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Round 1: “Registered Sex Offender” Frank Wilkes vs. Max Blackshire


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Round 1: “Registered Sex Offender” Frank Wilkes vs. Max Blackshire

Roleplay period starts on Monday, April 23 and ends Sunday, April 29. 2 roleplay max in this round.


Jan 1, 2000
upstate NY
Are Who You Are.

(FADE IN: A bustling playground nestled in some urban setting. As the children run about their parents smile, chatting with each other, sipping coffee. Seated on a bench somewhat removed from the action is Max Blackshire. Dressed in a simple faded red t-shirt and equally faded blue jeans, Max's eyes roam the scene. Disinterested in the children, the parents, the jungle gym, slides, see-saws and swings, it is clear that he is looking for something - or someone - quite different.)

"So," he begins. "This is your scene, eh? Prime pick-up spot for a man such as yourself, I'd imagine. Personally - and I'm sure you'll understand when I say this - I don't get it."

(CUT TO: A child kicks a bright blue ball across the grass, giggling as he chases after it. He is soon swarmed by several other tots chasing after him and the ball. The camera follows them for a moment before they go charging past Max. The camera rests on him, coming in tight and slow on his cold eyes.)

"I will admit that I don't know too much about you, Frank. Travelled in different circles at different times, I'd have to guess. As I hear it you're a man with a past. A man with a history. With a story. In that respect - and perhaps in that respect alone - you and I are alike."

(Max clears his throat, scratches a temple, and leans forward - elbows on his knees.)

"People look at you and only see your past. Your faults. Your mistakes. Am I right? They see your name on the bill and are disgusted. Not invited to family functions. Shunned in your own town. No one understands you, Frank. That's how it is, yes? I know that feeling. The world - wrestling or otherwise - see Max Blackshire and think "Maniac". Danny Darwin and countless others labelled me a "Murderer". The MADMAN. To most, I am the man that let Roxanne Beaumont die. I'm a theif. To most, I am an arsonist. To many, I am the younger brother who WANTED Cyrus Blackshire to DIE. To them, I am the same man that slit "Triple X" Sean Stevens throat."

(CUT TO: An even tighter shot. For a moment, his voice is raised only just above a whisper.)

"Tell me, Frank," Max begged. "Have you ever worried, like me, that they might ALL be right?"

(CUT TO: Further out now. Max sits back, crossing his legs. He drapes his arms across the top of the peeling green bench as a handful of children run through the shot, screeching.)

"Do you ever worry that maybe that's all you'll EVER be? A Sex Offender? Or me... An Arsonist? The MADMAN? Ever scared, Frank? That you'll never overcome their labels... That you'll never be better than whatever they see you as? I used to worry. Maybe once... Once, I was afraid. I know different now."

(A brief glance away from the camera.)

"That's the thing about labels. That's the hardest part of infamy, isn't it, Frank? Beneath all of the accusations, charges and - in your case - convictions, there is always that pearl of truth, isn't there?"

(CUT TO: Tight shot of just Max's eyes.)

"You molested children."

(CUT TO: Just his mouth now.)

"I tried to kill my brother."

(CUT TO: Back to the wide shot. Max recrosses his legs.)

"We aren't too different, are we? Although, while you generally open shows... I'm much more accustomed to CLOSING them. While you have toiled in obscurity and are still learning this craft of ours... I've been there. I've LIVED there. No stranger to the marquee match. No stranger to high profile or the best of the best."

(Tugging on the collar of his t-shirt for a moment, Blackshire leans back towards the camera. Is that a smirk on his face?)

"Still... We both have something to prove, don't we? And really... Again... We aren't so different. We BOTH want to prove that we belong here, at the very top of this sport... Me? I've been there, but it's been a while, you see... And as it is, few things in this business come close to what the ULTRATITLE means."

(Standing, the camera follows ahead of Max just a few steps... And we're walking.)

"As you know," he smirked again. "ULTRATITLE means that you stand above EVERYONE. ULTRATITLE means that you aren't just AMONG the very best in the world... But that you ARE THE very best in the world - not just at that time, but forever. Look at the names, Frank. Manson. Nova. Melton. So on. Those are names that ring out. Names that haven't just left their mark, they've dug a TRENCH."

(A happy family passes between Max and the camera and his gives them a friendly nod before continuing.)

"To me... ULTRATITLE is more than just validation. More than a trophy. It may not ever wipe away what's been said *or what I've done - I don't know if I'd want it to - but it's a start. The foundation. To build something new. A new history. A new story. They say, Frank, that you are who you are."

(CUT TO: The blue ball we saw the kids chasing earlier comes whizzing towards Max. He snatches it from the air and regards it carefully.)

"Call me a killer," he says before tucking the ball under his arm. "Call me a theif."

(CUT TO: As Max walks away, he calls over his shoulder.)

"After this tournament... Perhaps they'll have a NEW label for me. And for You, Frank."

(FADEOUT as Max walks away, ball still tucked under his arm.)

"Good luck."

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