(And isn't it a good day to have a scene?)
(Saturday morning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the site of a glorious event not long ago, where one man openly proved to the entire world that he could back up his words with his ability. And on this day, we look in on the man and his actions.)
(We're at a Greyhound Bus Station. Through the windows of the lobby, one can see the sleek silver vessel that will soon hold a host of travellers and comfortably carry them to their destination. The marquee reads: "PHILADELPHIA." But we're not focused about what's out there, in the morning sun over Pennsylvania.)
(Rather, we're more interested in the two at the desk. One man, one woman, with a proximity that could only infer that they are close in a romantic way. They turn around, revealing their faces to the camera. And lo and behold, we are NOT looking at Rochester Vincent and Caitlyn Daymon, but a pair of strangers, who favor the camera a momentary curious glance, then gaze off. They seem to be waiting. Then, there is child-like laughter. Not exactly giddy or joyful... more of that screeching, annoying, leech-like wail of a little bastard who is purposefully trying to get on your nerves.)
(The face of the woman shoots off to the left, where, amidst an arrangement of black leather sofas, a boy of no more than three entertains himself by running circles around the coffee table while flapping copies of People and National Geographic over his head. He is making quite a ruckus. Quickly, the woman, presumably the mother, intervenes, grabbing the child by his right hand and scolding him in a vehement voice. It proves to be no use, as the child does not switch out of his hyperactive mode.)
(We break from this scene, panning right, until we get the view of the nearby set of black leather seats, where Rocko Daymon sits alone with his legs crossed, admiring this scene. Then he looks up to the camera with a smile.)
Rocko Daymon
And to think I have to put up with that kid the entire way to Philadelphia. It's going to be a hell of an annoying trip. Knowing those parents, that kid will spend every mile running up and down the aisle making every person's ride a miserable experience...
But hey, I know the joys of having a kid all too well... so I can put up with it.
(He smirks.)
Rocko Daymon
I just find it funny... watch this.
(The camera pans back to the scene, where the mother, impatient, has removed the magazines from the child's hands and pulled him back in line to the counter, with the father watching idly. The child, now deprived of his only entertainment in this drab little room, whines with selfish remorse. You could compare it to nails on a chalkboard.)
Rocko Daymon
Sound like anybody we know?
(Camera moves back on Daymon.)
Rocko Daymon
Let me refresh your memory...
(Quick cut to Maelstrom, sitting on a stool.)
...t's NOT about the money because this sport is a BUSINESS..... BIG BUSINESS!
(Cut to Daymon.)
Rocko Daymon
(Back to Maelstrom.)
I'm also one other thing you're not....... A REAL MAN!
(Back to Rocko, reeling back with mock regard, as if someone had just exploded into screams in the middle of a quiet conversation.)
Rocko Daymon
Hey now, wait...
(To Maelstrom.)
I was gonna exact a bit of revenge in my own time from those two SONS OF B!TCHES, Freeman and Ryan for trying to play me!
(To Daymon, reeling back again.)
Rocko Daymon
Look, would you--
As far as I'm concerned, you, Paul Freeman, Dan Ryan and everyone else here can all kiss my A$$!
Rocko Daymon
Would you just--
Yeah, but--
Now wait a--
(A final cut back to Daymon, who reels back with his hands held up defensively, and a smile of mockery over his face.)
Rocko Daymon
Whoa, whoa, whoa... easy there, lil' pardner!
(He lowers his hands.)
Rocko Daymon
Heh... obviously, after seeing that LAST promo, Maelstrom has a little problem with staying up past his bed time! Perhaps he needs to find his blankie and take a nap... not forgetting to keep the night light burning.
I honestly wonder if this guy sucks his own thumb...
I really wouldn't be surprised if he did.
If you ask me, he needs a good ass-whoopin' to get set straight. I think I'm qualified for the task, as do others.
(He smirks, shaking his head again.)
Rocko Daymon
I got to thinking, again... about all the hype and... "exposure" that surrounds Maelstrom. And after I watched that last promo, I had to ask myself... is this the SAME Maelstrom? That great guy everybody talks about? He, who hasn't lost in over a hundred matches? The LEGENDARY Pandoran known as Maelstrom?
