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One of the guys...


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-03 AT 04:27 PM (EST)](Camera opens up the locker room of Jared Wells as he is sitting on the bench in complete exhaustion. Tony Ross sits next to the sweaty Wells and asks him some questions)

ROSS: Jared, without a doubt you proved something tonight. There were eight men that went in. The GLCWS finest were in a battle royal and you lasted till the end with Anarky. How does that make you feel?

WELLS: Actually I'm a little disappointed that I didn't come out on top. I put everything I had into that match. I put my heart and soul and did everything possible to win. When Anarky threw me over the top, I walked out with my head down. But as I was walking away the fans gave me a standing O. It felt good but I still lost the match. I looked back at Anarky and gave him the thumbs up. Then I went through the curtain, the guys in the back were clapping me. You kinda almost tear up for that because now I know I'm one of the GLCW guys in the back. I finally fit in. I asked for a second chance in life, and my wrestling career. I took the ball dude and ran with it.

ROSS: Certainly your career here in the GLCW seems to get bigger and bigger as we speak. Jared you started as a main star in the business, to rock bottom and now your comeback has to be the biggest that anybody has seen. What's next for Jared Wells?

WELLS: Who knows man. I'm on cloud nine right now in the GLCW and I hope I stay on it for a long time. My quest for the title is still in my head but I still want to take one day at a time. The GLCW gave me the chance and I won't let them down nor my fans. Like always RAGE 'o FIRE will take any open challenge.

ROSS: Jared Justice?

WELLS: Oh don't worry he's gonna feel the RAGE.

ROSS: Any last comments?

WELLS: I just want to say to ANARKY even though we don't see eye to eye my hats off to you and good luck on your title shot. Nobody in this business deserves it more than you. We've been up and down through out the years man. Good Luck and maybe if you become the new champ we'll face each other in the ring.

ROSS: You heard it folks, JARED WELLS a long shot in the battle royal lasted until the end when ANARKY threw him out. He might not have won the match, but for sure won the fans and the RESPECT from the GLCW! GOOD NIGHT!



Simply Tactilizing
Jan 1, 2000
There are some exceptions.....

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-03 AT 05:54 PM (EST)]Fade in: to a GLCW backdrop of blue and green, where Larry Tact stands in front of in baggy stonewashed blue jeans and a blue t-shirt with "Simply Tactilizing" written on the front in a gold cursive. Tact does not look pleased.

Tact: Tony Ross....are you out of your little mind? A few days ago I'm flipping the channels and what do I find? Jared Wells...being interviewed...by YOU! And Jared Wells talking about how he feels like "one of the boys!" How after his match at Riptide, he got APPLAUDED....accepted by the rest of the locker room. BULL(BLEEP)! Sure maybe a few guys sucked up to him...guys who weren't in the gauntlet. But I was surely NOT one of them. Maybe I'm just an exception to the rest of these sweathogs, but I want to make it clear that I do not WELCOME Jared Wells backstage. And Tony, you'd better watch what you say...talking about "respect"...something you know nothing about, judging by how you're treated each and every Riptide. But you'd better watch what comes out of that big mouth of yours. Otherwise you may find yourself responsible for GLCW getting sued....by ME, among others I'm sure, for fraudulent comments made.

Tact paces for a few seconds before turning front and crossing his arms over his chest.

Tact: And as for you, Wells. Through all the melodrama and mushy crap, I noticed you put out a little open challenge. Somebody's becoming a little comfortable around here....a little too comfortable. Obviously, Ringlords didn't teach you much. Yeah, I KNOW I lost, but I think we know who took more of a thrashing. Not physically, even....emotionally. PRIDE, Wells! I'm talking about how I took your pride and stomped it into the ring. But not enough, apparently, because now you've ASKED for someone to come wrestle you. You're ASKING to have yourself humiliated....HUMBLED.

A sinister grin forms across Tact's lips.

Tact: I'm surprised you managed to fool Jared Justice so easily. But I'll set him straight at Riptide. And then....I'll go to the ring and put on a clinic using YOU and your pathetic excuse for fans. So, in short....I accept your damn challenge, "RAGE o' FIRE" Jared Wells. Round two. If you dare....

Fade out.


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
Rage vs Tact 2 ?

(Camera opens up to Jared Wells wearing his usual clothes and a black hat backwards as he is watching the Ross/Tact segment on tv)

TACT: So, in short....I accept your damn challenge, "RAGE o' FIRE" Jared Wells. Round two. If you dare....

(Wells turns off the tv as he turns to the camera)

JARED WELLS: Larry, Larry, Larry. You just seem to not let things fly away do you man? I mean whats with being pissed off all the time? But now that I think about it, I beat you in a LIGHTS OUT match at the pay per view. I guess I would be mad too. But I'm not gonna sit here and brag about it. That was yesterday my friend and I'm moving on. It seems that you bring my name up every interview. You really think that I'm just some lie? MAH-MAN, this is about as real as it gets. The foolish games are over with and I'm sticking by my words.

As for Jared Justice, he knows I had nothing to do with it. Why would I do something like that to him? Ruin my career again? Hell no. I couldn't do it to my fans like that dude. But your right about my pride, you might have stomped on it but you didn't take it from me. I'm all about PRIDE 'n RESPECT. After the hell I went through in the battle royal I seen alot of changing not only in the crowd but in the back. I honestly feel I'm not a bad seed anymore.

But enough with the talk, bottom line is LARRY TACT I will take you on whenever man. You say I'm getting a little too comfortable? (Smiles) Nah, I'm just doing what I do best. Wells/Tact II? I say YES, you say YES, but what does GLCW say? I'm going for 2-0 and your world will change forever.



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