On Your Mind
(Camera fades in to a dimly lit room. The only source of light shown is a single light bulb hanging from a very loose wire, to which it swings very slowly to and fro. As the light dances against the ripped wallpapered walls, some basic workout equipment can be vaguely made out. As the camera pans around the area, a dark figure sitting on a bench can be seen. As the figure sits there silently, the light plays with his face, which is mostly hidden with long, black hair. The only thing that can be made out thus far is a blue eye that glows eerily in the light.)
*He wonders if this was a mistake. Should have he come back, into the face of adversity? Is he really up for the challenge that lies ahead? He can not be for certain, for he doesn't know yet. All he knows is something inside of him is making him continue his drive and determination to reach his destiny. No matter what new challenges are waiting for him, he must strive for his survival. No one wants him to succeed, only to fail miserably. Unfortunately for everyone else, he has nothing left to lose.*
(As the camera slowly makes its way closer to the dark figure, the tattoo on his upper left arm, that of a futuristic looking S, reveals him to be none other than Suicide. He sits there, his finger-cut gloved hands folder one on top of another. Suicide stares away from the camera, unmoved by anything around him.)
Suicide: "I've been thinking lately, about what has happened thus far with myself in Empire Pro; about what I've done and what I've said. It seems that my words and actions have had an effect on two wrestlers. First off, with Tommy Mayhem, it seems I've made a dream of his turn into a nightmare, when I almost snapped his neck in our match at last Aggression. The last thing on my mind however is an apology. Apparently, Mr. Mayhem decided to just underestimate me and now, he's stuck on the bottom of the ladder. However, my attention is not towards Mr. Mayhem, but one 'Mr. Main Event' Rob Sampson. I've been thinking about you, about what you have said to me before our first encounter in the ring. I was thinking maybe I owe you an apology. An apology of course because of how I 'judged' you wrong. Of course you are more than just a technical wrestler as you saw fit to say I judged you only as. Also how I was trying to make you look like a fool, I was thinking how that was wrong. You're no fool, you are a talented wrestler. You've shown that to me and I'm very grateful for that. And hell, you even had your own hand raised in victory, just like you predicted. Because of your brilliant deduction, I felt like a total heel because of the words I have said before. Then, when I came back into the ring, shaked your hand like a true gentleman, and looked you in the eyes, my mind was almost made up in giving you the apology you justly deserved. But then, as I left the ring and you continued to celebrate like you single handedly won the match, there was one last thing that I thought to myself that really made me see everything clearly about you and our upcoming match..."
(Suicide brushes his hair away from his face, revealing a black eyepatch covering his right eye, with his face motionless.)
Suicide: "Who the (FCC) are you? Apparently, your ego is starting to get the best of you. Yeah, you had your hand raised in victory, but just like I told you before, you weren't the only one who won that match. While you made the pin, it was I who sealed the deal. I guess that's the story of your whole career, eh Mr. Sampson? Take the credit for someone else's work. Don't get me wrong, you showed one hell of a display in that ring. You truly are one great athlete. But I guess I didn't prove anything to you yet have I? I guess you didn't hear me the first time so allow me to once again to repeat myself: I don't need to prove a damn thing to you....ever."
(Suicide stands up to his feet. He puts his hair in a ponytail from a rubber band he grabbed next to him on the weight bench. He then grabs hold of a Garcia Vega and places it in his mouth. With the Zippo next to it, he flicks the wick on and lights up the cigar, taking a few puffs. Suicide then takes out the cigar out of his mouth, as the some lingers in the air around him.)
Suicide: "What you saw of me Mr. Samspon is just a taste of what I am capable of. My love for this sport has no boundaries....and neither does my wrestling skill. However you want this match to play out, I'll do my best to go toe to toe with you. You want to try to outwrestle me? Prepare for a techinical delight. Want to try to outfly me? Prepare for a dogfight. For you, all this match really is is another stop on your tour to become World Heavyweight champion. And me? I'm just a little stepping stone. I guess you didn't feel you stub your toe the first time because this time, if you try stepping all over me again, I'm going to snap your damn ankle. While some are handed oppotunities on a silver platter, and some are expecting to be given oppotunities like they were freebies, I earn mine. Every title, every trophy, every accomplishment I have made in this sport....I earned everything. The scars on my body, they are reminders as to why I'm still breathing. Want to continue to overlook the most underrated wrestler in this sport today? I'll give you your very own reminder. When I'm drawing blood from your body in our match, I'll write my name with the crimson paint on your forehead. Then, when it comes to you waking up from being unconscious because you decided to overlook me, you will come to know it wasn't just some punk rookie that took your ass down, nor was it every other typical wrestler you've faced in your career....no. Just look in the mirror and know that it was The Man....The Myth....The Legend.....Suicide. And if that isn't enough for you, I'll just carve my damn name into your lobe of flesh. It seems that'll be the only way you'll have me....
(Suicide taps his head with his finger a few times.)
Suicide: "Always on your mind.....nuff said....."
(The camera fades out as Suicide disappears into the shadows of the dimly lit room.)