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"Stupendous" Stephen Morgan vs. Suicide


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

{{...FADE-IN: "Stupendous" Stephen Morgan is standing on top of the Bank One Tower in Indianapolis, Indiana. Morgan is standing way back from the edge and has a terrified look on his face...}}

"STUPENDOUS" STEPHEN MORGAN: {{...gritting his teeth...}} " OK, I don't know whose CRUEL idea it was for ME...STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan...to do a promo from on top of this building, but whoever it was...can just BITE ME. "

{{...CUT-TO: A courtyard outside the Bank One Tower where Stephen Morgan stands, looking a little better that he did the last time we saw him. The color has returned to his face and he's got his normal, smug look...}}

" I suppose it was MALEC's idea to put me up there KNOWING that I have Acrophobia brought on by my mistreatment from my mother when I was four years old. {{...waving his hand dismissing the thought...}} I suppose HE thought it would "appropriate" considering who I'm facing. You know, Suicide...tall buildings...yadda, yadda, yadda. Doesn't matter. I'm down HERE now, on solid ground, where mother EARTH can protect me. "

" So Suicide, great to see you here my good man. We could always use another washed up has-been nobody looking to spotlight himself over other wrestlers in the league with much more talent that him. {{...sarcastically...}} LIKE THOSE are SO hard to come by here. {{...shakes his head...}} I know you say you're only here to do your job, n' all that crap. Yeah, I understand, I've heard that from you before...but seems to me that everywhere you go...somehow, somebody pisses you off, steals your spotlight, and you pack your bags and go. To me, if you were for a guy ONLY interested in wrestling, that seems BACKWARDS. I know what you're going to say. "Stephen Morgan, you're a punk and you have no idea what you're saying." Trust me, I've heard it before. People don't like it when I speak the truth, so I just have to be happy in the fact that EYE know it's the truth and leave it at that. "

" Truth. It's something that people in this place don't like to talk about much. You don't hear anyone talking about how STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan is being held down on the under card while no-talent hacks like Mike Manson and Anarky are headlining. No matter what I do, no matter WHO I beat...I'm undefeated by the way...all I get is a paycheck and another sacrificial lamb. Somebody up there doesn't like me, but SOONER or LATER they're going to have to DEAL with me...and for you Suicide, it's SOONER. "

" You know what ELSE is the TRUTH Suicide. I, STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan, am a better wrestler than you. Come Riptide, I'm going to show all those ignorant fools up in the stands that CHEER your name just how STUPID they really are. As far as I'm concerned the whole LOT of them can DO what they CHANT. SUICIDE. "

{{...Morgan pauses for a moment, proud of himself, as if expecting a laugh from somebody...}}

" I'll keep this short, because I have a meeting uptown in an hour and this god-awful traffic is going to be hell to navigate a limo in. It doesn't matter WHY you're here, it doesn't matter WHAT your plans are. In fact, you can go about your miserable life once I'm done with you and do WHATEVER the hell you want to do. All I want at Riptide is a win and a step up the ladder. You're the RUNG punk. And if you think you got a SHOT at beating me, well...{{...laughs...}} YOU can just KEEP DREAMING."

{{...FADE OUT...}}


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

(Camera fades in to art gallery of the Herron School of Art in Indianapolis, Indiana. Many exquisite paintings and sculptures are on display for exhibition, as some art enthusiasts are admiring the works. The camera pans from one work of art to the next, taking in the beauty. Then, as a slight contrast to the works, the camera zooms out a bit, showing none other than Suicide, wearing his black trench coat and hat. He himself is admiring the works of art, with his back towards the camera.)

Suicide: "Commitment. It takes integrity and dedication to be committed to something you truly love. The students of this art school have sacrificed themselves and spilled their souls into their works of art. The truly gifted ones are those who don't care about the opinions of others and just do what is inside of them. They are committed to excellence: not just for the world but for them. The same can be said about me and wrestling. I'm committed to this sport. No matter how long I decide to stay away, I get pulled back in. I don't wrestle for just the wrestling world but also for myself. It's apparently that such commitment that allows me to survive in this sport and gives me more of appreciation for the greatest work of art; the human body. Pushing the limits of this finite structure and trying to gain infinite results is true art. Real commitment can make this possible, especially in our great sport. However, there are some that are committed to other things...."

(Suicide turns around as he looks into the camera, never keeping his eye off of it. He has his arms behind his back, standing perfectly still.)