Cause by that temper tantrum I just saw, I think he holds more in common with that kid over there. The only difference is, that kid is acting his age... Maelstrom is a grown man, presumably in his 30's, SCREAMING on air. And I'm supposed to think of this guy as a legend? It's astonishing that he wasn't wearing diapers the last time he made an appearance!
(He shrugs.)
Rocko Daymon
Maybe that machismo bullsh*t worked for him in GLCW, and maybe now in NWL... but he's in Empire Pro now... MY federation. I've put up with the same sh*t for over five years, and time and time again, I have proven to the entire world that it fails to intimidate me.
I'm a man who speaks through his fists... not through boasts and one-liners. And if you look back on my performance, you would see beyond a doubt that when I speak, I overpower the other voice, which doesn't amount to more than a whisper when it comes time to step into the ring.
(Another smirk. He leans back, clasping his hands behind his head and crossing his legs.)
Rocko Daymon
It's pretty obvious, Maelstrom, that you're turning all of this into a pissing match. As I told one unlucky fellow who was beaten by my wrath, professional wrestling is not a contest to prove who has the biggest swingin' d*ck in professional wrestling. It's about one man delivering... and making the score. It's about what goes down in that ring, and who wrestles better than the other during that one situation.
Here you're... making mockery of my promo, by opening up on the terrace of a restaurant, reading a copy of one of my favorite books--one you would hardly understand, mind you; no surprise there. I assume you use your sense of humor to cope with what must be the impending feeling of dread, as you know of the grave disappointment that awaits you at Aggression. Exactly, what kind of an IDIOT are you to go that far out of your way? It didn't even amount to a point... you just seemed to throw it in there because you had time to kill.
I can almost picture it in my head... three in the morning in the studio, you standing up on a scaffold with a megaphone, barking orders down on a dozen or so exhausted and peevish carpenters and set designers, acting as a real despot to get your look-alike set built and ready to go. All that time, money, and effort wasted... thrown together for what seemed like no purpose.
Just another bit of evidence that tells me you have sold-out in the professional wrestling world.
And I DON'T need to know him personally to come to that conclusion. It's obvious, just through everything he says and does.
(He shakes his head in dismay.)
Rocko Daymon
When you throw your money around like that... money given to you by the federation that expects you to draw in a crowd, you show blatant disrespect to everything professional wrestling is. And I could care less how good of a wrestler you are and who you've beaten... as an athlete, you are a piece of sh*t the second you become a corporate money-laden pig.
And you like to defend yourself, saying professional wrestling is a business. Of course it's a business... when did I ever say it was not? But let's break it down, shall we? It's our job to put butts in the seats. We bring 'em in, they buy tickets, federation gets money, gives it back to us to reel in more viewers. It's a simple cycle.
Ask yourself something, Maelstrom... why is it that I was booked in the main event last week? Why is it that I'm booked in the main event... THIS week? Simply put, because I draw in an audience. People like the underdog like Rocko Daymon, making his glorious comeback to professional wrestling. The federation throws me into the spotlight, knowing I can milk the fans for every penny possible. And yes, you have drawn in an audience as well... who could forget that "exposure" that looms about you?
So you put Rocko Daymon against Maelstrom... and of course everybody's going to watch. And say I beat you... and it brings in even more fans. Why? Because, of course, Rocko Daymon has defied the odds! He's proven himself again, this time doing the one thing that many people cannot: pinning Maelstrom on the mat. Suddenly, here's a guy who has beaten a legend, and is prepared to claim Empire Pro's World Title for himself! Hell, let's say I even go on to win the title! More tickets sold... more people tuning in.
With that said, I am certainly the definition of a businessman. But do I accomplish all that with the help of a big, long contract, or a lawyer, or miles of red tape? No. I understand that your productivity depends on your effort... not by the weight of your paycheck.
