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SLAMTRACK 4: Sam Hill v. eKid Nah v. The Second Coming


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
QUARTERFINAL MATCH - Red Crown Tournament

Roleplaying thread for Sam Hill v. eKid Nah v. The Second Coming

1000-word roleplay limit
No stacking allowed whatsoever

Roleplay deadline is Friday, October 17 at 11:59pm Red Line time
Jan 23, 2013
(FADEIN on a clear night sky. The moon is bright and what seems like a thousand stars are lighting up the view.

Poetic descriptions aside, The Second Coming has climbed out her bedroom window to the roof overlooking part of the house, and she's pointed the camera straight up.)

The Second Coming (V/O): "I was at a party tonight with my boyfriend."

"Yeah, Spectre - the girl you accused of being... what was it, a shrew with a non-stop menstrual cycle... has a dude."

"For now, at least. We've been growing apart."

"You see, he's a jock - slash - fratboy type. Not the stereotypical one: he has a brain and an analytical mind and knows how to think about things. He reads books and likes jazz and has a decent future in front of him. He's a good man."

"He's just not the right one for me."

"He likes to be out in front of things, leading his team on the field or on the courts, wherever you think he'd belong, and directing whatever action is in front of him. He's happiest when he's got the central role. Pitcher, quarterback, center, chief minion. Whatever."

"And he'd be happiest with a girl at his side as the head cheerleader."

"The problem is that I'm not a supporting actress."

"Which brings us to the point at hand: Red Line Wrestling."

"While Ikan Jobtayoo was clearly robbed, the fact remains that I handed Johnny Dorn his ass."

"The fact remains, Johnny Dorn was one of the most blatant examples of a terrible human being I've ever seen in my life."

"It wasn't so much what he said, but what he did - and how he did it - and how he expected to breeze past me like he did Ikan."

"This sport has so much misogyny in it, it's a wonder how Gogo Spectacular and myself even made it in the front door."

"She's got practical experience; I've got training and instinct. While she was eliminated from the championship tournament, she's got the chops to earn herself a shot against the winner."

"Against me."

"That's right."

"I'm going to be the first Red Crown Champion."

"I'm going to do something that's never been done before in the history of this sport: I'm going to become the Champion in a wrestling company where men outnumber the women."

"And there's not a damn thing that Sam Hill or eKid Nah can do about it."

"Because this is my story: and I'm nobody's cheerleader."



League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
[In the hot box that is the RLW interview room, Sam Hill and Simon Hill stand. Behind them on the Screen of Green a nice, stylish "House of Hill" logo is projected. It's nothing fancy, looks good on a t-shirt, obscure enough so you can give one to you hipster brother-in-law as a Christmas present, though the dickhead probably calls it "Yule" and goes on and on about how he doesn't celebrate corporate holidays... right, where were we?]


Barry (off-screen): Does he always do that?

Simon Hill: Since the "Incident," yes.

Barry: "Incident"?

Simon Hill: We never speak of the "Incident".


Simon: As such, I shall be addressing my Dear Brother's participation in the Red Crown Tournament.

Sam Hill: BROTHER!

Simon Hill: Yes, despite the gross oversight of not including me in the tournament, you can rest-assured that the name Hill will still ring loud in the tournament.

Sam Hill: DING DONG!

[Sam looks off screen, likely looking at the editing screen with the House of Hill logo behind him, then behind him where a green screen hangs.]

Simon: Legacy. Tradition. Honor. All words you associate with family. Sadly, when you mention the names of wrestling legacies, Hill isn't one that springs to mind. But it falls to us, the grandsons of "Rawhide" Sam Hill to reclaim the legacy our Name deserves.

Sam Hill: [Points off screen] WORDS! [Points behind him.] NO WORDS! [Points off screen] WORDS! [Points behind him.] NO WORDS!

[This goes on for some time.]

Simon Hill: Er, yes. The respect and dignity our family deserves must be earned, one match at a time. Which leaves poor Sam in a quandary. You see, our dad, he always taught us, never hit a girl. However, our Mom always taught us to never diminutise a woman or treat her as nothing as an equal. So now Sammy here's got to decide whether to dishonor either his mother or father's wishes when he faces off against the Second Coming.


Simon Hill: And don't even get me started on our parents' disparate views on how to treat marsupials.


Simon: To summarize, we will flip a coin.

[And so they flip a coin. Feel the suspense. Feel it!]

Sam Hill: TAILS!

[A little Sonic the Hedgehog humor there.]

Simon Hill: So good news for Second Coming and bad news for eKid Na, we have decided that Sam will treat SC as an equal and pound her into a bleeding, broken pulp all in the name of affirmative diversity.

[Sam nods vigorously in agreement.]

Simon: But Na, this also means our mom's view on animals, i.e.: if it has legs and isn't a table, kill it and eat it, Will be honored. We will however try our best to mot mix up these views during the match, as we do not want to face another human rights tribunal, nor a visit from the ASPCA.


[Both Hills cross the our arms and nod affirmatively.]

Simon Hill: So see you both at Slamtrack 4, and if possible please wear nametags so's Sam can tell you apart,

Jan 23, 2013
"Thank you, Sam."

"Thank you for deciding that you were going to treat me like an athlete."

"As opposed to, I dunno - a ballerina?"

"Do I look like a f(Censored for content) ballerina? Seriously?"

"But, to be honest, I'm glad that you were able to look deep into your soul and... flip a coin... and decide that you were gonna treat me like an opponent."

"It'll be trickier, that's for sure. I won't lie, my night was gonna be a lot easier if you were planning on just standing there like an idiot while I beat the hell outta eKid Nah and then turned to you, but it wouldn't've been nearly as satisfying."

"Red Line Wrestling is in need of an athlete to be its face while it establishes itself, Sammy... and I need to tell you, it probably won't be the guy who feels the need to tell his opponent that he sees her as an opponent."

"It's okay, though. You won't see me as an opponent for much longer. Come Slamtrack, you'll see me in a more appropriate way."

"As your better."


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
(FADE IN: on eKID NAH standing before the green screen. It's displaying footage of riots. He is wearing his black rubber spikey mask, full leather trench coat and leather pants. He looks mighty surly.)

eKN: "See, unlike my buddies I'm just interested in fucking shit up.

"I don't care about your rules. I don't care about your well-being. I'm just gonna run wild and fight alongside my mates.

"You fuck with the Marsupials of Mayhem and you are not gonna be in a good place."


eKN: "The message we are sending is loud and it's clear...

"We do what we wanna. We do when we wanna.

"And if Kid Koala and me make it through to the next round, on opposite sides, the Mayhem becomes paramount.

"There won't be nowhere safe.

"So, Second Coming... Sam Hill... It's time to put you down.

"Don't worry. You won't feel a thing.

"I'm only a little prick."


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