Suicide: "Apparently Mr. Morgan, you are committed to try to work me into a raged frenzy as you try so earnestly to berate and insult me. It's funny how you can say I'm a 'washed-up has been' when you've been in the sport longer than me, trying to make a 'comeback'. Nevertheless, your attention to detail is truly astonishing. If I was here in the GLCW for the spotlight, I would be jumping this top superstar, attacking from behind that superstar, and not even bother with someone like you, since you're being held down by the man. For someone who could buy their own wrestling organization, you could just buy out General Electrics and have a spotlight fixated on you twenty-four-seven. Hell, I should thank you for even considering me a 'has been' because that insinuates I was somebody of importance. By the tone of your voice, I have a feeling you're jealous over that fact and now, like me, you have to work your way from the ground up to get to that higher level. I understand someone like you who has been raised with a silver spoon in their mouth would complain about working for what you're worth. Unfortunately for you, it's going to be one rough night on the job for you when come Riptide in Indianapolis you have to face me in the ring."

(Suicide turns to the paintings on the wall, looking at them one by one as he walks through the gallery.)

Suicide: "The difference of course between artists and wrestlers is in the art world it doesn't matter who's better than who because it's all subjective and diverse. However, with wrestling, to the fans, promoters, and apparently wrestlers just like you Mr. Morgan, being the best is top priority. I have to tell you though that by clamoring over the 'fact' that you're a better wrestler than me will fall on deaf ears because quite frankly, you'll have to prove that to me in the ring. Gloating over the fact that you're undefeatable also means that it will be more fun wrestling you. I'm sure the fans will get a kick if some worthless bastard like me, who has nothing going on with their life at all, beats a high class, white-collared, blue blooded, bug up his ass stuff shirt like yourself. And please spare me the trips of past accolades and the obvious talks about my being a stepping stone on your way to greatness. The first guy I faced in GLCW was claiming the same thing and well; he's got more than voices in his head to worry about. It seems, disappointingly, that you decided to not take me seriously. Unfortunately for you, money can't buy you happiness and it sure as hell won't buy you a free ride in our match. Because when it's all said and done, win or lose, I will earn your respect, something I'll get with my commitment to hard work and dedication. Don't worry, you'll still get your title shots and rise to fame; but you may be slipping off this rung before you get back on the ladder. Hopefully you'll come back to reality, where there isn't any champagne wishes and caviar dreams, but instead, you one big wrestling nightmare in the form of The Man....The Myth....The Legend. I just hope that if I do pin your shoulders to the canvas for three seconds, you won't think it's an illucid dream. All it will be is my commitment to excellence and dedication to this sport. Let's hope you're committed as well. 'Nuff said."

(As Suicide walks out of view, a shot of a painting is shown. On the wall is a white canvas with a black Suicide symbol on it. The camera then fades out.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I will not be held down

{{...FADE-IN: Backstage after the Flint, Michigan house show. "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan emerges from a dressing room. He's showered and dressed in a polo shirt and blue slacks. Walking next to him is a man dressed in a limo driver uniform, carrying his gym bag. Lady V walks up to him, microphone in hand...}}

LADY V: "Stephen Morgan, you just suffered your very first LOSS here in GLCW...and it was to Nemesis, a man you've put down at every opportunity."

{{...Morgan glares at her for a moment, then collects himself and with a head motion tells the driver to go get the limo ready...}}

STEPHEN MORGAN: " I believe if you pull the tape up...MISS...that you'll see that dirty, no-good, cheating Nemesis not ONLY was hooking the tights, but got the pin with MY FOOT on the bottom rope. It's all there, take a look."

LADY V: " Well I was watching the match and I really..."

STEPHEN MORGAN: " Typical response from middle class trash like yourself. Listen my good lady, FLINT is over and done with. Nemesis will get some retribution SOON enough, but for now, I've got more pressing matters at hand."

LADY V: " You mean Suicide. "

STEPHEN MORGAN: " Yeah, Suicide. You know, I really was hoping to pin the FIRST lost of his GLCW career on him, but after his pitiful performance tonight, I can see that privilege is nothing special. I mean, WE all saw a no talent like MINION mop up the ring floor with him...and HE expects to give *ME* a run for my money? "

LADY V: " What do you mean? The match between Minion and Suicide was one of the nights best. "

STEPHEN MORGAN: " Ahhh...what do you know? The only reason you're standing there holding that mic is because of who you're porking. "

LADY V: " Listen here you..."

