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SLAMTRACK 5: House of Hill v. J-MAX


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO

Roleplaying thread for House of Hill v. J-MAX

1000-word roleplay limit
No stacking allowed whatsoever

Roleplay deadline is Friday, November 14 at 11:59pm Red Line time



League Member
Apr 12, 2008
[This isn't going to be anything fancy. We've got everything we need for a straightforward promo - a featureless cinderblock wall with four wrestlers standing in front of it.]

[The first is Lisa Loeh, and she isn't in RLW to wrestle, but she's dressed like she is, in a black sports bra and a pair of hip-hugging black yoga shorts. The other three, left to right, are Roger Stevens, Yoshikazu YAZ, and Paco Losantio.]

Lisa Loeh:
I don't know how many RLW fans know who we are, I'm not going to assume you all followed DEFIANCE and know how we came to RLW in the first place, so I'll keep MY introduction real short and sweet. I made a promise to Roger Stevens years ago that I'd help him break through the midcard glass ceiling. And as it turned out, bringing in a ringer - or two - from outside the territory was the trick we needed. But you know what? Look at this man. LOOK.

[Lisa gestures at Roger Stevens. The biggest of the J-Max trio although not huge - he's maybe 10-15 lbs too heavy to be a cruiserweight - he stares with a burning blue-eyed intensity, clenches his fists at his sides and cracks his knuckles.]

Lisa Loeh:
"Radical" Roger Stevens! Forget hands of stone, he's got hands with their own gravitational pull, and the anger to use them! He can break ribs with his knife edge chops! But don't think he's a one trick wrestler, he knows his way around the mat and the air!

Roger Stevens:
AND, he knows that dropping people on their heads is even more effective, and almost as fun, as chopping them til they bleed from the chest!

[Lisa pats Roger on the chest. Then, skipping the man in the middle, stopping on the end.]

Lisa Loeh:
Paco Losantio! Luchador! Junior Heavyweight! Karate black belt! I had Stevens, and I had YAZ, and when I needed a third man for my team, I knew which one I wanted before he even signed with me. THIS ONE.

[She slaps Losantio on his chest. Not hard, but like, for emphasis.]

Lisa Loeh:
When I wanted a team with international style, one that could adapt, one with versatility, I knew that I couldn't do better than this man. Call him what you want. Ultra Raptor, Black Raptor, El Quezacoatl, he's a true student of the WORLD of Wrestling, with as fine a training pedigree as you could find anywhere!

[Losantio smiles, buries his right fist in the palm of his left hand, then bows his head quickly.]

Lisa Loeh:
And also, he had past history with this man.

[She points.]

[Yoshikazu YAZ folds his arms. His eyes glitter behind his mask.]

Lisa Loeh:
One does not provoke Yoshikazu YAZ without good reason. A hero in Japan, a monster in the United States, a legend worldwide! Former contender for the DEFIANCE World Title!

[YAZ adjusts one of his gloves, pulling it tighter and flexing his fingers.]

Lisa Loeh:
Master of the shotei! Keeper of the secret of the mist!

[YAZ throws his head back and spews a cloud of green mist into the air.]

Lisa Loeh:
On SLAMTRACK 5, my J-Max starts its climb to the top of the mountain in RLW by climbing to the top of the House of Hill.

Paco Losantio:


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