asses handed to them. No one was safe. You two are going to rule the NWL. I was repeatedly attacked. What reasons? There were none at the time.

But, I know why now.

You two seem to be invincible. No one can find a way to disrupt your little plan. But you've seen the way I work. You saw what I did to those "poor girl." You know you're spirituality will serve you no good against me. Your god is going to sit our situation out. It is now survival of the fittest, and believe me, I am very adept to surviving. I've noticed that you two work well as a team. Where there is one, the other wil follow. But that's not the case this time. Now, Shamrock, you are isolated inside of a steel cage against me. Suddenly, those little attacks don't feel like such a bright idea, do they? Now, you must suffer the consequences for your action, and the payment will be VERY severe. I plan on bringing a few toys with me to the ring, so I suggest you dope yourself up on painkillers before the match, get drunk, pray to your little god, kiss your boyfriend Lars, and get ready for a very, VERY long night.

Oh, and if your sex toy Lars does try some funny ****, my friend L.T. here will help escort him out. The time is nearing, boys. This week will be the beginning of your punishments. I suggest you prepare for war.

(Fade to black)
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