Hey, can I help at all with Pure?
GAH! You?!? You'll get your filthy years of history all over my carefully manipulated plotting! Grumble Grumble! (Thank you for stepping up to help, seriously.)
Second Brawl will go up today now that forums are back up.
Status updates on the Reloaded matches would be appreciated!
Ok, so Macc...have you started the 6-man or what?
That's all that's left for San Antonio's show.
I just wrote it out this morning I was working on it for a little over an hour and I had a rough copy I was ready for my first save and I accidentally Alt F4'd!!!!!! Ughhh sorry guys. I'll work on it again late tonight, some tommorow. Sorry fgor the hol;d up I have noe xcuse I've justt been crazy busy with the holidays
Well, I see San Antonio is posted. My match will be in tomorrow or the next. Who is writing the XXX/Rook match? Wanted to give you a heads up on something, if Grandmaster Katz hadn't done so. Good to be back on track, YIP.