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Rabesque and Smith vs. Manson and Marx


Jan 1, 1970
Real Old School

(FADEIN: GOLDEN HAWK in the center of the ring, sitting on a stool. Right below him is a bucket, he spits what looks like to be tobacco juice in it...)

HAWK: "Real funny, Marx. Real nice and funny. I heard about your glove fixation recently, so I guess the ending sure does fit. You think I'm an old man, Marx? I've been in this sport for ten plus years...you're damn right I'm OLD SCHOOL. But I started at the very tender age of 18, Johnny. Let's not start callin' me an old man, shall we? Y'see Johnny, you talk about this old school revolution and all I see is a man that's just like all these new kids comin' into the sport that think by mockin' someone in their promos...its gonna apply to what happens here in the ring."

(HAWK spits)

"Ain't you supposed to be an Ivy League man? Ain't you supposed to be one of the greatest wrestlers in this sport? Tell me, Marx? Where are you? Where are you hiding? All I see is some scrawny pencil-necked geek sittin' on Manson's bench. If you're so smart, if you're so good - you wouldn't NEED Manson."

(HAWK spits)

"See, I haven't been challenged in this GLCW. And what I mean by that is that nobody has WANTED to take the fight to me. The Jobber didn't WANT to get in the ring with me 'cause he was afraid a loss would jeopardize his jockeyin' position in this league. That's fine, I get more satisfaction beatin' people where it hurts. The Jobber wants to save his (BLEEP!) by takin' it outside the ring, I'll beat his (BLEEP!) outside the ring. That's what a tough SOB does, Marx - you WOULDN'T know."

(HAWK spits)

"I'm STILL the toughest wrestler to walk out of the state of Texas. After I dominated the RPWA & MFL, I went back to my homestate to DOMINATE there. Now, I'm not only the toughest wrestler to come from Texas...I'm the GREATEST, Johnny. This body has gotten STRONGER, this mind has gotten SMARTER."

(HAWK spits)

"Now, I've come to the Great Lakes for the same reason I went back to Texas. To DOMINATE. The Jobber, Ryan Roberts - they didn't challenge me. I threw them around like ragdolls and they decided to run out of the ring, maybe they're smarter than your average Ivy Leaguer. Manson DID. Manson also happens to be considered one of the TOUGHEST SOB's in this region. In Akron, I learned one thing Johnny. If Manson is the TOUGHEST, then I got NOTHIN' to worry about with you. I know your type, Marx - see while I've been 'AWAY' I've been learnin' about how to deal with Ivy Trash like yerself."

(HAWK spits)

"You wanna be funny, Marx? I'm gonna (BLEEP!)slap that smile right off your face ANY day, now. The only funny thing is that you think I'm jokin'. Inside the ring, outside the ring - I'm lookin' for you, boy. You're about to find out that this ain't the wide-eyed 20 year old you saw on television that survived on instincts. I play a much DIFFERENT game now, Johnny. You thought I was tough then? You just (BLEEP!)in' wait, Ivy Boy."

(HAWK spits)

"The GOLD RUSH is gonna hit you many times over, Appleseed. Inside the arena, maybe even OUTSIDE. You messed with the wrong TEXAN and you're worshippin' the wrong idol. 280 pounds of pure Texan steel is about to cut through you like a chainsaw. You're gonna get so cut up, nobody is gonna know where YOU are. And that you can start believin' in Marx, 'cause I promise - that's as good as GOLD."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Real Old School

Don't you have a match with someone else, there Hawk?


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Darkness befalls the ignorant....

