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Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO

(In the back of a large room in Leyenda de Ocho's Rogers Park apartment; one corner has weights and other various training equipment, another has a TV on with Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! playing. On the wall in between the corners is a massive display case with hundreds of masks, all with different emblems. One has a green mushroom; one has a Triforce; one features several golden rings. Leyenda de Ocho, currently unmasked, reaches up for one and puts it over his head; it is a solid pastel pink. Rap music can be heard in the background: "Pawn" by Epic Lloyd. An ULTRATITLE poster above the case.)

[Some gotta start, some gotta be a part of started things. Some cats are hearts, some cats are veins.]

ULTRATITLE...I can't think of a better place to make my debut. The bigger the field, the bigger the odds against me, the bigger I go. I'm ready to take this thing like a 2012 Little Mac. The underdog, the little guy - the one who never stops.

What the field will learn about me is that all I do is go - I push forward, I fight, I build the momentum.
This is all black and white to me - my opponent is an obstacle, and the next fight is the goal. That's it. There may not be many Glass Joes in this tournament, but that's all the better. It just pushes me closer to the next level.

It's nothing personal - at least for now. I see the entire field as baddies to be slain, and that's all that I do.

(Ocho sits down at the TV and presses Start on the controller. He's started the World Circuit, the main title series of the game. He takes on the first opponent in the circuit, Piston Honda. After what seems like mere moments, he sets the controller down - he's TKO'd Honda in the first round.)

I hope it won't be that easy. You only get stronger in this game when your opponent is formidable.

I'm looking at you. Show me a challenge. Make me stronger. Then watch me take that power and do things you've never seen.

Maybe even take ULTRATITLE.

[Some gotta start, some gotta be a part of started things. Some cats surf, some cats make the waves.]

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