If every professional wrestler wanted money, they would have never bothered coming into the industry. They all would have went to college. But as it is, everybody has a love for the ring... to be fighting, and conquering. It's that sort of passion which has brought us into wrestling. I assume you had that sort of feeling once...
But it's obvious that your nearly unstoppable success has blinded you from what really matters. Now your eyes are green, and instead of seeing ringposts, you see dollar signs.
(Pauses for a beat, and leans forward.)
Rocko Daymon
I know you don't care about what I think about you, Maelstrom...
But if you think I'm going to let a sell-out like YOU win this title, then you're dead wrong. I'd rather die before I see it happen.
(He falls back into his seat, eyes looking up at the ceiling.)
Rocko Daymon
It's almost preposterous to think that I would be jealous of you. Yes, you have exposure and reputation... but I can only imagine the number of toes you stepped on and the myriad of backs you stabbed to get there. You make excuses by referring to a contract, and waste money on irrelevent sets. I'm supposed to be jealous of THAT?
You accuse me of kissing Freeman's ass. Guess what, Mael... Freeman called ME, to explain on HIS behalf. In fact, I would say that Freeman was sucking up to ME! And you know why? First and foremost... I'm his cash crop; the golden boy who brings in the crowds. No contracts... just pure talent, selling tickets; as I said before, his dream come true. Second, because he KNOWS I can beat you. If I were to simply say no to this bullsh*t red-carpet treatment you're getting and chose not to participate in this match, it would spell disaster for the federation. A total stranger, stepping in and turning this place into his own personal playground. However, Paul Freeman put two and two together. He compared my motivation, my determination, and my talent against yours... and saw that I could beat you.
In a way, I am Empire Pro's own Jesus Christ. There is absolutely no reason why anybody as important as me should be "sucking up" to the executive.
And you speak of denial. Denial of what? What truth am I avoiding, Maelstrom? Cause the way I look at it, everything is laid out on the table, clearly labelled for all to see. I bust my ass to beat Adam Benjamin, and because Dan Ryan is too much of a chicken sh*t to fight, YOU get a free ride. But this is not the kind of federation where exposure gets you far... from day one, Empire Pro was all about giving everything and working your way up the ladder. I've done that, but you haven't...
"Exposure" isn't an excuse, nor is a contract. Plain and simple, you do not belong in this tournament. At Aggression, you WILL be beaten, sent back to the bottom, where you can work on your OWN time. It's not so much a sense of duty to the standards of Empire Pro... but also to myself, and to the other guys who have been in this tournament since round one. You haven't done your time in Empire Pro, Maelstrom, and for that reason, I CANNOT let you go any further.
(Confident nod.)
Rocko Daymon
Can you feel that, Mael? Confidence... motivation... not to mention the fact that I'm a complete stranger to you, and you have no idea what to expect when you step in the ring against me. No bullsh*t... no mind games... just a single focused goal to put you down on the mat.
And I have every reason to believe I can pull it off. Not by perception, Maelstrom... by simple facts that I've been showing the world over the past couple weeks. But you have done nothing but talk. You have shown nothing. Your own hypocrisy is apparent when you see the simple facts distorted and out of place. You fail to see that you yourself have an altered perception of the world... all your self-righteous bigotry and pompous oral diarrhea.
It's all about moments, Maelstrom... like you said yourself. And in one long, ongoing moment at Aggression, your world will come crashing down around you. I will take you outside of the vanity shell you live in, to the cruel truths of reality...
And that, as they say...
(He smirks.)
Rocko Daymon simply the way it is.
(He looks over his shoulder. Pan left, where Caitlyn Daymon stands holding a pair of tickets. Rocko nods and comes to his feet, grabbing his bags and heading with his wife and manager to the door. He holds it open for her to walk out, and the camera follows. The approach the bus, and Caitlyn boards first. Rocko turns back to the camera.)
Rocko Daymon
And by the way, Maelstrom...
Because of your blatantly disrespectful words in reference to my wife, I will see to it that when you and I step into the ring...
I will collect your f*cking balls.
See you in Phili.
(With a nod, Rocko turns and boards the bus.)