(We find Dakota slowly pacing as he begins to come into focus, his pace like that of a caged animal yet to be released… His sweat glistened massive frame reflecting from the lights as he continues his pace… His eyes aglow with a burning desire, his impervious expression revealing his cold-heartedness mentality… His pacing at times picking up speed and then at times slowing down…)

DAKOTA: They say that a man is measured by his actions and words… You have failed miserably in both Manson, you have taken trash talking to new heights, but in the end you have shown us all just what sort of individual you are… You’re a man who has nothing left, a man who is holding on to dear life the best way he can, like a malignant cancer you have tried to penetrate that which cannot be penetrated but yet you continue to try… Now I am sure that you and a few simple-minded dimwits out there may find you very amusing, but tell me Manson what have you really accomplished!? Do you seriously think that I care about what you say!? Do you think that you will be able to get under my skin with your rhetorical bull Manson!? Of course you don’t but still you try, signs of your desperation are evident Manson, the goat thing, calling us whores and everything else just shows how desperate you are… You need to know and understand that your trash talking is not having the desired effect you expected Manson, they are just words, words desperate men will shout out to the world when all else has failed… I stopped watching your promos a while back Manson, if you seen one you seen and heard them all, because you’re as redundant as they come Manson, in fact more so… Your asinine remarks, your dull witted actions as well as your ethnical slurs are all evident of your fears Manson, they have all betrayed you and revealed the true inner you… A frightened little boy in a man’s world; a little boy who has thrown a temper tantrum because he no longer has everyone’s attention, no longer in control and that is the one thing you cannot stand or take… Add that to your obsessions with my father and the UA and you have a broken old man who cannot accept himself for what he has become…

(He pauses as he stares outward and beyond our camera as if expecting someone to appear..

DAKOTA: I give a rat’s ass about what and how you feel about me and my family it’s all irrelevant Manson; is that the best you got!? (Laughs cynically) You’re nothing more than a shell of your former self, you’re a dead man walking Manson and soon the coffin will be nailed shut!!! Jean and myself will be hammering in those nails Manson, very slowly and very painfully… You have people like Jonathan Marx, looking up to you as if you were some sort great legend, you go around calling yourself “god”… (Laughs) Your pretentious façade can no longer hide your true feelings Manson, your inner self has betrayed you… You see Manson, long before you and anyone else even knew that I existed I watched from afar, I closely scrutinized every match, every interview, I dissected you and others like a class would dissect a frog; I saw what made you tick and what ticked you off… I watched as you won match after match, studying your strong points as well as your weak ones, I saw the flaws in that perfect image you have tried to build of yourself, there are many imperfections Manson and I know every single one!!! Slowly you started to falter, the pedestal you stood on began to crumble and I was there to witness all that…

DAKOTA: You should show your protégé how to hold a camera Manson, tell him that he’s supposed to aim the lens outward… It was a nice picture though, and I bet it was the perfect Kodak moment for you and him… (Laughs as he shakes his head) You guys are really pathetic, do you seriously think that your little antics will bring you about a win!? Comedy Central is in the other direction guys, in this direction all you will find is two hungry wolves, one may be a little old and the other young, but think about it guys, these two hungry wolves bring to the table, experience, talent, and perseverance on top of the fact that we have no fear of you or Jonathan… That’s what Jean and myself will be bringing to the ring Manson, so you and Jonathan bring your silly asses if you want, we’ll be more than happy to hand them to you on a platter…

(Pauses and smirks cynically)

DAKOTA: But knowing you Manson, this is all a game to you, one of those little mind games you like playing so much… Only this time, it is not going very well for you or is it!? Hard to say, wouldn’t you agree Manson!? Jonathan is already coming into this with doubts, and you!? You are beginning to have them also, only you don’t know it yet… I know you and Jonathan will most likely come out with some more eloquent rhetorical crap, but that’s okay… You need to let off some steam, after all as far as Riptide is concerned the only place you two are going is DOWN!!! Better learn to accept change, Manson because I am the biggest change to the GLCW and I intend on making a very huge impact… So bring yourself and your protégé to the ring, but better be ready for hell Manson because it is coming with me!!!

(Camera begins to slowly zoom out and fade off, the last view we have is of his eyes, burning like two blazing infernos… We finally fade out, the wailing of sirens are heard in the background… Fade off to black….)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I Don't Need an Elaborately Worded Title

((FADEIN: MICHAEL MANSON, sitting back, in front of a large TV. On the TV, the picture of Nevada and Dakota Smith taken at the local grocery.))

