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Portlandia – a world of chairshots to the head


League Member
Jun 5, 2007
Portlandia – a world of chairshots to the head

(We start by seeing Legion sitting on a couch wearing jeans, boots and the usual band shirt attire – this time the choice is one of the album cover to Devin Townsend’s Deconstruction, he seems irritable – which to watchers of NFW over the past few months is nothing particularly new however there ‘s a visible lump on his head along with the circles under the eyes, circles that had gone darker.)

Legion: It’s funny that a place that has become known for a comedy that primarily mocks hipster culture I see on the internet posts thanking Bobby Jack for helping not only Cameron Cruise by saving his energy for the inevitable conclusion between those two but also for ‘clearing the cobwebs’ and probably getting rid of all the ‘demons’ inside me.

[Legion scoffs at the craziness of the idea.] Now of course it counts as a DQ win for me but if there’s one thing I have got tired of over the past year is getting hit in the head by chairs in order to ‘see sense’ whether it be by Stalker, Bobby Jack or otherwise so Bobby for all your preaching you did there was always one advantage you had…

You had the Clan to back you up, the Clan made sure your speeches went unheeded and no matter how many tried to shut up the rest of them got there before they could try. Well there’s no Clan any more and while I’ll let Cameron make sure he finishes the job I hope to one day pay the receipt of the chair shot back [laughs] because when you decide to raise my ire – not even God can save you.

[Legion then begins to whistle 'Onward Christian Soldiers' in a sinister tone and chuckles as we fade out]

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