STEPHEN MORGAN: {{...grabbing the microphone from her...}} "Listen, be a good little girl and go make sure that driver has the limo at 70 degrees on the NOSE. I'll be along in a second. "

{{...Lady V goes to protest but decides Morgan isn't worth it and walks off yelling, "You better get that mic back to me.". Morgan rolls his eyes and sighs. He then taps the mic as if to make sure it's working, and continues...}}

STEPHEN MORGAN: " OK, Suicide, as you saw here tonight, the GLCW is out to get me. Fast counts, corrupt referees, I've seen it all. But I'm going to persevere my friend. As much as the GLCW wants to keep me down and not give me a fair shake, well that just motivates me to do even more, even FASTER. That means pinning the second straight LOSS on the man they brought in to be the NEXT star. I'm sure that when Malec signed you to a deal he thought FOR SURE he had a can't MISS. But he's just as stupid as you Suicide, because, like YOU, he doesn't realize what it takes to be successful in the wrestling business. "

" Allot of people ask me why I don't just BUY GLCW and run it myself if I have such a problem with it. Well, not that any of those ignoramuses deserve an answer, but it's because I'm TOO SMART for that. The wrestling business, as you know, hinges it's well being on the wrestling FAN. For ANY business to put its financial success on the shoulders of people who would just as soon buy a cheeseburger and go see the next Sylvester Stallone movie, that have dinner at the finest restaurant and take in a museum, it just plain CRAZY. You get what I'm saying here? {{...pause...}} From YOUR brief history in the ownership business, I take it you do."

" Now, as far as our little match goes I really don't have the time to go over it with you again. You're not in my class, not even close. You're going to be taken to SCHOOL in the fine art of wrestling and you're going be taught a very HARD lesson. So you just ... "

{{...Suddenly Lady V snatches the mic out of his hand and walks off saying, "I need this back thank you." Morgan's face grows red and he beings to sulk as we FADE OUT...}}


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-03 AT 09:33 PM (EST)](Camera fades in to the inside of Pepsi Coliseum in Indianapolis, Indiana. The seats are empty with not a soul in sight....except a lone figure standing in the middle of a GLCW wrestling ring. As the camera fades closer to the lone figure, it's none other than Suicide, standing still in the middle of the ring with his arms behind his back.)

Suicide: "Most people reflect and think best in silence. While that is usually a surefire way to really collect one's thoughts, I like it better when seats like these all around me are filled by the masses who come to watch this sport in action. While I don't acknowledge the fans nor care whether they cheer me on or boo me out of an arena, I respect the fact that they pay their hard earned money to see athletes at their finest. They cheer and praise the ones they love, boo and insult the ones they hate. But no matter the difference, there's one thing the fans do with both; they applaud and acknowledge the hard work and dedication we put in this squared circle."

(Suicide takes his arms from behind his back and places his hands in his pockets.)

Suicide: "However Mr. Morgan, one thing I know the fans don't appreciate is a sore loser. While you acknowledge the fact that I lost to Minion, it's not that I lost, but the fact that I am still standing here. That's right; I survived. I'm still standing on my two feet and walking and talking. I gave a lot in that match on that given night, but I didn't give my all, and that was my mistake. However, you on the other hand, after giving one tremendous display of wrestling talent and coming up short, you whined and complained about it. You see Mr. Morgan, just like your 'shortcomings' with the ladies you are around with, the excuse, 'But honestly, this never happened to me before!', isn't going to work. Blaming others for your failures isn't going to get you far in this sport as well."

(Suicide takes a hand out of his pocket and reaches for the Fedora on his head. He takes it off, looking into the camera through his mask.)

Suicide: "You and I share one thing in common; we both have our first lost. We're human Mr. Morgan. Humans are subjected to failure every day. It's what makes us what we are. Should you lose against me in this ring at Riptide, you'll finally come to realize that you're not above mere mortal men, no matter how much money or pride you have. The only one you have to blame in holding you back is yourself. If you want to reach the top, working hard and striving to better yourself is the key. You can worry all you want about being successful in a wretling business. I have no really clue how to run a business, that much is true. But I do have some knowledge as to how to be successful in a wrestling sport. That doesn't matter to me at all because all that matters is you and me, one on one. I don't care what the bigwigs have planned for me. All I care about is continuing on my quest to fulfill my destiny. I just hope you come to realize that the only reality worth living is the one here on Earth.....and not in your head. 'Nuff said."

(The camera fades out.)

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