MANSON: It's really great that's you've put in the time to study me and all that. Apparently its in vogue right now. Of course most of you say sounds like you're reading it off cue cards, but then that would saying that you know how to read at an adult level, and we both know you can't do that.

You can say I'm a broken man and all that. The fact of the matter is I have Golden Hawk now intruding upon me because of who I am, while you went to the gym with your father to work off those udders. You might think or claim to have angered me, but I don't really know when or where that was since I've basically been me recently.

And it's not easy being me....now I have this drunken Texan now bothering me..thinking I'm afraid of him for some reason. Think strategically, though I'm talking to someone from Texas. I was basically wasting time so young Marx could come on down to the ring and observe the match, for his studies.

I realize he got overly excited and rang the bell, but you really should be more aware of what's actually happening. Point of fact, I still won and in fact I basically win most of the time here, so whenever Jean, Dakota, Jersey, Nebraska, Texas, and Newfoundland say somehow the UA manipulated me into losing or something, I don't see it.

After all, I didn't do a thing to ever help them and yet I always had them taking my trash out for me. And yes, that is what we call "lackies". I should know since I have so many and most of you would kill to be one. I can't help the fact that UA lost the WarGames match. Sure they can blame me, their family can blame me, but I wasn't the one submitting.

And I won't ever, but that's not the point. The point is simply Dakota, I'm still me, drawing obsession from Pandora Island to the great state of Texas. And you are nothing but the bastard son of a middle-aged man who could never face me himself. Not that he'd do any better than you.

To be honest, I should really expect his son of all people to claim he's a legend. You're wrong of course, since if he were any type of one I might actually have heard of him or he would have crossed me in one way or another. But he's gone, and thus, irrelevant.

As are you, Dakota. One GLCW match done and you think you can actually beat me? You want to call your fsther the devil? There's many people convinced I am the actual devil. And of course, everyone should know, wrestling is hell.

Even if I were broken, or will be, if you know me, that doesn't stop me. Through blood and torn flesh, scabbed eye and cracked ribs, I still go on.

Do you actually think you were the first guy to ever come out of a crowd and attack me? Do you think you're the first guy who ever said I was broken? The first to think that you're the first pissant to think that you could ever strike me down?

I imagine your father told you that you were. But that's easy to say, since he's not in there himself. Maybe in his prime, but apparently from all considered factors, I was around 12 years old when that was.

Judging by the uddders, I still could have taken him.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
RE: Speaking of Which

(the screen comes in on the same background we have grown accustomed to, the GLCW backdrop, Rabesque stands in front, this time wearing a new "NO PEZ NEEDED" shirt, specially made for this spot, as he looks into the camera, a smile on his face, as he prepares to again vent a few of his thoughts)

Rabesque: I really do find it amusing. Mike, this time you've gone and outdone yourself more so than anything before. You went, and you made fun of my name. Are you really that low on ammunition? Have you really stooped that low on the creative ladder that you have resorted to insulting....my name?

But you see, the irony is huge here. It even brings a smile to my face. Mike, you make such a deal out of my name, and the fact that I don't really care to be called French, something that I'm not. You said it's a girl's name. Then you decided you would try to come up with a nickname. How cute.

But, you were missing the point the entire time Mike. Real wrestlers don't need to come up with a new name for themselves. Real wrestlers don't need to come up with something new and excited. Why? Because they're wrestlers. They're not gimmick machines, they're not characters. They're warriors.

Do you think it was easy for me Manson? I've been doing this for more years than I can remember now. And you know what? The drill has never changed. Back when I broke in, if you weren't some kind of character, everyone looked at you like you had three heads. That was the en vogue thing to do, make up the most flamboyant ridiculous character you could possibly think of and then make up the most elaborate stunts you could imagine.

But then, something changed, slowly.... over time. All of a sudden people started to notice what I was doing, and they started to respect for me. They began to slowly realize that this is about the wrestling, and that is what I do. It's not about the side-shows.

But still, it was hard. I had all the promoters telling me what to do, trying to get me to do something I wasn't going to do, trying to get me to be someone that I wasn't. You should have heard the ideas they came up with. I think the most ridiculous one I heard involved something about thinking I was God and eating Pez, but just like some others, I digress yet again.

But, you can make up nicknames all you want. And of course, in your usual style, none of them were funny. But here's my point Mike, in the sake of all that was thrown at me, I still kept to what I believed in. Do I like my name? To be honest, no, but it was the one that I was born with and I kept it.

That's what real men do, right Mike? They're not going to shy away from their real name and use any kind of fake name, are they? You'd never be the kind of man to do that would you....Mr. Monaghan? (chuckles) Isn't that right Mike? The real name wouldn't cut it, eh? So where did Manson come from? Trying to make people more intimidated, or what? Just curious, I think Monaghan provides character, it's not some carbon copy name like Manson.

But yes, Mike, I may have a funny name. I might inspire images of Frenchman to you. That's fine, I'm honestly cool with that, because all it does is AGAIN prove how much of an idiot you really are.

You're good at that Mike, unlike you know.... actually being able to wrestle. I don't honestly think I've ever seen you win a match clean, now that I think of it. Who you going to try to pay off this time? What, you gonna have an earwax sculpture of Nikolai Ash? How about a sculpture for your good buddy Nark made with the condoms you used for all of those romantic encounters you had with Beau Michaels. Yeah, we know all about that Manson. (chuckles)Of course, we also know that was before the love triangle with Marx and Jacobs.

Or, here's an idea. Why not show up for Riptide like a man and actually try to wrestle a match? (chuckles) Yeah, I know, Michael Monaghan's not good enough to win a match like that. Thathas become painfully obvious over the past many months.

Yeah, I might have lost to Maelstrom, but at least I did it straight up. You don't play many things straight, I know Manson, in or out of the ring.

While we're on the subject, I might as well as bring up your tag team partner. Marx, get a clue my friend. Are you really that out of touch with reality. And now, you're spending more time talking to Golden Hawk then you are actually involving yourself in this match.

How you got ant of the so-called accolades you bestow on yourself is absolutely beyond me. How you even got a wrestling contract continues to astound. You don't back up any of the talk you spew, you really can't wrestle that well, you pick the worst cronies to run with, and you and your lil' buddy there are just flat out annoying. Come to think of it, what exact purpose do you serve in this company? Midcard fodder? (chuckles) Maybe, that's about all I can figure out.

But this is all I have for you boys. I could get as montonous as Manson and waste everyone's time by rambling on about something no one wants to hear about. Or we can hear more of his inane responses to vastly superior comments like the one he will suredly have to my last statement. It's getting stale, it really is. And I'm sure you'll say the same thing about me, and in doing so, you'll do nothing but prove my point. That's who I am, that's what I do. I've been doing the same thing for a long ass time now. Why change? That's the whole schtick Mike, and you've been falling into this entire time. It's all about wrestling, and perserverance. I excel at both, can't say the same for you on either account.

See you in the ring boys, I'm showing up with a warrior that is ready to tear both of you up. (chuckles) Listen real close as I say this again for you again... No false gimmicks, that means no pez, no false hype, I am the original, I am Jean Rabesque.

(fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Speaking of Which

((FADEIN: MICHAEL MANSON, in "All You Need is Pez" t-shirt and black leather pants. He stands firm, in a dimmly lit area with his finger stained with red paint.))

MANSON: Well, T-Bag, I guess I can't ever raise to your levels of creativity. I mean "No False Gimmicks Needed", who wouldn't want a shirt like that? "No Pez Needed"? My God, YOU'RE JUST SO CLEVER.

Here I am, just trying to help you as always, so people don't rush away from your matches to vomit and there you are..hostile. Now T-Bag, I can't help the fact that I am your moral, physical, intellectual, creative, and sexual superior. I just can't help this gosh darn cult leader like charisma I wield.

I realize it puts people like you off because you're really starved for the attention your parents never gave you, but I can't help my own magnetic personality.

I don't know who Michael Monaghan is supposed to be, but that's a fine Irish name. Perhaps, I'll meet this lad in a bar and buy him a drink for having such a clever name. And hey, if he can beat Maelstrom, that's great too.

Since T-Bag, you forget, I did beat Maelstrom, one week after he beat me. I just don't dwell on rankings and statistics like you do. It might be your life and all, but I always have my pez, my collection of angel figurines, and the Best of Faces of Death.

But you continue to dwell on irrelevant things,possibly because at this point, you basically realize you're little more than my #####. If the GLCW were a prison, I'd be having you every night and twice on Sundays. And of course, you can do nothing but rant on about me, desperately trying to convince you that you inhabit the same sphere. And of course no one does, except the other people who want to be me or my lackey.

You might claim you're respected, but as Marx and I keep saying, and as Golden Hawk so elegantly proves with his involvement, mine is the only opinion that matters. And, sadly, T-Bag, listening to you rant like a 12 year old on a sugar rush every week about how I must obviously suck and you're the greatest messiah in the world of wrestling ever. I've tried to help, but it takes a superiorly bred mind like a Jonathan Marx to accept that.

And the worst thing of all, T-Bag, is you are just talk. Since everytime you see me across that ring, you assume a fetal position and crouch away in a corner. You prove my superiority every time you obsess about me. And you are worse than Dakota.

But like I said, I can't help that and I can't help that I've actually been the champion here and I'm the continuing focal point of this entire region. Complain if you like, but as always, your mere mention confirms everything I say and more.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river

(screen comes back in on Rabesque, wearing the normal gear, same spot, you know the drill)

Rabesque: I find it unbelievable Mike, that our mention of you somehow confirms you as being some kind of messiah, yet your constant mention of me.... does nothing of the sort? You might need to explain that one to me. You don't seem prone yourself Mike, and this time I'm not even talking about Beat, but I'm talking about you being prone to a ramble here and there. Generally, about the same thing every time, but hey, who besides me is keeping track?

But that's the thing Mike, it's not my thing to be clever to come up with witty repartee to keep everyone enlivened. It is yours. The problem is, the thing that is your very being in the wrestling world, the one thing you're supposed to be able to do better than anyone else, you're not very good at it. Do you think it matters to me that you can play the game with words better than I can? I have never at any time claimed to be anything resembling an orator. I'm a wrestler. You sure as hell can't do that, so that leaves the vocal aspect of everything. The problem is you're just as monotonous, just as.... well.... boring as I am. Except you have locations, your lover boy Bueno, and some pez to back you up.

As far as your superiority (chuckles), I can't even dignify that. Except for the fact that I wouldn't give Beau a sample when he asked, and boy, did he sure rave about you. So I guess you do have the homosexual advantage over me, if not the sexual.

And if I'm really that pathetic, how come you're the one mentioning fluke TAG TEAM wins if they were really anything of any accomplishment, only a week after being HUMILIATED in losing your title. (shakes his head) Sad, sad, sad.

But I will have to admit it is frustrating. To speak to a person that is so distant from reality it makes your head spin. You honestly think you have a, how did you put it, sparkling personality? Are you serious? And then you actually think that people care about, when I can go into the GLCW offices and check the figures, and see that since the GLCW debuted, you've never once ranked in the top ten in merchandising. NEVER! As opposed to every kid in the stands proudly sporting "NO FALSE GIMMICKS." And what's best is, since you won the Great Lakes Title when no one cared about it, when you didn't have to beat anyone for it, you think that somehow justifies you a claim as being worth something?

Couldn't be further from the truth. And the fact that I hide from you? Yeah, sure Mike, that's really what it was, and you continue to deny I beat you. I don't think I ducked you that night Mike, in fact, I was the one still standing in the ring when the night ended.

So, you have my attention now, because you're in the match, but no one cares about you. You're not a champion, you haven't had any title matches lately, and you blew your chance to be #1 contender. Your time has passed Mike. Accept it and move on. Please put us all out of our misery. No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am Jean Rabesque.

(fade out)

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